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Goodbye Jesus

Gay Marriage Discussion With Facebook Fundy


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Interesting side note:


I found out last night that Ricky is a 50ish year old man. He was the leader of David's Royal Rangers (xian version of Boy Scouts) when David was a kid. Everything about his comments led me to believe he was a stupid kid. I guess that makes sense though in that his reasoning never progressed beyond that of a child.


Jesus said to be like little children. Gullible, and dumb as rocks.

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But Paul said he put away childish things when he grew up. WTF?!? Doesn't Ricky's weird childish attitude directly contradict several other verses saying the opposite?


It blows my mind that a man of his age could be so completely immature. I'd seriously have expected those quotes to have come from a 13-year-old. There's no rationality in them at all, no maturity, no depth of experience. I'm dismayed.

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But Paul said he put away childish things when he grew up. WTF?!? Doesn't Ricky's weird childish attitude directly contradict several other verses saying the opposite?


It blows my mind that a man of his age could be so completely immature. I'd seriously have expected those quotes to have come from a 13-year-old. There's no rationality in them at all, no maturity, no depth of experience. I'm dismayed.


Well, Paul never actually spoke to or apparently heard of an earthly Jesus.

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Well, yes. That, and we're not even sure Paul wrote everything we attribute to him so who even fucking knows who wrote the Love Chapter to begin with. But still. This holy book that was inspired by a living God and supposedly everything a modern human needs to get by in the world has all these contradictions? Yet another reason to ignore its demands.


I'd ruin ol' Ricky's life in about five minutes flat of face-to-face time, I think. Most of the fine women of ex-C would, for that matter. His worldview depends on a lot of things being exactly what he needs them to be.


(PS: A 50-year-old man goes by RICKY?!? WTF, does he still play with Transformers too? Only Ricky Gervais gets away with that and only because he is amazing and British.)

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I've seen one guy even imply that the Aboriginals in Australia were all straight until the English arrived.


That's a myth in Africa as well. That homosexuality was brought in by white people. Before that it never existed in Africa. Yeah, right.


I read about it when those horrific, Christianity inspired, anti-gay laws of Uganda were in the news.


Was this some recent thing? Because in college I read a monograph in a sociology class about African tribes that practiced gay anal sex as a rite of passage for youths entering adulthood. I was fundie at the time and nobody ever said a word about Africa not doing that till white people encountered it.


Despite historical evidence of homosexuality in Africa long before the Europeans arrived, most conservative African religious and political leaders now view homosexuality as a Western export, and a form of imperialism and neocolonialism. And of course, U.S. conservatives exploit and encourage this belief.



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Interesting side note:


I found out last night that Ricky is a 50ish year old man. He was the leader of David's Royal Rangers (xian version of Boy Scouts) when David was a kid. Everything about his comments led me to believe he was a stupid kid. I guess that makes sense though in that his reasoning never progressed beyond that of a child.


Woah, plot twist!

But not really...Fundys seems to be on the same train of thought, regardless of age. It's sad to know that some people never think for themselves even once in their life.

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Jblueep, I'm glad there are straight allies like you that are willing to have these kinds of debates with fundies because I personally don't even have the energy to try anymore. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall and I just don't have the energy anymore to bother.closedeyes.gif


It's my pleasure to try. I'm not sure it will do any good, but we can hope.


I went back to the facebook discussion the next day and and added one comment (below, from information ficino/london posted), and unfortunately his response was juvenile and predictable.




@ricky, not to reopen the debate, but I wanted to correct one mistake I made in my previous comments. I agreed with you that sodomy laws were still on the books in some states, when in fact that is no longer the case. The supreme court overturned the Texas sodomy law in 2003 effectively ending all sodomy laws in the few states that still had them at that time. Here's a link with the details if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States.






Ricky's reply sums up his entire argument.


I too am flabbergasted that he's in his 50s! I wonder whether he ever had any temptations toward any of the boy scouts he scoutmastered...

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I too am flabbergasted that he's in his 50s! I wonder whether he ever had any temptations toward any of the boy scouts he scoutmastered...


That actually crossed my mind too! Although I thought the same thing with his beastiality references SheepFucker.gif

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I too am flabbergasted that he's in his 50s! I wonder whether he ever had any temptations toward any of the boy scouts he scoutmastered...


That actually crossed my mind too! Although I thought the same thing with his beastiality references SheepFucker.gif


For those that don't know, Jblue will use any excuse he can to engage the sheepfucker emoticon. :P

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I'm still waiting to use some of my very favorite emoticons. J is a hero for finding a context for that one.



I can't tell from that linked article just how long Africa's had this delusion that they didn't have homosexuality at all till white men arrived, but seriously, in college mumblemumble years ago nobody even mentioned that myth. The document I read implied it was a very old practice for the tribe being studied. WEIRD. But if it's true, then the neo-nazis have some explaining to do. How can white people possibly be the chosen race if we're that pervy? ;)

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The only thing Africa didn't have till the white man showed up was Christianity. We all see how that worked for them.

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I would not have guessed 50 either. I'm gonna predict SINGLE as well. Possible never married. :o

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Sadly I not surprised this "man" is in his 50's. I was actually just thinking to myself earlier today about how childish and immature so many adults are these days even though they're in their 40's and 50's. It's like they never stopped being teenagers. Throw in the one-track-mind fundy shit on top of that, and it's twice as bad.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell David and Ricky to watch "For the Bible Tells Me So." It's on YouTube.

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Tell David and Ricky to watch "For the Bible Tells Me So." It's on YouTube.


David is an atheist. Ricky wouldn't watch it if I suggested it as he is retarded :)

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