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Goodbye Jesus

Gay Marriage Discussion With Facebook Fundy


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Wow. When all else fails, relabel the conversation as a win and claim a victory FOR JESUS!

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By his logic, the black people who were forced to sit in the back of the bus should have kept quiet. Sure, they were being discriminated against, but why should they force others to accept them?

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By his logic, the black people who were forced to sit in the back of the bus should have kept quiet. Sure, they were being discriminated against, but why should they force others to accept them?


Yeah, I tried to make that very point with interracial marriage (several times in different ways), but I'm not sure his fundy brain ever comprehended what I was saying.

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It doesn't sound like it based on the snippet you posted, no, J.

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They are FULLY AWARE they're losing the battle. It's just a matter of time before DOMA and anything else related is flushed down the potty.


The thing with xianity, like many have said here before, is its ability to mutate to prevent being killed off. Its the greatest evolutionary religion in existence. It can make god appear however you want him to appear: loving, angry, meek, vengeful, brilliant, stupid, etc. just cherry pick your own god from the buffett of characteristics. But as critical textual analysis becomes more widely available and known by the layperson, more and more will realize the sweater falls apart once you tug at a single thread.

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The babble encourages three-somes with women:

(Gen 30:3) And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her.


and incest with daughters (The daughters of lot).


Bible's got a lot of porn if read in the correct spirit.

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His arguments were pathetic! I've seen them before but they make me cringe every time. I love how he whinged that " the gays are trying to force their ways on me" but when you remined him that he is doing exactly that to them he suddenly didn't want to debate anymore. I think he knows you got him on that one! It amazes me as to how selfish Christians are when it comes to this but it doesn't surprise me.

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Agord, their condemnation of the idea of gays having rights depends almost completely on the idea that it's the mean ol' gays choosing to be naughty. If it turns out that gays are just as hardwired for their sexual desires as straights are, then that kind of means God makes people gay just like he makes them straight. CAN'T HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE

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I want to marry my duck. Why can't I marry my duck. My duck loves me and I love my duck.........quack!



who would then have a right to say I cannot marry my duck, my pogo stick, my left hand.



I forgot, ducks, pogo sticks. and hands are consenting adults that have legal standing and can sign a marriage lisense rolleyes.gif


I think Ricky Gervais said that, but I could be wrong.

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Jblueep, I'm glad there are straight allies like you that are willing to have these kinds of debates with fundies because I personally don't even have the energy to try anymore. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall and I just don't have the energy anymore to bother.closedeyes.gif

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If homosexuality is a legitimate lifestyle then you do not need anyone's approval, so why force someone to accept it?


OK, I admit that I don't have the attention span to make it through the OP, for which I apologize. However, ^^^ is a long-standing pet peeve of mine, & I've gotta say it somewhere:


Conservatives keep flinging around that stupid, inappropriate use of the word "lifestyle" like there's no tomorrow. People's orientation, gender or relationships are not "lifestyles", dammit. Low-carb eating is a lifestyle. Tattoos & piercings are a lifestyle. Riding an RV down to the Grand Canyon is a lifestyle, as is using a summer time-share in Florida. People's core identities and involuntary, natural sexual and gender statuses are not lifestyles, any more than being Ukranian or hazel-eyed or left-handed are lifestyles. When the hell will they ever let something that basic sink in?!?!? Wendybanghead.gif


No doubt Agord, and I did counter that point.

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Jblueep, I'm glad there are straight allies like you that are willing to have these kinds of debates with fundies because I personally don't even have the energy to try anymore. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall and I just don't have the energy anymore to bother.closedeyes.gif


It's my pleasure to try. I'm not sure it will do any good, but we can hope.


I went back to the facebook discussion the next day and and added one comment (below, from information ficino/london posted), and unfortunately his response was juvenile and predictable.




@ricky, not to reopen the debate, but I wanted to correct one mistake I made in my previous comments. I agreed with you that sodomy laws were still on the books in some states, when in fact that is no longer the case. The supreme court overturned the Texas sodomy law in 2003 effectively ending all sodomy laws in the few states that still had them at that time. Here's a link with the details if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States.





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Jblueep, I'm glad there are straight allies like you that are willing to have these kinds of debates with fundies because I personally don't even have the energy to try anymore. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall and I just don't have the energy anymore to bother.closedeyes.gif


It's my pleasure to try. I'm not sure it will do any good, but we can hope.


I went back to the facebook discussion the next day and and added one comment (below, from information finico/london posted), and unfortunately his response was juvenile and predictable.




@ricky, not to reopen the debate, but I wanted to correct one mistake I made in my previous comments. I agreed with you that sodomy laws were still on the books in some states, when in fact that is no longer the case. The supreme court overturned the Texas sodomy law in 2003 effectively ending all sodomy laws in the few states that still had them at that time. Here's a link with the details if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States.






LOL, I am laughing so fucking hard right now. lmao_99.gif That is the funniest reply to anything yet. :lmao: Well at least Ricky was good for a side splitting laugh. His logic is that of a child and so are his answers. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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It sounds just like my gay (but now deceased :( ) friend would tell me "that's so gross you wanna stick your dick in her twat"

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It's my pleasure to try. I'm not sure it will do any good, but we can hope.


I went back to the facebook discussion the next day and and added one comment (below, from information finico/london posted), and unfortunately his response was juvenile and predictable.




@ricky, not to reopen the debate, but I wanted to correct one mistake I made in my previous comments. I agreed with you that sodomy laws were still on the books in some states, when in fact that is no longer the case. The supreme court overturned the Texas sodomy law in 2003 effectively ending all sodomy laws in the few states that still had them at that time. Here's a link with the details if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States.






LMAO!lmao_99.gif I can't do anything but laugh, especially because this dumbass thinks gays are the only ones that do it - I know PLENTY of straight people who do too, so what's this dumbass fundy got to say about that?rolleyes.gif

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You know, I think it's fucking hilarious, as well, that it's assumed being gay is all about buttsecks. Like, that's all they do, EVER.


I even had a girl I worked with FUCKING APPALLED that I was dating a bisexual man, and she asked "what if his...thing...was in some dude's BUTT??" Well, I had to inform the silly little bint that straight people have anal sex too. I told him about this later, as a giggle, and he told me that he, in fact, never had done anal - found it gross and never would, with any male or female.


Imagine that! A queer man NOT HAVING TEH BUTTSECKS! CALL THE MEDIA! fun_84.gif

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Agord, their condemnation of the idea of gays having rights depends almost completely on the idea that it's the mean ol' gays choosing to be naughty. If it turns out that gays are just as hardwired for their sexual desires as straights are, then that kind of means God makes people gay just like he makes them straight. CAN'T HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE

Simply firing, "Did you choose to be straight?" at the person should work most times. If not, you may have a classic lost cause.


The idea that people choose to be gay is honestly one of the stupidest things I have heard. I've seen one guy even imply that the Aboriginals in Australia were all straight until the English arrived.

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It's quite telling that the homophobic fundie's response was what it was. He's got a lot of smokescreen excuses for why he thinks gays are sub-human, but it all boils down to him feeling uncomfortable with the idea that someone, somewhere is getting off on sexual practices with which he is ignorant. That's beyond sad. It's so arrogant of him to dictate that the whole world operate on the sexual rules that his narrow-minded, utterly repressed little mind finds comfy. I'd fucking HATE to be his partner, though I doubt it'd even get as far as bed with someone that completely childish.


When I was a child, I thought as a child, but now I have grown up and put away childish things. (Says the menopausal gal who has My Little Ponies and Hello Kitty figurines atop her monitor. Shh, nothing to see here, move along, these are not the droids you're looking for.)


Did you give Ricky the shocking newsflash that a lot of straight men AND women love anal and that some gay folks don't actually love the butt? And that hundreds of animal species do anal? And have we established why he thinks it's okay to demand the rest of the world fall into lockstep with what HE thinks is normal?

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Did you give Ricky the shocking newsflash that a lot of straight men AND women love anal and that some gay folks don't actually love the butt? And that hundreds of animal species do anal? And have we established why he thinks it's okay to demand the rest of the world fall into lockstep with what HE thinks is normal?


Since he never responded to this...


By your statement "Besides that part of the anatomy is not for that purpose; it is a shoot for extraction of waste" then I suppose that you have an equal objection to oral sex since that part of the anatomy is for breathing and consuming food?


...I doubt he has the mental faculties to answer your question :o

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It's quite telling that the homophobic fundie's response was what it was. He's got a lot of smokescreen excuses for why he thinks gays are sub-human, but it all boils down to him feeling uncomfortable with the idea that someone, somewhere is getting off on sexual practices with which he is ignorant. That's beyond sad. It's so arrogant of him to dictate that the whole world operate on the sexual rules that his narrow-minded, utterly repressed little mind finds comfy. I'd fucking HATE to be his partner, though I doubt it'd even get as far as bed with someone that completely childish.


When I was a child, I thought as a child, but now I have grown up and put away childish things. (Says the menopausal gal who has My Little Ponies and Hello Kitty figurines atop her monitor. Shh, nothing to see here, move along, these are not the droids you're looking for.)


Did you give Ricky the shocking newsflash that a lot of straight men AND women love anal and that some gay folks don't actually love the butt? And that hundreds of animal species do anal? And have we established why he thinks it's okay to demand the rest of the world fall into lockstep with what HE thinks is normal?




oh, I'm, uh, only asking bc JBlue wants to know.



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Someone needs to ask the homophobic kid this: WHY when you go into big cities are the gay areas the ones with coolest nightclubs, best eateries and coffee shops and have such a low crime rate? For that matter, gothic chics really turn me on: did I chose to have a liking towards that?

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I've seen one guy even imply that the Aboriginals in Australia were all straight until the English arrived.


That's a myth in Africa as well. That homosexuality was brought in by white people. Before that it never existed in Africa. Yeah, right.


I read about it when those horrific, Christianity inspired, anti-gay laws of Uganda were in the news.

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I get the facebook funny-mentals that claim I have 'been so mislead' in believing everyone deserves equal rights, including same-sex marriages. I am getting better about removing them from friends list and blocking them.

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I've seen one guy even imply that the Aboriginals in Australia were all straight until the English arrived.


That's a myth in Africa as well. That homosexuality was brought in by white people. Before that it never existed in Africa. Yeah, right.


I read about it when those horrific, Christianity inspired, anti-gay laws of Uganda were in the news.


Was this some recent thing? Because in college I read a monograph in a sociology class about African tribes that practiced gay anal sex as a rite of passage for youths entering adulthood. I was fundie at the time and nobody ever said a word about Africa not doing that till white people encountered it.

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Interesting side note:


I found out last night that Ricky is a 50ish year old man. He was the leader of David's Royal Rangers (xian version of Boy Scouts) when David was a kid. Everything about his comments led me to believe he was a stupid kid. I guess that makes sense though in that his reasoning never progressed beyond that of a child.

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