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Goodbye Jesus

Perhaps An Introduction Is Needed From An "extreme Leftist" Idealogists


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Raoul, you are a breath of fresh air.

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One man's pain is another man's pleasure

Like one's trash may be another's treasure.

I may say, "That man is suffering right;

We are both sharing the very same plight."

And what I believe to be empathy,

May, in fact, just be our shared misery.

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Raoul, I have been on this site since I deconverted in March, and in that relatively short period, I have learned one thing specifically.

Legion is a consummate wind up merchant of the highest order and despises leftists like Christian despise atheists. Don't take it personally, Just recognize it for what it is. I don't bother responding to his anti left wing bile because there's not a lot of sense in doing so for all the riddles, victim games and rubbish that comes next.

He might very well be a nice guy in "meatspace" but here he's just a broken fucking record, to be honest. I can't be bothered.

Hasta la Victoria siempre.

thanks for the heads up and I'm gonna follow your wise advice. Especially after seeing another thread he began in which he wrote something about 'no one having a problem with the fact that there are still MODERATES in the RIGHT WING'. I wanted to scream out, 'no, wrong again because if they're moderates then they're CENTRISTS and NOT right wing'. Besides any and all moderates fled the republican party eons ago. But I refrained because as you put it, why talk to a broken record? Thanks again for the confirmation.
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Raoul, you are a breath of fresh air.


Fresh air or fresh fart?

Gee, can I assume that is a bit of criticism? And if so then - do YOU wanna dance now? I'd be thrilled to lead.. LOL
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Raoul, you are a breath of fresh air.


Fresh air or fresh fart?

Gee, can I assume that is a bit of criticism? And if so then - do YOU wanna dance now? I'd be thrilled to lead.. LOL


Are you flirting with me?

Yeah..wink..wink... LOL

Naw, probably just a bit lightheaded from my run. So I'm not in my right mind...(G)

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