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Goodbye Jesus

Lost And Confused


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Hi everyone,


I'm new here, so I thought I would give a short introduction smile.png. I'm a 21 year old college student, I first left Christianity at 10 years old, and ever since then it's been a confusing, tiring, and sometimes depressing road to find peace, security, whatever. I've studied almost every religion you can think of and even "joined" a few, only to end up leaving later. I tend to lean towards Eastern Spirituality nowadays.


I do, however, have a problem! I recently moved to a very conservative Christian state and there is no diversity among religion or people for that matter. I feel cornered and pressured into joining a church just to make friends, since I have no friends here. I tried my best to find a point of reason in Christianity so that I may be able to believe it, but I simply can't do it. I believe in God, but I don't believe God would create such an illogical, unreasonable story and way of life that is prescribed in the Bible. I can't view it seriously anymore.


I'm also scared to not be a part of a strongly organized religion, because I spent a few years of my life in a certain religion and I had a good group of friends, girlfriend, etc. So, I miss that security of belonging, but I need to get over it, I think.


So, I don't know what to do. It's been eating me up lately and I have absolutely noone to reach out to for help. Have no friends here, there's no groups of anykind, all the college students grew up together so I'm the outcast....etc.. Any advice, help, anything would be deeply appreciated smile.png.

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Welcome! Welcome. Histamine!

You've already followed the advice I'd give.

Hang with us here in a virtual world

until, in meatspace, you find some friends.


Yes, we will certainly encourage you.

And some here do Eastern Spirituality.

They know it is far far better than

any denomination of Christianity.


So again, I welcome you here Histamine.

You need not worry 'bout immune response.

Rest assured if you're messed with here,

I'll come in there and clean their clocks.



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Welcome histimine! So glad you joined us. It can be a very lonley spot to be in when you are a deep thinker like us. I can only speak from my own experience. I belong to a 12 step organization in which I disagree on 3/4 of the 'doctrine'. It's all based on 'higher power' stuff. I sometimes feel like I'm still in church. Nobody there knows I feel like this. I have some great friends in this organization. I just nod when they get to talking about how god is always there for any difficult situations, blah, blah, blah......


We are stuck in the world of 'believer's. There is only a small percentage of us. So we look very different. This can be hard on us.


Stay with us...there will be many suggestions and you will be able to figure out what you have to do to make your life 'work' for you!!


Sincerely, Margee


thanks for sharing your story!

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Welcome, Histamine! I'm really glad you found the site - sounds like it was just at the right time. I'm sorry this is such a lonely time for you. That's no fun. :(


This place has been great for me and my husband. We left our church 9 months ago and lost all of our friends. We live in a religious small town so it's difficult sometimes. But the people here have made all the difference for us. I think you will find some good friends here, there are lots of young people your age. I do hope you are able to find some people at school or in your community who you can connect with. Don't give up! :)



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Yeah, I don't know what to tell you. But welcome here! I would encourage you to stand strong in who you are, and your confidence will draw people in. I nod my head often when Christian friends say something Christian-y, but kindly won't allow them to try to preach or pray over me or anything. Not because I cannot handle it, but because I don't want relationships built on their expectations of my life. You are young, enjoy building friendships that don't depend on religious affiliation. I for one am excited about that adventure. Good luck!

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Hi Histamine! I hope that you are able to find some like-minded friends. It might be worth your time to visit a "seeker-sensitive" church where you can be honest about your beliefs or just choose to keep them private. We have a few members here who still attend church.

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Hello and welcome!


You aren't alone in your dilemma. Certainly, you can't join some crackpot religion just to find "friends." All I can say is to give it time. Real friends will come into your life, usually from unexpected places. Be true to yourself and hang in there. Meanwhile, WE are here for you!

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I've spent my life in conservative Christian towns. I can relate. It's easier to tell people I'm gay than it is to tell them I'm not a Christian. In fact, I'm not even comfortable discussing my agnosticism in some gay circles. If only for social reasons and making friends, you might consider checking out a local Universal Unitarian Church. It sounds to me like you'll find a bunch of like-minded people there, folks who are interested in spirituality without the dogma.

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Thank you all for the kind and encouraging welcome! I look forward to browsing around the forum more!

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Welcome from me too, Histamine! Since you've moved only recently you will, I think, find some kindred spirits as time goes on. I gather you are still in college? Are there some campus groups to join that might not be Christian-dominated? And as Florduh points out, real friends emerge as you go along.

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Welcome from me too, Histamine! Since you've moved only recently you will, I think, find some kindred spirits as time goes on. I gather you are still in college? Are there some campus groups to join that might not be Christian-dominated? And as Florduh points out, real friends emerge as you go along.


Well, I've been here about a year, so it feels like an eternity to me haha. I spent most of that time looking for a church though, so now that I've jumped off the bandwagon, maybe something will appear.


Yes, still in college. There doesn't appear to be any campus groups of any kind, except for honors, which was mostly Bible-thumpers. Being that I am doing a short program right now (EMS) and don't intend on going to a university for another 3 or so years, it's unlikely I'll find much in my current school.

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