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Goodbye Jesus

Thank God I'm An Atheist! :-)


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Hi noob. It is a difficult time for you all. It is good that things have calmed down somewhat.


I agree with what Heretic said. I hope you can tell your mom not to badger your dad about spiritual matters. It will just add to more stress and strain and is not good for his well being.


I hope you are able to get some rest and take a step back and breathe. Refill your tank.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, it has been a month since I posted this rant and I wanted to thank everyone for the support and give a quick update.


Physically, my dad has recovered quite a bit from the stroke. He is slowly gaining strength in his right hand and arm. Emotionally, he is extremely angry which results in him being even more cranky than usual. I am sure the anger stems from the continued loss of his vision and hearing and his increasing dependence on my mom.


Mom seems like she has dropped the subject of my dad's salvation. I am sure that is not so, but I have not seen any indication that she is still pushing him in that direction. Apparently the preacher did call on him, but according to my dad it was just a nice visit with an offer of help if there was a need. I had a chance to talk to my dad one day when we were alone for a few minutes. I asked if he had any concerns about an afterlife and he said he absolutely did not.


I am so glad that I no longer believe in heaven and hell. I hate to think how tortured I would be knowing that my dad's health is failing and his life is moving toward the end if I thought his final destination would be an eternity of suffering. I wish there was a way to ease my mom's mind in this regard.



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He is almost blind and could not get himself untangled in time and he pissed himself.

Have him keep an empty 2-liter pop bottle next to the bed. If he has to go potty in the middle of the night, he can just stand next to the bed and whiz right into the bottle, cap it and set it on the floor to be emptied and rinsed in the morning. If the bottle starts smelling after a while, pour some finger nail polish remover into the bottle and swish it around and rinse.
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Peace to you noob. Most of us still have family members in the church. It can be sticky dealing with them, but eventually they do calm down and accept what you believe if they care for you.


Just a thought, for you to ask your Mom at the right time. It was a life changing thought that suddenly occured to me one day. The last day I ever said I was a xian. Here it is, and probably most of people here thought of it much sooner than I did:


If Jesus died for our sins, who was he protecting us from? His father who wants to send us all to burn forever in eternity because we did not say magic words. His father is the one with the


That was the final straw for me. Game over.

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