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Goodbye Jesus

Pray For Rain, Sheeple!


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MR - do like my best friend did. Let the crabgrass take over. It's green. It's drought-resistant. NOTHING CAN KILL IT. What's not to like? ;)


I noticed that about Texas, too, FeelHappy. Very sad that they didn't see the cosmic irony as well as we did.

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I'm sure some people will take it upon themselves to provide some fireworks. Always good for a nice brush fire..lol


already happened in my neighborhood. We live in the sticks a bit. There are little farm plots all over the place. Well this year was a wheat year. The wheat was harvested in May. The field has been nothing but stalks since.


So what do some of the redneck kids do. Set the field on fire with fireworks. And they are still shooting them off every night.


Just waiting for the firestorm to happen on the 4th. Maybe we'll lose the fucking house and can rebuild.

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Well, I have rather uneven luck with weather-tinkering. The one time I made a concerted effort to get rid of some clouds so I could watch a solar eclipse, they settled back in a couple of days later and didn't leave for over 3 months.


But I'm willing to give it the old college try. I hereby put in an order for 1 inch of rain, distributed in 2 or 3 discrete rain showers (none of them to exceed 0.5" in any one session), with winds not to exceed 15 mph, to be delivered over the next week, to fall in Mcdaddy's yard and in a radius of approximately 10 miles therefrom.


Can't be too careful, y'know.



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Indian Rain dance??


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