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Goodbye Jesus

How To Decode Christian Things


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"Come to my church" also has an alternative meaning: "Come with me to a place where everyone disapproves of the same stuff I do and submit to peer pressure while I try to fix the things I think are wrong with you."


That is about it in a nutshell. There is a church prevalent in the south that says no musical instruments or you will be damned.

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The first rule of Christ club is, don't talk about Christ club.


The second rule....well you know the rest.


Now if only they'd follow that rule... all our lives would be much more quiet and comfortable ;)

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God is Love = We skipped past the flood, the conquests of Canaan, Jericho, ect, Sadam and Gamora, and much much more.

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Lets get a christian comedian video = lets watch some boring guy when we know andrew dice clay is much funnier


Lets watch TBN = I am too fucking brainwashed to realize TBN is a total scam run by thieves


Lets demonstrate and protest so suzy does not have an abortion = suzy's kid is now 18 and had no future so he joined the marines and got his legs blown off in the middle east. Not that christians care about that issue.

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"Love you neighbor as yourself"

Doesn't mean much if all your self esteem was beaten out of you with a sin stick.

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"Christians are under attack!" = "people we don't like are being seen as equal"

"Satan is getting stronger" = "people are starting to see through our lies"

"Christianity isn't a religion" = "But we're not cause we're right"

"God works through people" = "I'm God's spokes person so shut up and listen to me"

"God works in mysterious ways" = "It's not supposed to make sense!"

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"How's your thought life?" = I need some new porn sites

"God's ways are not our ways" = No one knows and stop asking questions.

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"I just have faith": I know there's no evidence to back up this claim and it sounds ridiculous.

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"God's on your case" = I'm on your case, and I'm not going to stop annoying the fuck out of you until you do what I want you to do!


"God loves you just the way you are, but too much to leave you that way" = I don't like you and I want you to change.

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