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Goodbye Jesus

Once And For All


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I started to walk away a few months ago as some of you know, but it was difficult to let go, I know some of you have also experienced that, but finally I can let go. I was totally honest with a Christian and he hurt me beyond belief for being honest - now I can let go with no qualms.


So all you've really left is organized Religion? That's a good start but isn't a particularly good reason for leaving Christianity. Most of us left because we discovered that the Bible is a primitive book of Myths and Legends written by men.


How do I loose hold of the belief aspect which still has a hold of me, because to be honest it wasn't really the belief part itself which has made me an ex-C.


Replace beliefs with knowledge. A firm foundation in Science will help. And there are some good books that will help with your deconversion. Below are a couple of free books you can download.


The Christ Myth by Arthur Drews


The witnesses to the historicity of Jesus by Arthur Drews


Christianity and mythology by J M Robertson


Pagan Christs : studies in comparative hierology by J M Robertson


A short history of Christianity by J M Robertson


The Jesus problem; a restatement of the myth theory by J M Robertson

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It does take time to leave, for many of us decades. It is like cutting out a part of you. And still, years later, a religious, random thought will hit. When it does, acknowledge "religion did not save me, it still wants to destroy me.


Perhaps the hardest part is that you realize there are some really good passages in the Bible. But the same message is available from ancient Greece, or philosphers or from the Buddhist traditions. We don't worship those just because they have a good thoughts.


When I was a xian, I thought the good of Jesus justified the bad of the Old Testament. But the Bible also says: God never changes. Hitler loved his dog, but he was still a mass murderer. It is horrible to realize, but the God of the bible was a mass murderer, too. That means, he still is. Who--that is not brainwashed--worships that?


When you're ready, you will let it totally go. But it is a deprogramming process, it is removing the brainwashing. Take your time, be good to yourself, and know religious thoughts are going to enter your mind ocassionally, but be strong, it is how effective the brainwashing really is. But train your mind to trust yourself and not someone who is as lost and confused in religion as you were. You will be surprised at the number of non believers in church. Sometimes--unconsciously, I don't think they know why--they want you back at church because they want reassurance they are not crazy! I found myself doing that long ago, and now recognize when someone else is doing it. Be aware and logical. Think things through, and you will be so happy as an ex-xian.

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