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What Is The Closest Thing You Have To A Religion If Your Not Religious?

Guest Valk0010

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Guest Valk0010

This is just pure curiosity.


For me its pro wrestling. I love it, watch it. Its my pipe dream career to be involved in some capacity.


What about you all?

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I worship at the alter of learning lol.


When I was a christian, there was an answer for everything, even if that answer was just "god works in mysterious ways". That type of mindset effectively cripples all curiosity. When you get an immediate, pat answer for every question, it takes away from the joy of having a question and pursuing it, and all the things you learn along the way in pursuit of finding that answer, even if, at the end, there is no concrete answer.


Since I left christianity and became an atheist, my curiosity and desire to learn has exponentially increased. It's a brand new world :)

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I worship at the alter of learning lol.


When I was a christian, there was an answer for everything, even if that answer was just "god works in mysterious ways". That type of mindset effectively cripples all curiosity. When you get an immediate, pat answer for every question, it takes away from the joy of having a question and pursuing it, and all the things you learn along the way in pursuit of finding that answer, even if, at the end, there is no concrete answer.


Since I left christianity and became an atheist, my curiosity and desire to learn has exponentially increased. It's a brand new world :)


This is me 100%!!!!

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I worship at the alter of learning lol.


When I was a christian, there was an answer for everything, even if that answer was just "god works in mysterious ways". That type of mindset effectively cripples all curiosity. When you get an immediate, pat answer for every question, it takes away from the joy of having a question and pursuing it, and all the things you learn along the way in pursuit of finding that answer, even if, at the end, there is no concrete answer.


Since I left christianity and became an atheist, my curiosity and desire to learn has exponentially increased. It's a brand new world smile.png


This is me 100%!!!!


Fist bump!!

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Though I have stated it before the Micheal Teachings.


Specifically the philosophy of choice.

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This is just pure curiosity.


For me its pro wrestling. I love it, watch it. Its my pipe dream career to be involved in some capacity.


What about you all?


I'm still a neo-pagan and follow the sabbats, though I no longer believe in magic or gods of any kind.


I also worship at the alter of pro-wrestling! I miss Edge SO MUCH. :(

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Like McD and Pudd, I also love learning.


My new "religion" however is simply to live out my beliefs. As a Christian I often felt like a misfit--having to be either theocentric or pseudo-anthropocentric, but now I can really be me and live out my ecocentric beliefs. I feel like I'm breathing fresh air for the first time in my life!

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Guest Valk0010

I worship at the alter of learning lol.


When I was a christian, there was an answer for everything, even if that answer was just "god works in mysterious ways". That type of mindset effectively cripples all curiosity. When you get an immediate, pat answer for every question, it takes away from the joy of having a question and pursuing it, and all the things you learn along the way in pursuit of finding that answer, even if, at the end, there is no concrete answer.


Since I left christianity and became an atheist, my curiosity and desire to learn has exponentially increased. It's a brand new world smile.png

That is the one competing one. I am trying to deconvert from politics however. I am bored of it.
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That is the one competing one. I am trying to deconvert from politics however. I am bored of it.


Oh, that's easily fixed. Just start identifying as an Aussie. We're apathetic about politics lol.

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Guest Valk0010

That is the one competing one. I am trying to deconvert from politics however. I am bored of it.


Oh, that's easily fixed. Just start identifying as an Aussie. We're apathetic about politics lol.

I will move there if I have the money someday, and a way to get pass your rather draconian immigration laws for anybody that isn't rich and well educated.
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Frank Lloyd Wright


Howard Stern


Because food is my religion, the Martin house is my church & Howard is my priest. ;)

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I worship at the alter of learning lol.


When I was a christian, there was an answer for everything, even if that answer was just "god works in mysterious ways". That type of mindset effectively cripples all curiosity. When you get an immediate, pat answer for every question, it takes away from the joy of having a question and pursuing it, and all the things you learn along the way in pursuit of finding that answer, even if, at the end, there is no concrete answer.


Since I left christianity and became an atheist, my curiosity and desire to learn has exponentially increased. It's a brand new world smile.png


I can't give a reputation point because I'm all out - but I love this.

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Like McD and Pudd, I also love learning.


My new "religion" however is simply to live out my beliefs. As a Christian I often felt like a misfit--having to be either theocentric or pseudo-anthropocentric, but now I can really be me and live out my ecocentric beliefs. I feel like I'm breathing fresh air for the first time in my life!


I would have to 'third' this girls! I have been a questioner all my life and it feels so good to be free to question anything I want now!! With NO guilt!! I love being free!!! Free to be ME!!!! GONZ9729CustomImage1541245.gif

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I have a lot of reverence for nature. 16 billion years is a lot more impressive than 6 days.

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This is just pure curiosity.


For me its pro wrestling. I love it, watch it. Its my pipe dream career to be involved in some capacity.


What about you all?


Well that explains quite a bit.... oxox ;) oxox ;) .... but not to appear snide in the least or diminish your genuine question...


I still work with some missionary friends and we dig wells in third world hell holes. But this trip is going to be SO SO different. I will be going under my own banner....if that makes sense. The motivation is coming from a WHOLLY DIFFERENT PLACE IN MY HEART AD MIND!!!


DO. GOOD. for the SAKE of good....not for Jeebus or salvation...


It is exhilarating.


....and yeah....trying to get away from politics....there is not a damn thing anyone can do about the zeitgeist....it will persist without my opinion.,,,so fuckem...I'm off to dig wells and hunt Cape Buffalo.

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I uphold books as holy objects to be revered.

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I uphold books as holy objects to be revered.


I'm constantly checking out new books and reading to heart's content. Mental focus has to be applied to a book (or any token based on the printed word) in a way that's simply not necessary with picture-based media.


I'm quite enamored of baseball myself, though the results of the games and seasons have no real connection to my life. I ritualistically keep score if I'm watching/in attendance at a game.

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That is the one competing one. I am trying to deconvert from politics however. I am bored of it.


Oh, that's easily fixed. Just start identifying as an Aussie. We're apathetic about politics lol.

I will move there if I have the money someday, and a way to get pass your rather draconian immigration laws for anybody that isn't rich and well educated.


Marry an Australian. Though I recommend that you actually love the chick- could get awkward, otherwise :P

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Guest Valk0010

That is the one competing one. I am trying to deconvert from politics however. I am bored of it.


Oh, that's easily fixed. Just start identifying as an Aussie. We're apathetic about politics lol.

I will move there if I have the money someday, and a way to get pass your rather draconian immigration laws for anybody that isn't rich and well educated.


Marry an Australian. Though I recommend that you actually love the chick- could get awkward, otherwise tongue.png

Well you ain't into shot gun weddings so I outta luck :P
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There is nothing more amazing to me than music. It is a language all it's own, even when it does not contain lyrics.


It is ethereal, a tool, an emotion, a thought, a story, a motivator, a healer.

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I practice Buddhist meditation and philosophy, but count myself an atheist. I don't believe in reincarnation, karma, samsara, and so on. I do believe the philosophy is reasonable and gives me focus.

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My belief in Level III Multiverse ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse#Level_III:_Many-worlds_interpretation_of_quantum_mechanics ). Same say the idea is falsifiable, others say it is not. The jury is still out on that.

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Respect for Nature and respect for animals as fellow sentient beings.

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This is just pure curiosity.


For me its pro wrestling. I love it, watch it. Its my pipe dream career to be involved in some capacity.


What about you all?

Me too. This is my "woo"


Even when I'm not watching it (it can get pretty bad sometimes) I'm still a fan. I'll still check out wrestling websites and read wrestler biographies. I've been watching it on and off since 1995.

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I've liked learning even before I was a Christian. It's the one constant in my life.The older I've gotten the less obsessive I have gotten with things. I can sit and read and be taken in by something now without it basically destroying my social life. I would read books and not stop till I was finished if they were good enough, no matter how long they were. Hell, I finished Stephen King's IT (which is over 1000 pages) in a couple days max. When I got KOTOR 2 people thought I moved or had died. I was not in contact with anyone, didn't even go to college for a solid fortnight. I hardly moved or slept during that entire time. I even lost a lot of weight from basically not eating. Thankfully, I am far more relaxed so while I may be taken in, it's more controllable :)

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