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The Theory Of Evolution Has Just Been Shot Out Of The Water. Checkmate, Atheists


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I was about to start bitching about not knowing what a scientific theory is, I think these text books should go back to the basics and teach children the difference between a hypothesis and scientific theory.

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Has anyone else actually hunted for good arguements for creationism/theism/etc. I'd like to once hear an arguement where I'm like "Hmmmm, I don't quite agree with their conclusions, but I can see why they believe this." Or hell, if there is even an actually convincing argument that'll change my mind, let me hear that! I know I'd be open to it. When I was 11, I was like "Evolution can't be true, but it damn sure makes a lot of sense. I can see why people believe this." But EVERY SINGLE MUTHERFUCKING ARGUMENT I've heard for creationism or any other fairytale-believed-to-be-true is SO FUCKING REDICULOUS! They all fall flat. They're all like "WTF!!! You can't see the obvious problem with your own arguement." Anyway, when I first ran across the OP, I was like, Hmmmmm.... Just maybe this will be something worth looking at. It wasn't what I was looking for, but I like the satiracle presentation.


I have been to a creationist seminar before and no i don't think there is a single argument out there that makes any sense what so ever, if you've actually done your research.

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I think if all boils down to "are you going to have faith in man or god.....", basically there's no good reason to believe in creationism.

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Even if Nessie was real it wouldn't disprove Evolution. She'd be a living fossil like the Coelocanth.

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Speaking of Godzilla.... Aron-Ra uses the character to illustrate why creationism is complete bullshit.

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