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Hey antix,


You've gotten a lot of polite responses so far mainly because of your attitude in how you approach us. We're not a bunch of arseholes, we just don't take too kindly to proselytising and arrogance, that's all. You seem cool, though :)

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Thanks again guys and as antlerman mentioned: Key Phrase Group think! Belief is one thing, but the outward expression many chrsitians do I find nauseating like raising their hands up in church and that annoying singing in the workplace etc. Also, there is something called the word faith movement: disgusting!

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Hey antix,


You've gotten a lot of polite responses so far mainly because of your attitude in how you approach us. We're not a bunch of arseholes, we just don't take too kindly to proselytising and arrogance, that's all. You seem cool, though smile.png


The arrogance with some xians can also be very annoying. Not to mention the applications of sociological theories. My idioit aunt and uncle do not drink, but they blow their money on stupid shit while praising the lord. Also, the christians that are totally anti alcohol need to think: I lik eto mention, do you think christians in germany do not have any beer or france do not have wine? Quit using american south redneck thought in your religion.

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My other with extreme christians is one simple question they cannot answer: (and by the way I am a libertarian republican, not a liberal). Why are the highest rates of divorce, drug use and teen pregnancy in the Bible belt states and the lowest rates in more liberal open minded states like MA ?


Also, one other question they cannot answer: "show me one single verse in the new testament promoting war"


Those crickets can make a real deafening noise can't they? wink.png




I was taught real sex ed by my midwife mother. I'm 28 and never been pregnant. Most of the girls that were at the Christian school with me got their version of "sex ed" (don't have sex before marriage, you'll get gonnaherpasyphillaids, a crack baby, and NO ONE WILL LOVE YOU!) and ended up pregnant, with shotgun weddings right out of high school. While still in that school, I was baffled and appalled that most girls my age had no idea how their own bodies worked. That's kind of important to know, even to just make sure everything's functioning correctly, you know?


Trying to scare teens into not having sex just turns them into hormonal Hulks. Eventually, it's just UUUUGGGHHHH MUST FUUUUUUCK!!!

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Hey antix,


You've gotten a lot of polite responses so far mainly because of your attitude in how you approach us. We're not a bunch of arseholes, we just don't take too kindly to proselytising and arrogance, that's all. You seem cool, though smile.png


The arrogance with some xians can also be very annoying. Not to mention the applications of sociological theories. My idioit aunt and uncle do not drink, but they blow their money on stupid shit while praising the lord. Also, the christians that are totally anti alcohol need to think: I lik eto mention, do you think christians in germany do not have any beer or france do not have wine? Quit using american south redneck thought in your religion.


It's a great irony, I think, the way many xtians waste money on xtian crap. It's like the thought never crosses their minds that if they're in deep financial strife, spending more money on crap or giving more to the church won't help them out. But putting that money towards getting themselves out of their situation, will.

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that annoying singing in the workplace etc.

I can't imagine that in the workplace. Someone singing while people are trying to focus on work is annoying in itself, let alone performing personal religious devotions that involuntarily engage others in the work place is more than inappropriate. I'm fortunate that for the most part where I live workplaces try to keep matters of religious faith respectful of others views. I can just imagine if I were to light some incense and start chanting mantras in the middle of my office floor how well that would go over! How would that be any different than singing hymns while at work?


Also, there is something called the word faith movement: disgusting!

Oh yes, I'm familiar with that. My mother-in-law is a Pentecostal preacher from Rhema of the the Kenneth Copland ilk, and I remember going to a ball game with her and she is raising her hand and speaking quietly the name of Jesus as our team tries to a get a home run. To them its like performing magic. "In the name of Jesus", is like casting a spell. Power words and all that. "Name it and claim it". And this they call faith?

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Hey antix,


You've gotten a lot of polite responses so far mainly because of your attitude in how you approach us. We're not a bunch of arseholes, we just don't take too kindly to proselytising and arrogance, that's all. You seem cool, though smile.png


The arrogance with some xians can also be very annoying. Not to mention the applications of sociological theories. My idioit aunt and uncle do not drink, but they blow their money on stupid shit while praising the lord. Also, the christians that are totally anti alcohol need to think: I lik eto mention, do you think christians in germany do not have any beer or france do not have wine? Quit using american south redneck thought in your religion.


It's a great irony, I think, the way many xtians waste money on xtian crap. It's like the thought never crosses their minds that if they're in deep financial strife, spending more money on crap or giving more to the church won't help them out. But putting that money towards getting themselves out of their situation, will.


DING DING DING Hate to say this, my sexual morals are pretty hard core, but if you are looking for a married person to full around with, the best place to pick up someone is a hard core christian church. The simple fact is in the US, christianity is a huge crutch for fuck ups. They have a crisis and turn to the lord and then get whacked because they listen to wacko ministers. We get some real wacko beliefes in the US: get on youtube and look up snake handling churches.

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Welcome and just keep on criticizing and we'll just keep on agreeing with you.


Really odd you choose to share the label christian with so many that you have disagreements with. You sound more like a candidate for deism or buddhism.

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Quit using american south redneck thought in your religion.


Now THAT made me laugh out loud. As a former catholic living in the south, I know exactly what you mean. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


Welcome to Ex-C.

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Welcome and just keep on criticizing and we'll just keep on agreeing with you.


I am wondering if this is why you are here Antixianxian. Please forgive me if I am being impolite all, but I am a little confused by and skeptical of a proclaimed Christian who comes to an ex-Christian website to bash other Christians.

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Welcome and just keep on criticizing and we'll just keep on agreeing with you.


I am wondering if this is why you are here Antixianxian. Please forgive me if I am being impolite all, but I am a little confused by and skeptical of a proclaimed Christian who comes to an ex-Christian website to bash other Christians.


Not impolite at all. I am not bashing the Bible, I am bashing the so called followers. Large difference in my opinion.

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Welcome and just keep on criticizing and we'll just keep on agreeing with you.


I am wondering if this is why you are here Antixianxian. Please forgive me if I am being impolite all, but I am a little confused by and skeptical of a proclaimed Christian who comes to an ex-Christian website to bash other Christians.


Not impolite at all. I am not bashing the Bible, I am bashing the so called followers. Large difference in my opinion.


So, Antixianxian, you question and object to the way some Christians behave. You and I are in agreement there. From your statement then, are you implying that you do not question or object to the Bible? It sounds to me as though you think there is a big difference between what the Bible says and the way Christians behave. Am I understanding you correctly?

(I am asking this because this is in the Colosseum section and not the Christian Life section.)

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My other with extreme christians is one simple question they cannot answer: (and by the way I am a libertarian republican, not a liberal). Why are the highest rates of divorce, drug use and teen pregnancy in the Bible belt states and the lowest rates in more liberal open minded states like MA ?


Also, one other question they cannot answer: "show me one single verse in the new testament promoting war"


Those crickets can make a real deafening noise can't they? wink.png




I was taught real sex ed by my midwife mother. I'm 28 and never been pregnant. Most of the girls that were at the Christian school with me got their version of "sex ed" (don't have sex before marriage, you'll get gonnaherpasyphillaids, a crack baby, and NO ONE WILL LOVE YOU!) and ended up pregnant, with shotgun weddings right out of high school. While still in that school, I was baffled and appalled that most girls my age had no idea how their own bodies worked. That's kind of important to know, even to just make sure everything's functioning correctly, you know?


Trying to scare teens into not having sex just turns them into hormonal Hulks. Eventually, it's just UUUUGGGHHHH MUST FUUUUUUCK!!!


Dammit, why wasn't my gf-to be- wife like that? Made me wait 7 fuckin years til marriage.


At least I got bj's.

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Also, one other question they cannot answer: "show me one single verse in the new testament promoting war"


In revelation the angelic host fight a war in heaven. Later jesus and 000s of angels fight a war slaughtering millions. Or so the fairy tale goes ;)

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Antixtianxtian: I am having a difficult time welcoming you to this site. I can't figure out why you are here.


Do you think the behavior of the followers and the religion/philosophy have no connection?


These Christians you object to so much (judgmental and proselytizing) have a Biblical mandate to do just that. If you admit this is so, why the objection? And if not why not? Why are you still one of them?

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Deva: You're missing it completely!


Antix is a TRUE CHRISTIAN. the ones he's railing against aren't TRUE CHRISTIANS.

He understands the bible PROPERLY. The other blowhards arent interpreting or practicing it the right way, which Antix is lucky enough to understand.


Antix, you are a good dude. you're halfway to becoming an Ex-C. Take the shackles off your mind, swallow the red pill with a shot of Beam, and join us who aren't blinded by ancient superstitions and ignorance.

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Oh, I think I get the picture, Mcdaddy. I see someone that doesn't see or understand the true implications of Christianity.

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Oh, I think I get the picture, Mcdaddy. I see someone that doesn't see or understand the true implications of Christianity.

My assumption is he sees them as not true to how he sees the spirit of his faith. And I'll bet you bottom line is that he sees us in our rejection of them as in fact more true to that than they are.


You know how many times I've heard members on this site say over the years how much more true and free to genuinely love others they experience now that they're no longer Christians? Countless. I always mused also saying "I'm more a Christian now that I'm not one, than I ever was when I was one". It's my bet he hears that sincerity that we actually place that first in our lives, and we hold no idols sacred that challenge that, even a belief in a petty, jealous God. That makes us more 'saved' than any Christian, and that he ironically sees us as more "Christian" than Christians, IMHO.

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... That makes us more 'saved' than any Christian, and that he ironically sees us as more "Christian" than Christians, IMHO.


Being "saved"...yeah...the idea that Jesus sets you free is a myth. Not only are Christians supposed to be slaves of Christ because he supposedly bought them with his blood. But also, ironically, Christianity makes you more a slave to sin as you start to obsess about the do's and do-not's.


I like the idea of an unconditionally loving God too, but that isn't what the god of the Bible is.

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I like the idea of an unconditionally loving God too, but that isn't what the god of the Bible is.


Exactly. Abraham's god is a petty, violent, capricious asshole. He ordered the death of whole cities just because they were "in the way" or worshiped another god. He expelled his own creations, his "children" from paradise because they disobeyed once. Not only that, but it is stated, in the bible, that he did this because he was afraid that they were more like him (like the serpent said would happen), and worried that they would find the Tree of Life and become gods themselves. So we can add insecure and bad parenting to the list.


Yes, most Christians I've known have acted poorly towards me, but I left the vile religion because its god is vile and not worthy of my worship. I've never personally encountered him (as I have other deities), but the stories to not put him in a good light, if he exists at all. And if I do meet him, he has some fucking explaining to do.

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Whatever your reason for being here Antix, I hope you find what you're looking for. Beliefs are very personal and imo, the more effort you put into your search for belief, the more beneficial it will be to your life. Don't give up searching; look into Deism or Buddhism- LivingLife is a pretty insightful guy wicked.gif

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Welcome and just keep on criticizing and we'll just keep on agreeing with you.


I am wondering if this is why you are here Antixianxian. Please forgive me if I am being impolite all, but I am a little confused by and skeptical of a proclaimed Christian who comes to an ex-Christian website to bash other Christians.


Not impolite at all. I am not bashing the Bible, I am bashing the so called followers. Large difference in my opinion.


So, Antixianxian, you question and object to the way some Christians behave. You and I are in agreement there. From your statement then, are you implying that you do not question or object to the Bible? It sounds to me as though you think there is a big difference between what the Bible says and the way Christians behave. Am I understanding you correctly?

(I am asking this because this is in the Colosseum section and not the Christian Life section.)


Basically, yes!

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Lunatic, nicely put. Except instead of abraham's god, i'd say Jesus is the violent a-hole. Because the men in frocks teach jesus is god of the ot. He ordered joshua to commit genocide. It makes no sense (shakes head).

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Deva: You're missing it completely!


Antix is a TRUE CHRISTIAN. the ones he's railing against aren't TRUE CHRISTIANS.

He understands the bible PROPERLY. The other blowhards arent interpreting or practicing it the right way, which Antix is lucky enough to understand.


Antix, you are a good dude. you're halfway to becoming an Ex-C. Take the shackles off your mind, swallow the red pill with a shot of Beam, and join us who aren't blinded by ancient superstitions and ignorance.


Thanks, but for being a true christian, I do enjoy alcohol and I do understand that the extreme judgemental crowd is a bunch of jackoffs. Already one thing that I asm noticing is that people on this board are non judgemental. That makes you guys more christian than most so called christians.

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Antlerman, great post!

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