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Awww, Poor Persecuted Churchies...


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Oh my fucking god. She's a TEACHER and she's this completely oblivious? I shouldn't be that shocked. I went to public school too and know just how fundie schools tend to be. I admit it chaps my ass when I hear a teacher demanding we "show respect" for every single point of view--and by that of course she means "don't offer any resistance at all to its subtle takeover of society." Offering resistance gets interpreted as "disrespect." She needs to learn offering resistance to wholly unsupported, fallacious statements is not the same as showing disrespect to it.


If she really wants her "tolerant" Christianity to go without resistance, she needs to stop putting it on public display. If something goes on public display, then it goes up for grabs for resistance. As you pointed out to her, 3DB, non-Christians are well used to being ridiculed publicly, and she's probably said ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING in their defense. But now that it's her faith that's being mocked, she's got her (flower-printed granny) panties in a bind.


The Dover trials were filled with teachers, admins, and parents demanding "respect" for their "alternative science," did you notice? I'm really starting to think that when the persecution complexes come in, that means all other rational defenses have failed. Ah, the death rattle of a religion is lovely to watch.

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But see anything anti-jeebus, PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERSECUTION!!!!!!!!!! Don't mock MY beliefs cause I have a right to live my whole life without ever seeing anything that hurts my little feelings.

I'd like to tell you not to visit her FB page if it upsets you that much. However, I'd be a hypocrite because I do this crap all of the time especially with this one preacher boy living in a complete bubble of fantasy. He's on his 3rd marriage and from what I can piece together he literally fled from his 2nd wife leaving a baby and tottler. He's left a trail of broken lives including 1 son he's never mentioned about on his radio show, and literally begs like the most impovished begger in Calcutta, for the almight buck so he can help "spread the good news". He always begins his radio show by saying something about thanking god for 'saving us when we were DEAD in our sins', and so on. Whenever he utters that bullshit I say "yeah asshole but there are SOME of us who are BIGGER sinners than others of us". Every time he opens his mouth up he says something that totally pisses me off and I find myself reaching for my cell phone to call him up but I stop at the last minute because once I began unloading on him I would never stop..


Anyway, take 2 aspirin and DON'T call me in the morning.. LOL

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Christian persecution is an Illusion, they want to be persecuted to give themselves a higher purpose and make themselves feel special over others.


Its part of the identity complex, we like to feel important and it offers them a way to prove their own truth.

I always get a kick out of that - whenever I hear one of them spout garbage about 'persecution' which is non-existent. In fact, especially in our country, they're grabbing everything and doing a power play that I would've never thought possible. All you ever hear anymore, especially from the politicos, is what I call 'god' talk. I'm sick to my stomach whenever I hear one of them say something that they think is pious.
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Awwww, her feewings were hurt?


Well, my BODY was hurt when Christians in college threw ROCKS AT IT IN REAL LIFE.


Christians get no fucking sympathy from me for "hurt feelings." They can lick my ass.

I like the way you think because they, as a group, are incredibly dangerous but many people don't realize the threat they are.
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Awwww, her feewings were hurt?


Well, my BODY was hurt when Christians in college threw ROCKS AT IT IN REAL LIFE.


Christians get no fucking sympathy from me for "hurt feelings." They can lick my ass.

I like the way you think because they, as a group, are incredibly dangerous but many people don't realize the threat they are.


This is simply what happened to me. I dared be an open pagan in a STATE UNIVERSITY in Alabama, and the Campus Crusaders attacked me. Many times verbally, once physically. Only once, because I fought back. This wasn't a piddly fb war, this was death threats on my dorm door.


Christians aren't persecuted. Any one of them should try being openly pagan in the Deep South. They'd shit their pants. Fucking babies.


When they cry "persecution" I just want to vomit.

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Awwww, her feewings were hurt?


Well, my BODY was hurt when Christians in college threw ROCKS AT IT IN REAL LIFE.


Christians get no fucking sympathy from me for "hurt feelings." They can lick my ass.

I like the way you think because they, as a group, are incredibly dangerous but many people don't realize the threat they are.


This is simply what happened to me. I dared be an open pagan in a STATE UNIVERSITY in Alabama, and the Campus Crusaders attacked me. Many times verbally, once physically. Only once, because I fought back. This wasn't a piddly fb war, this was death threats on my dorm door.


Christians aren't persecuted. Any one of them should try being openly pagan in the Deep South. They'd shit their pants. Fucking babies.


When they cry "persecution" I just want to vomit.

I gotta hand it to ya because I wouldn't have had the courage to do what you did down there in Dixie. I've only had brief skirmishes with them via blogs and even though the battles were fought from a distance, the things they wrote were incredibly insane and very dangerous to say the least.
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I'd like to tell you not to visit her FB page if it upsets you that much. However, I'd be a hypocrite because I do this crap all of the time

Lol...I usually don't care, for some reason I wanted to pick a fight yesterday.


Any one of them should try being openly pagan in the Deep South. They'd shit their pants. Fucking babies.

Yeah...I'm going to suggest to some people I know that they try it, just pretend for one day to come out as an atheist and then go back to church to report on the results. Doubt anybody will have the guts to do it.


I remember growing up we would hear the church equivalent of war stories about missionaries in hostile environments getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or worse. The missionaries in question are always heralded as heroes for the cause. I think they just want some of that so they pretend to be persecuted here.

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Any comment from Christians about how "it's hard to be a christian in America these days" or "persecution against us" just gets my fucking dander up. Disagreement, or snarky facebook memes DO NOT EQUAL PERSECUTION.


Disagreement isn't persecution.


Christians are the majority. They publicly gather, and advertise their churches and church activities. They aren't harassed at these gatherings. They aren't threatened with DEATH for their beliefs.


I started a pagan student group in Alabama. The Campus Crusaders for Christ came to our meetings and screamed at us. They threw rocks and garbage once. I had crosses and death threats taped to my dorm room door. I had to fight the university to have our group recognized, and when we finally got a booth at the activities fair for freshmen, the Baptists complained because we were "too close, and shouldn't have a booth anyway!" They also sent students to scream at us. One of them said both me and my friend had over a dozen abortions, despite neither of us having ever been pregnant in the first place. As if this idiot would know our sex life. One of our members, in her hometown, had a cross burned on her lawn, on top of repeated death threats.


So, yeah, whining about rude facebook posts is being a fucking mealy-mouthed cunty bitchbag. Send her to me. I'll fucking straighten her out.

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I will admit I did not realize how strong the culture we are in at least references "God" if not outright Christian, until I realized I no longer believe in God, for God is used so much.


Sorry to hear about the persecutions against you, luniticheathen. This should not happen in a US that at least gives lip service to freedom of religion. Death Threats are completely unaceptable.

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Something I would like to bring up about this woman is that she has boundary issues. She is blaming other people for "making" her feel a certain way (hurt). So her solution is to endeavor to cause other people to act differently so that her feelings are not hurt. This is unrealistic and an inappropriate response to emotions. Expecting other people to act in ways that always make you feel good is just plain ignorant. The only person you can change is yourself.


My mother was this way. In her mind I was responsible for making her feel certain ways and I was expected to act only in ways that she approved of. It is not right!


I think it is a good thing you are standing up for your rights in this instance. I feel you are in the right in claiming you have the right to say whatever you want on your own wall. If she doesn't like it, it is up to her to do something about it, and crying about it isn't the answer. She isn't merely "sharing her feelings", she is expecting people to change their behavior to suit her standards and that is not right.

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I remember growing up we would hear the church equivalent of war stories about missionaries in hostile environments getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or worse. The missionaries in question are always heralded as heroes for the cause. I think they just want some of that so they pretend to be persecuted here.


I've lived in 6 different countries in the past 15 years and visited many more. One overriding observation is that people are the same on a basic level. They care about their families, friends and loved ones and are generally warm and friendly if you are warm and friendly to them.


If you are a missionary getting picked on and harrassed, then you're probably being a serious ass and have it coming. The xian persecution complex is self-fulfilling.

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Guest Valk0010

Christians in the middle east are perscuted badly. In places like china they are persecuted.


Any christian in any country of the western world that complains of being perscuted, spits on people like http://en.wikipedia....chard_Wurmbrand and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to compare themselves to people, that even I as a atheist that borders sometimes on antitheist, respect.

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I remember growing up we would hear the church equivalent of war stories about missionaries in hostile environments getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or worse. The missionaries in question are always heralded as heroes for the cause. I think they just want some of that so they pretend to be persecuted here.


I've lived in 6 different countries in the past 15 years and visited many more. One overriding observation is that people are the same on a basic level. They care about their families, friends and loved ones and are generally warm and friendly if you are warm and friendly to them.


If you are a missionary getting picked on and harrassed, then you're probably being a serious ass and have it coming. The xian persecution complex is self-fulfilling.


Right. Many countries have anti-proselytizing laws on the books bc people don't want to be harassed by religious nuts. But NOOOOOO , xians can't respect that, they have to break those laws to save people from imaginary hell. Didn't Paul say to respect the government because god put them there? Theyre only persecuted, mostly, for repeatedly breaking laws.


And the douches don't realize why they're "persecuted".


Obey the laws, assholes!

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Also: what kind of fucked up god sends someone to hell FOR ETERNITY because that persons country had an anti proselytizing law?


"Sorry Habib, I know you're not liking it much in hell down there, but if your leaders hadn't had that one law, maybe you would have had a fighters chance....too bad, so sad!".


Fucking retarded.


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Something I would like to bring up about this woman is that she has boundary issues. She is blaming other people for "making" her feel a certain way (hurt). So her solution is to endeavor to cause other people to act differently so that her feelings are not hurt. This is unrealistic and an inappropriate response to emotions. Expecting other people to act in ways that always make you feel good is just plain ignorant. The only person you can change is yourself.


My mother was this way. In her mind I was responsible for making her feel certain ways and I was expected to act only in ways that she approved of. It is not right!


I think it is a good thing you are standing up for your rights in this instance. I feel you are in the right in claiming you have the right to say whatever you want on your own wall. If she doesn't like it, it is up to her to do something about it, and crying about it isn't the answer. She isn't merely "sharing her feelings", she is expecting people to change their behavior to suit her standards and that is not right. I'll bet she is a bitch of a teacher!


Whoo whoo!!


See this is exactly what I meant when I flippantly diagnosed her with a personality disorder. sjessen you are a thoughtful woman, unlike me who just makes jokes.

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Well I'll spare everybody the verbose details, but it came to a healthy resolution. She still doesn't understand why her post would elicit such a strong reaction...and it's precisely because she isn't normally the type to proselytize. Why would anyone want to hurt her feelings when she doesn't want to hurt theirs? Even after this lengthy discussion (and I wasn't the only one to challenge her) I still don't think she gets why people got pissed at her.


She's the rare type of Christian who actually acknowledges the existence of a worldview that doesn't include her god...yet simultaneously she seems oblivious to the fact that she's in a minority on that count.

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It's hard to see Christian privilege when you're Christian, to paraphrase an ad campaign going around about racism.


That said, I'm glad it resolved at least somewhat amicably. :)

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Something I would like to bring up about this woman is that she has boundary issues. She is blaming other people for "making" her feel a certain way (hurt). So her solution is to endeavor to cause other people to act differently so that her feelings are not hurt. This is unrealistic and an inappropriate response to emotions. Expecting other people to act in ways that always make you feel good is just plain ignorant. The only person you can change is yourself.


My mother was this way. In her mind I was responsible for making her feel certain ways and I was expected to act only in ways that she approved of. It is not right!


I think it is a good thing you are standing up for your rights in this instance. I feel you are in the right in claiming you have the right to say whatever you want on your own wall. If she doesn't like it, it is up to her to do something about it, and crying about it isn't the answer. She isn't merely "sharing her feelings", she is expecting people to change their behavior to suit her standards and that is not right. I'll bet she is a bitch of a teacher!


Whoo whoo!!


See this is exactly what I meant when I flippantly diagnosed her with a personality disorder. sjessen you are a thoughtful woman, unlike me who just makes jokes.


LOL, I hope you are just joking about yourself because I have found your posts very interesting! I have had to deal with this issue of boundaries because of my upbringing. My mother had unreasonable boundaries, so I didn't have reasonable boundaries. I read some books and did a lot of changing, so that is how I am familiar with this subject.


In case anyone is interested, (I hesitate to recommend these books seeing as how we are all ex-Christians here) if you can tolerate the Christian-eze in these books, they have some really good information on setting reasonable boundaries. The first book is Boundaries: When to Say Yes and When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, by McCloud and Townsend. The other good book along the lines of personal development and self-improvement by these same authors is Changes That Heal. These two books together helped me make some major changes in my life that were healing and so beneficial for everyday living. Just FYI.

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She's the rare type of Christian who actually acknowledges the existence of a worldview that doesn't include her god...yet simultaneously she seems oblivious to the fact that she's in a minority on that count.


When I was in the cult, I thought everyone was Christian. I was so sheltered and so wrong!

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In case anyone is interested, (I hesitate to recommend these books seeing as how we are all ex-Christians here) if you can tolerate the Christian-eze in these books, they have some really good information on setting reasonable boundaries. The first book is Boundaries: When to Say Yes and When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, by McCloud and Townsend. The other good book along the lines of personal development and self-improvement by these same authors is Changes That Heal. These two books together helped me make some major changes in my life that were healing and so beneficial for everyday living. Just FYI.

Good xian books generally draw from secular experiences and sources as their buybull is pretty fucked up as a reference. The wooists have not really had an original idea for 3500+ years
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In case anyone is interested, (I hesitate to recommend these books seeing as how we are all ex-Christians here) if you can tolerate the Christian-eze in these books, they have some really good information on setting reasonable boundaries. The first book is Boundaries: When to Say Yes and When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, by McCloud and Townsend. The other good book along the lines of personal development and self-improvement by these same authors is Changes That Heal. These two books together helped me make some major changes in my life that were healing and so beneficial for everyday living. Just FYI.

Good xian books generally draw from secular experiences and sources as their buybull is pretty fucked up as a reference. The wooists have not really had an original idea for 3500+ years


Yes, these two authors are psychologists, not Christian psychologists. That is why I think I liked them so well.

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I remember growing up we would hear the church equivalent of war stories about missionaries in hostile environments getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or worse. The missionaries in question are always heralded as heroes for the cause. I think they just want some of that so they pretend to be persecuted here.

I don't think they're regarded too highly in Hawaii where they visited in the early 1800s and practically wiped out the Hawaiian(sic) race with smallpox and other 'gifts from the magi'...
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I remember growing up we would hear the church equivalent of war stories about missionaries in hostile environments getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or worse. The missionaries in question are always heralded as heroes for the cause. I think they just want some of that so they pretend to be persecuted here.

I don't think they're regarded too highly in Hawaii where they visited in the early 1800s and practically wiped out the Hawaiian(sic) race with smallpox and other 'gifts from the magi'...


I don't know how true it is, but some baptist minister told me about the very first missionaries to Hawaii, and how they were seen as odd, and not working, so they got eaten. I kind of hope it's true, if only because it amuses the fuck out of me. Of course, I'm on the side of the natives, and certainly see how a missionary is more useful as dinner.

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I remember growing up we would hear the church equivalent of war stories about missionaries in hostile environments getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or worse. The missionaries in question are always heralded as heroes for the cause. I think they just want some of that so they pretend to be persecuted here.

I don't think they're regarded too highly in Hawaii where they visited in the early 1800s and practically wiped out the Hawaiian(sic) race with smallpox and other 'gifts from the magi'...


I don't know how true it is, but some baptist minister told me about the very first missionaries to Hawaii, and how they were seen as odd, and not working, so they got eaten. I kind of hope it's true, if only because it amuses the fuck out of me. Of course, I'm on the side of the natives, and certainly see how a missionary is more useful as dinner.

That sounds like a fucking baptist carnival barker (as I call most clergy). Twist the story around and make the good guys bad and vice versa. But no, I'd done some research on it after I'd read James Michener's class work 'Hawaii'
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