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Had To Defriend My Own Mom On Fb Today


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As a parent, I blocked the feeds of my two kids. They can still see my stuff and usually they have to share it to my wall if they want me to see stuff. Of course they are heathen like me so there are no issues as far as woo goes. I prefer talking in RL to my kids.


FB has the lists and you can make lists with heathen and woos and share the stuff with heathen only if it is anti church. I find selecting see "only important" feeds keeps the few jeebus feeds I may get to an absolute minimum.


We should petition FB for a "god filter"

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I deal with family on FB too, as I posted in another thread. My brother today posted: "It is easier to deny the existence of God than to admit what we truly are before a righteous God."


I responded politely that one has nothing to do with the other and that those who deny the existence of God are often those who would otherwise like to believe in God but cannot not find sufficient evidence to believe in a supernatural realm... and he deleted my message! That kind of attitude burns me. They may as well post "If you're an atheist you're a self-deluded moron" and it'd be no more insulting.

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I find selecting see "only important" feeds keeps the few jeebus feeds I may get to an absolute minimum.


How does FB know what's important? Or how do we set our own statuses as important? I think everything I post is important. ;)

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As a parent, I blocked the feeds of my two kids. They can still see my stuff and usually they have to share it to my wall if they want me to see stuff. Of course they are heathen like me so there are no issues as far as woo goes. I prefer talking in RL to my kids.


My dad has too much fun trolling his kids to do that lol.

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I find selecting see "only important" feeds keeps the few jeebus feeds I may get to an absolute minimum.


How does FB know what's important? Or how do we set our own statuses as important? I think everything I post is important. wink.png

Dunno, I guess it learns. If you hide a post you get the options of choose what feeds you would like to see. I selected only important and I am guessing that is anniversaries and birthdays.


It stops the drivel coming through. I also did this with folk that go on a rampage and share shitty motivational pics and share like 50 a day.


The lists is a bit more complex as you have to decide who sees what and who is on the lists.


My xian friends are all on a list and if I want to see what they have to say, I simply select list and see all their stuff.


If you share stuff that is offensive to them, you simply change from public to the list of choice and they will never see what you shared.


My lists are called open minded and closed minded. FB also creates its own lists. I do not talk religion except for jokes which are all public.


Most of my friends are ex Rhodesians so we adhere to the etiquette of not discussing religion and the only politics is slamming Mugabe and the ex ANC youth league president. Those political feeds last like a day and then we are back to simply talking shit again.

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Yeah I think I'm effectively done with FB. I bet It goes the way of MySpace anyway. Glad I didn't buy stock like the wife was begging me to.

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Well THAT would have been a downer, McDaddy. I was offered the chance to buy stock in it too and declined--it just seems like the fad is fading when middle-aged women begin using what was once a college kid's toy to play social games.


Even easier than using lists and filters and all that stuff: just not using the damn thing at all. FB seems like a middle-school clique to me. If you're in lockstep with the in-crowd, then FB is totally neat and awesome. If you're not, then FB is probably going to cause you grief.

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Well THAT would have been a downer, McDaddy. I was offered the chance to buy stock in it too and declined--it just seems like the fad is fading when middle-aged women begin using what was once a college kid's toy to play social games.


Even easier than using lists and filters and all that stuff: just not using the damn thing at all. FB seems like a middle-school clique to me. If you're in lockstep with the in-crowd, then FB is totally neat and awesome. If you're not, then FB is probably going to cause you grief.


The only reason I don't delete my account is for the few friends that I love that I lost touch with for 20 years. I think I just need to PM them, get all their contact info & delete my account. Facebook is so effing boring now.

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My family is all over my facebook; so are a few former students. I keep my facebook super-vanilla, never anything about politics or religion. I save that stuff for Ex-C. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


Everyone I know is all over facebook too, many of them friends from my fundie days. I make it a point to say just what I think and don't hold back. I've only had two defriends, and well done. They are both delusional.

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FB is good - you just have to know what it is, and what it is not, and how to use it.


You can control which of your posts appear to which of your friends - so you can have separate lists for the tolerant and intolerant. You can control who can or cannot respond to your posts without having to block them. You can control whose posts you see, and hide anyone who is just too obnoxious. And of course you can defriend any time someone just isn't worth having on. IMO, the issue with FB is that people post all kinds of crap on it, thinking that they don't need to consider who will read it. Using more limited lists really makes a difference - then you can say the types of things you'd say to your atheist friends, to your atheist friends, share the type of news that you'd share with everyone in your life, with everyone in your life.

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Dunno if it still exists, there was a MyChurch.com and they could all talk about jeebus and comment much like FB, pity they did not stay there....

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Yeah, I had to stop posting my atheist comments on Facebook because the majority of my friends and family are christian. It was just causing a whole lot of turmoil and responses that pretty much explained nothing.


You can also choose not to see comments from certain people if they are posting too much religious crap. Just click on the little arrow by their post and choose what setting you want for them.

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Yeah, I had to stop posting my atheist comments on Facebook because the majority of my friends and family are christian. It was just causing a whole lot of turmoil and responses that pretty much explained nothing.


You can also choose not to see comments from certain people if they are posting too much religious crap. Just click on the little arrow by their post and choose what setting you want for them.


To clarify - I refuse to be anything other than what I am on Facebook. If they're going to tell it the way they see it, though their Magical Jesus Filter, I'm going to tell it the way I see it. I'm going to express myself the way they do. If they're going to post that Prayer changes things, I'm going to post a study that says it doesn't. If they're going to say Jesus has the answers, I'm going to post that humanity finds the answers themselves.


If they don't like it, they can unfriend me.

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