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Goodbye Jesus

What Is The Most Absurd Christian Teaching?


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I would say that the most absurd Christian teaching is that the message of vicarious redemption through human sacrifice constitutes "good news".


It's disgusting. When I really sat and thought about this, and the pervading attitude that I am so wretched that someone had to die for what I had done, I realized there was zero chance of me being a christian ever again.

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She declined (no doubt out of deep seated Christian humility) so he pointed at her and *shrieked* "SUBMIT!"....and she got up and went onto the stage.

Wow this is super insane.....Although sadly I used to be bothered by women preaching in churches, not that I had anything against women preaching mind you, I just thought they were disobeying the bible when they did so and therefore were in danger of judgement.....(2 Timothy and 1 Corinthians)....looking back I'm not too proud of it.

I remember when I was 10 and there was talk about a gender-inclusive Bible (horrors!) and my first thought was, "If women aren't included in God's plan of salvation, changing the words in the Bible won't mean anything." Did I mention that I was 10? I had already internalized misogyny and was eating the theological crumbs from under the men's table. Gawd.


I always knew that was a complete crock of crap based on the bible itself, ie: the gospel accounts which showed women as being more courageous and more of leaders with Jesus than any of the men. And in Romans at the end Paul speaks of a woman apostle named Junia I believe. That passage in 1st Tim was put in there centuries after the original texts per Bart Ehrmann and other bible scholars. In fact, 1st Tim. may not have even been written by Paul in the first place. Going back the woman apostle mentioned in Romans, the so called orthodoxy attempted to change the name to a masculine one but there weren't any such masculine Latin names back then so they failed - the early church fathers were nothing more than a bunch of misogynists bent on pushing certain doctiines down our throats.

That is very interesting. I really appreciate Bart Ehrmann. He has nothing to defend but the truth.

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I've seen a male pastor scream at his wife from the puplit, "SUBMIT!" Wendytwitch.gif

Are you kidding about the pastor screaming at his wife? How incredibly

juvenile....even my pastor didn't do that. What church did you go to?


It really did happen. It was a visiting pastor at a charismatic church. He

wanted to show her off in front of the church, so he told her to come up on

stage so he could parade her around (yes, really!). She declined (no doubt

out of deep seated Christian humility) so he pointed at her and *shrieked*

"SUBMIT!"....and she got up and went onto the stage.


I was horrified. I was practically crawling over people to get out of there.


Can you imagine this type of shit happening at an academic setting, or in any secular environment? Gawd.


It's sad to think that the woman did not respect herself enough to stand up to that animal. It shows what Xianity does to people.

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Another absurdity.. any justification for the blood soaked tribesmen of joshua. Read some of the jericho story today. Man, that book is wrong. It reminds me why i left.

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Another absurdity.. any justification for the blood soaked tribesmen of joshua. Read some of the jericho story today. Man, that book is wrong. It reminds me why i left.

Man, this is becoming uncanny - the way you write something that I'd been pondering. While I was running today I had my headphones on and out of curiosity I tuned into you know what, right? Well the carnival barker was getting his flock to say out loud that just like Joshua they and their families would follow the lord. I muttered to myself, 'does that mean they, like Joshua, will also wipe out entire families who own land that they want to steal?'
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Raoul :). Joshua as a role model! (Head slap) Josh makes Hitler seem like an all round nice guy.

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Guest Valk0010

Create us with a desire to want to treat our loved ones kindly after they died and then say "let the dead bury the dead."

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Guest Valk0010

Creates the world so as too have 1000's of different religions based of similar principals and similar psychological techniques.

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Creates the world so as too have 1000's of different religions based of similar principals and similar psychological techniques.


God is not the author of confusion, apparently. Therefore we can be certain, he is not the author of the world's religions :)

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