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Goodbye Jesus

Monsters And Bogeymen


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Monsters and Bogeymen......Why? Why make up fictional stories about them to tell your children? Why not tell them right off the bat that there are people, human beings like you and I, that want to do horrible things to other people..so beware...? Why not try to prepare them? Why fill their heads with fantasies? In hopes to postpone reality for them?

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Goodbye Jesus
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Monsters and Bogeymen......Why? Why make up fictional stories about them to tell your children? Why not tell them right off the bat that there are people, human beings like you and I, that want to do horrible things to other people..so beware...? Why not try to prepare them? Why fill their heads with fantasies? In hopes to postpone reality for them?

Noumena, I think stories of the fight between good and evil have been around for a long, long time...probably originating back to all the horrible, 'holy' scriptures of the world. In the movies, it is supposed to teach us lessons that good always wins out. But that is not true. I agree with you ...that children should be taught to use their 'gut' intuitions, to always be prepared, that the person they think they are dealing with.....might just be one of the 'crazies' in this world. Not to spend their whole lives being paranoid.....just enough warning to make them aware.


You and I both know that 'good' dosen't always win out.

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Monsters and Bogeymen......Why? Why make up fictional stories about them to tell your children? Why not tell them right off the bat that there are people, human beings like you and I, that want to do horrible things to other people..so beware...? Why not try to prepare them? Why fill their heads with fantasies? In hopes to postpone reality for them?

Noumena, I think stories of the fight between good and evil have been around for a long, long time...probably originating back to all the horrible, 'holy' scriptures of the world. In the movies, it is supposed to teach us lessons that good always wins out. But that is not true. I agree with you ...that children should be taught to use their 'gut' intuitions, to always be prepared, that the person they think they are dealing with.....might just be one of the 'crazies' in this world. Not to spend their whole lives being paranoid.....just enough warning to make them aware.


You and I both know that 'good' dosen't always win out.


Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I get caught up in the hurtful feelings of betrayal and disillusionment that all I can do now is shake my head.

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I think it is because children are too young to really process the complex thought that there are some humans out there that may not have the best intentions for you, so they create monsters to warn children about and then say that it is best to not talk to strangers. In literature, monsters are an allegory for the human condition and are usually the outgroup, but there is an increasing trend to show the monsters within the ingroup.

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I always thought these were lies parents told their kids to keep their kids in bed at night. Monsters under the bed sure kept me in bed! Eek!

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