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Goodbye Jesus

Looking Forward To Nothing


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What would be so great about heaven, anyway? Life is about the journey. You need to find things in life that you enjoy doing. Go do new things until you find something. If you don't like your job; get a new job. If you don't like where you live - move. Just change your perspective because what you're doing now clearly is not working. Fuck heaven. It actually sounded really boring anyway.


MY heaven was not boring at all, it was the opposite of boring. My heaven was to be free. Free from responsibility, free to love, free to travel to other worlds, other planets, other galaxies. Free to create really cool things. Free to share, free from greed. Free to have sex, free from disease, free from routine, free from schools, medication, taxes, free from money. Free to grow, free to evolve, free to change, free to fly, even free to be totally evil if I want!


Can't anybody (aside Valk0010) see how enslaved and stuck we all are? Have we totally forgotten about freedom?

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What would be so great about heaven, anyway? Life is about the journey. You need to find things in life that you enjoy doing. Go do new things until you find something. If you don't like your job; get a new job. If you don't like where you live - move. Just change your perspective because what you're doing now clearly is not working. Fuck heaven. It actually sounded really boring anyway.


MY heaven was not boring at all, it was the opposite of boring. My heaven was to be free. Free from responsibility, free to love, free to travel to other worlds, other planets, other galaxies. Free to create really cool things. Free to share, free from greed. Free to have sex, free from disease, free from routine, free from schools, medication, taxes, free from money. Free to grow, free to evolve, free to change, free to fly, even free to be totally evil if I want!


Can't anybody (aside Valk0010) see how enslaved and stuck we all are? Have we totally forgotten about freedom?


Please don't take offense (because the man is truly brilliant), but I see a lot of parralels between your beliefs and those of Ted Kaczynski. You should read his manifesto if you haven't already.

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What I have to do:


get dressed

brush my teeth

wash myself

prepare food





buy food

buy clothing

buy soap

repair things


earn money

get money

pay taxes

pay bills



mow the lawn

trim the hedges

kill bugs

raise kids

bring the car to the garage

sign the kids' homework

go to the dentist

go to the doctor

go to the optometrist

go to school meetings

take medication

remember birthdays

remember holidays

buy gifts

change litter box

feed the cat

water the plants

wash windows


watch weather forecast

learn the new stuff

remember the old stuff


listen to people

help people



have sex

wipe my nose

take out the garbage


go to weddings

go to funerals

go to baptisms

got to church


read the bible

be nice


express my feelings

plan vacations






Now is there any time left to do what I WANT to do?


Don't give me one more thing to do. I want to cross out as many things as I can from this list. But the more I stop doing these things, the more friends and respect I lose (I have tried it). So at the end, I will be alone. Maybe this is what I want. I want to be left alone. No asshole to judge me if I decide not to get dressed one day.


We are not free.



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We are not free.

Tell that to the Syrians.


Gotta maintain health with doctor visits, gotta see the dentist and keep my teeth, gotta plan my vacation, it's hell I tell ya!

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We make our own lives unless health problems or disasters derail us. If you don't feel free, perhaps those things you think you need in your life are those things that really enslave you. Can you drive a cheaper car, live in a smaller house, etc?


Last year I spent 6 months in Thailand. This year, I spent a month in the US and just spent a 5 weeks traveling through Estonia and Latvia and over the past 15 years I've filled up two passports and had to have extra pages put in my current one because there was no more room for stamps and visas. I've done this both with and without money. It took time, planning and hard work, but I built a life for myself I want to live. I have constraints like everyone, but freedom is one of my highest values and I am for the most part free.

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What I have to do:


get dressed

brush my teeth

wash myself

prepare food





buy food

buy clothing

buy soap

repair things


earn money

get money

pay taxes

pay bills



mow the lawn

trim the hedges

kill bugs

raise kids

bring the car to the garage

sign the kids' homework

go to the dentist

go to the doctor

go to the optometrist

go to school meetings

take medication

remember birthdays

remember holidays

buy gifts

change litter box

feed the cat

water the plants

wash windows


watch weather forecast

learn the new stuff

remember the old stuff


listen to people

help people



have sex

wipe my nose

take out the garbage


go to weddings

go to funerals

go to baptisms

got to church


read the bible

be nice


express my feelings

plan vacations






Red stands for necessities


Green stands for optional/when I feel like it.


Blue stands for what I don't do, or is not applicable to me.


And yes, I do consider getting dressed to be optional :P Is this any help?

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Guest Valk0010

wow again, I am surpised at the optimism here.


Gosh you guys must be smart enough and healthy enough to exist. Oh boy, another accomplishment I can't seem to figure out.


Mr fuck up I am.

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Study bass, once you can play well enough, study piano, then trumpet, then tenor saxophone...


How did you know I loved bass? And I did study piano. This reminds me of this song I created a couple months ago: I Don't Know - by Denyoz


Great tune! What studio you use?

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What I have to do:



Now is there any time left to do what I WANT to do?


Don't give me one more thing to do. I want to cross out as many things as I can from this list. But the more I stop doing these things, the more friends and respect I lose (I have tried it). So at the end, I will be alone. Maybe this is what I want. I want to be left alone. No asshole to judge me if I decide not to get dressed one day.


We are not free.




"Sometimes, only we can teach ourselves best what me most need to learn." (Michael Garrett)


And we only learn when we are truly ready.


In most instances, we must learn things the hard way.


"But the more I stop doing these things, the more friends and respect I lose (I have tried it). So at the end, I will be alone. Maybe this is what I want. I want to be left alone."



"Regardless, my understanding of things, albeit incomplete and forever changing, is my own." (ibid)


Denyoz, you have a heavy task master!


Let him teach himself well!


Once he has "hollowed' you out, you'll flourish like "the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the Sunset." (Crowfoot, Blackfoot, 1890 (on his deathbed)


Diligence mixed with a bit of time will serve you well!

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Why does god have to 'host' a heaven for us to look forward to? I'm hosting my own. When I fall asleep something creates an entire dream universe for me. When I 'wake up' yet another universe is created for me. Apparently something is kind enough to keep creating experiential universes for 'me' to do things in. Whether it is a supreme being doing this or me doing it myself I don't know. Not that it is terribly important for what I usually call 'myself' to continue on after 'death' I have a feeling that some other experiential universe awaits.


Though I welcome non-experience as well. Death is free from stress and paying taxes. :-) I suffer death every night for about 8 hours and am none the worse. Nor is it scary. But the way experience seems to keep endlessly coming and going I don't believe it will sometime just stop forever.

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Gotta maintain health with doctor visits, gotta see the dentist and keep my teeth, gotta plan my vacation, it's hell I tell ya!


Yes of course, we need to buy all these things to be happy. We also need fresh air to breathe, and here it is!


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One major problem with xianity is denying the happiness of right now. It is ingrained in our culture as well. "I will be happy when ____________ (something happens). But never will I be happy in the present moment." Happiness is always reserved for a future moment that never comes because people are programmed that way.



This must have been evolutionary. To survive we had to plan ahead, to kill enough meat to last through the winter, or save enough grain to last through a dry season, etc. The people who learned to be happy later were the ones that survived, and these were probably the same ones who invented religion.

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Heaven was an empty promise. I think there are certainly more tangible rewards to which we can work towards in this life.



Right on Positivist!


THIS life, the one I am living right now, in spite of the hassles the inequalities, the, well family, is AWESOME! There are SO many things to do that I couldn't possibly do ALL of them! For me the question is, "where do I start?" Experiment, find your passion. This world is beautiful! Paint it, photograph it, write it up into a book or make it into a video game.


Go out and find more people LIKE you. They are out there, everywhere. They are just hesitant to speak up just as many of us are.


Heaven? Really? Gold and eternal happiness? How boring is that?

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Guest Valk0010



Heaven? Really? Gold and eternal happiness? How boring is that?

It sounds amazing when most everything else in your world is dogshit.
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Heaven? Really? Gold and eternal happiness? How boring is that?

I thought the same thing. I was like "Gold streets? What a waste!"


And I'm not into mansions. I have no idea why that appeals to so many. I'd like an Airstream Bambi trailer, or a tent, instead of a mansion.


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And do you really want to spend eternity singing repetitive praise songs?Wendycrazy.gif

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Heaven? Really? Gold and eternal happiness? How boring is that?

I thought the same thing. I was like "Gold streets? What a waste!"


And I'm not into mansions. I have no idea why that appeals to so many. I'd like an Airstream Bambi trailer, or a tent, instead of a mansion.





I love this picture!!! I used to do a lot of camping which led to buying some real neat travel trailers. I once owed a 40' foot long 'bus' and I tell you..I could have lived in it all year round with absolutely NO PROBLEM!! It even had a dishwasher for a four peice setting of dishes!! Microwave, oven, TV, big fridge and queensize bed!! What the frig do we need all the space and 'things' for??


All this cleaning and organizing in this big house.......Waste of my precious time at my age!!!!! woohoo.gif Fuck!!

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Guest Valk0010

And do you really want to spend eternity singing repetitive praise songs?Wendycrazy.gif

Nah its just the security that seems appealing.


Yes I know, a atheist, albeight an agnostic atheist, arguing that heaven sounds cool. Wierd ain't it.

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And do you really want to spend eternity singing repetitive praise songs?Wendycrazy.gif


All time favorite YouTube vid. I've probably watched it 50 times and still lol.


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Guest Valk0010

Maybe I am jumping then gun here, but I am on medication for mental health issues and as far as I am aware Denyoz is as well, and keep that in mind for what I am about to say.


A theory possibly, a pet theory most likely, but a theory nonetheless, would that it be safe to say that this has something to due with what one might called, psychological constitution. Mine has been worn down very very much by events of these past few months to a year. Denyoz by implication seems to have a similar problem, yet other people here are saying, ohh life is good, why heaven.


Is this just a matter of things outside of one's control. Like a personality not inclined for real depression having a different answer to this question, then one that is.

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Maybe I am jumping then gun here, but I am on medication for mental health issues and as far as I am aware Denyoz is as well, and keep that in mind for what I am about to say.


A theory possibly, a pet theory most likely, but a theory nonetheless, would that it be safe to say that this has something to due with what one might called, psychological constitution. Mine has been worn down very very much by events of these past few months to a year. Denyoz by implication seems to have a similar problem, yet other people here are saying, ohh life is good, why heaven.


Is this just a matter of things outside of one's control. Like a personality not inclined for real depression having a different answer to this question, then one that is.


Another good theory is called, 'physical and mental burnout!' I got that!!yellow.gif

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Guest Valk0010

Maybe I am jumping then gun here, but I am on medication for mental health issues and as far as I am aware Denyoz is as well, and keep that in mind for what I am about to say.


A theory possibly, a pet theory most likely, but a theory nonetheless, would that it be safe to say that this has something to due with what one might called, psychological constitution. Mine has been worn down very very much by events of these past few months to a year. Denyoz by implication seems to have a similar problem, yet other people here are saying, ohh life is good, why heaven.


Is this just a matter of things outside of one's control. Like a personality not inclined for real depression having a different answer to this question, then one that is.


Another good theory is called physical and mental burnout! I got that!!yellow.gif

Of course it becomes another problem when you can never get the rest your need.
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I hope the meds aren't making things worse for you guys. Some of these meds are known to make people suicidal--probably better off with pot or something from the head shop (no cannibal bath salts, please).

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In defense of what Valk0010 is saying:


When I was a kid, I asked my Mom what heaven was. She said: "Imagine the most beautifuly things you can. Well heaven is one hundred times better than that."


People who say heaven is crap are imagining it as crap, that's all. To me heaven is, by definition, a lot better than anything you can experience on earth.


I was brought up to see the world as crap (like probably most of you). I have trained my mind very well to see everything around me as big-time crap. All of the best experiences I have had in this world have turned out to be deceptions. ALL OF THEM! Exactly like my religion predicted. Nothing even comes close to the beauty of what I can imagine. I am very happy for people who can really enjoy this life, I really envy you, I wish I was like you. But I'm not. I can imagine a lot better. Maybe I have too much imagination. I don't get a kick out of smelling flowers (no reference to Margee's post here). Glad for you if you can.


Sorry if all of you guys' spiritual experiences were crap. Mine were out of this world blissful. My only desire is to find this bliss again, either in this world or the next. This is what keeps me alive. I call it heaven and I believe in it because I have seen a glimpse of it. I wish I had not, maybe then I could enjoy the things of this world.


I feel like a heroin addict. I want my drug back. I can pretend that I don't but I know, deep down, I do, I really do and I want it to last forever. Without this, I suffer. This is the plain truth.


Switching out of defense mode.

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I hope the meds aren't making things worse for you guys. Some of these meds are known to make people suicidal--probably better off with pot or something from the head shop (no cannibal bath salts, please).


Funny you say that. I got myself some Kratom a couple weeks ago. Have only tried very small doses so far. I wish I could get the real good stuff.


I'm evil.

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