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Goodbye Jesus

I Laughed, I Got Angry, I Felt Saddened


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I found this little gem tonight. I think this kid's just jealous because he's never going to get laid. Unless, of course, he marries a Westboro Baptist girl LOL.


Normally, this sort of shit makes me really angry. But it was just so out there, that I had to laugh. Yep, Obama's making kids gay LOLOLOLOL.


You just keep telling yourself that, kid. You keep telling yourself that you're not a bully for telling gay teens that they're going to burn in hell. Insensitive, self-righteous, brainwashed little parrot, you. I bet mum and dad are so proud of you.


Yeah, I really don't know whether to laugh, cry, or get angry, to be honest. Children being taught to hate children, I don't know what to think of that. I really can't direct anger at this kid, but I sure as hell can at his parents for turning him into this monster.


So, I think I've worked it out. I feel angry at the kid's parents for brainwashing him in this way, sad for the kid for being so brainwashed that he'd go out and say this shit, and as for his whole rhetorical argument, well, that just makes me laugh, because it's just so ridiculous.

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He should have mentioned at what point he 'decided' to be hetero.

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Agree, parents are to blame.

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Who gave this kid a microphone? Somebody make it stop...

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He should have mentioned at what point he 'decided' to be hetero.


Didn't watch as I doubt I could stomach it, but who says he is?


Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


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Wow. This is sad to watch.


My favorite part was when he said that he doesn't believe in bullying gays. He just wants to witness and convert them. Cognitive dissonance, anyone?


One of my biggest pet peeves in life is morons like this thinking they are intellectual powerhouses and are the font of all knowledge/morality. Grr...

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Hahahahahahahahahahaha, omfg this was hilarious.

Yeah kid, telling people they're going to hell is bullying. Too bad for you, I'm sure it's fun.


Ex-Christians...don't get too worked up. I was almost that bad once, I just didn't have a talk show. (BTW, why the fuck does a 14 y.o. have a talk show?!?) Now I bite the heads off people like him. He's not grown up yet, he doesn't really know what he believes yet, He could be atheist of the year in 2030.

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(BTW, why the fuck does a 14 y.o. have a talk show?!?)

He has a talk show because he already has the preacher voice perfected.

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this 14 year old is annoying......


Anyways while they were in elementary school they weren't gay...but became gay only by Obama (nothing to do with growing up more and hormones kicking in)???

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I honestly feel sorry for this guy. He's 14, and he already looks like a bigot and an idiot. Imagine how silly he'll look a few years down the road.

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You're right he totally has that preacher voice going. Didn't notice it at first cause he sounds 14, but holy shit what will he sound like in another 10 years?!?


Still, it's ones like this that are future atheist of the year winners. He'll go off to college, get his first bj and his first bong hit and who knows what happens next...

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The kid doesn't even realize how stupid what he says is. He hasn't thought through the implications of his "arguments." He didn't address how Obama could turn teens gay and yet Obama didn't turn him gay. He didn't consider what Florduh pointed out which are the implications of his "argument" that being gay is a choice (i.e., when did he choose heterosexuality?). He has not thought through his story about the Christian girl who told the gay teen she had prayed for god to change him, and come to realize that her act was a form of religious intolerance and was hurtful and degrading to that gay teen. He does not understand that his statement that there were 30 gays teens in his county, in the entire county, is the best evidence he has produced that being gay is not a choice and, more importantly, that with that small number, no one, including the President, is turning anyone gay.


I give the kid the benefit of the doubt concerning his motives based on his ignorance and lack of maturity for now since he is but 14. Soon, he will assume complete responsibility for his actions and I hope by that time he has some sort of much needed epiphany.

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I just feel sorry for the kid more than anything. Everything he says he has been taught to say- he has been taught to hate. I really hope he back-tracks later and goes against what he has said, but even if he does, he's likely going to have a hard time, because many will still see him as "that kid". He reminds me of Marjoe, really.

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Twenty bucks says this kid is in the closet himself.

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Reminds me of LennartSB on YouTube.




I remember this kid. Mumkmy and daddy trained him well, too.

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Twenty bucks says this kid is in the closet himself.


I was thinking the same thing.


Boy reality is gonna be a major slap in the face for this kid. Poor boy.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

Who wants to bet he's taken on this issue as his calling, in part to convince himself, because of his "homosexual temptations"?

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This child makes TheRealJesus™ angry.



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he's definitely got the preacher thing down pat; the cadence, the pregnant pauses, the self-righteous inflections.. he has obviously sat through a lot of daddy's sermons and practiced in the mirror a lot (both preaching and masturbating).

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He's speaking on a radio why is he speaking with his hands like a Frenchie?

Reminds me of this clip:

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It's depressing to see someone that young preach fire-and-brimstone. He could be stuck that way--people tend to stick with what they learn in their formative years.

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