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Showing Respect To Theists


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I'm at a point where I try to be very repsectful and patient when interacting with Christians. I try to remember that I was a a good guy just trying do what was right when I was a part of that faith, and most of them probably are, too. I may get a sharper tongue here on Ex-C, but this site wasn't built to cater to the Christian community.

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Hi Folks, as a recent ex-C I'm a bit unsure how much respect I should show to my ex Brethren and their / my former beliefs?


I notice on here ppl dont capitalise G of God or C of Christian? Is it rude not to do this?


Theists and atheists on the internet both claim each other is intolerant.


How much respect do you think should be shown to Christians and other Theists.


Thanks Adam


When they start showing other people respect then maybe I will to. I doubt that'll happen.

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I'm a theist and an ex-christian.


I give the respect I get. it's individual. There are assholes in every group, and I need not respect assholes.

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..believe religious people to be Wendycrazy.gif , especially New Agers.


Hi Exevolt, I personally think the Old Age Abrahamic religions are more harmful.

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I'm a theist and an ex-christian.


Hi LH, There seems to be a broad mix of different beliefs here, Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, New Age, Buddhist. But are all united by free thinking.

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I'm kind of one of these people that often has no filter between my brain and my mouth. I get hold of a thought, and I don't think to look around at the company I'm in before spitting it out. I don't actually mean disrespect, but I've offended or shocked before. Meh. I am what I am.


On the subject of decapitalising, well, it amuses me to write words like 'jesus' lower case. I can't please everyone. And I figure that after 25 years of minding what I say, write, and think, I've done my time, and if decapitalising makes me giggle, then so be it :)

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I don't froth at the mouth at religious people, though I might have a bit of a venomous tongue with Christians here smile.png


Hi Jaded, do you think religious people deserve more respect, or do they have a persecution complex?


I think being respectful in general is just a good way to go. I don't see a point in pissing people off unnecessarily. Just because I can do something doesn't mean I should. So long as I am treated nicely, I try to do the same. Doesn't always work that way, but I try :)

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If Christians are in fact "beneath" us in the sense that they are as children, cognitively speaking, then what sense does it make to shame a child into growing? Why not show respect for the child with the full confidence that they will indeed grow?

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I'm a theist and an ex-christian.


Hi LH, There seems to be a broad mix of different beliefs here, Atheist, Agnostic, Deist, New Age, Buddhist. But are all united by free thinking.


I'm aware that I'm in the minority of this site. Some others than me do claim spiritual practices/beliefs, but, as far as I know, (unless there is a lurker I am unaware of) I am the only person on this site who holds a belief in literal gods, who is not a christian. Yes, it took free-thinking to get me out of Christianity, and the courage to now openly hold the view I now hold.


I am also keenly aware that I am an extreme oddity on this site. The vast majority are atheists. Also, most of the spiritually inclined individuals I know on this site do not believe in literal gods as I do. I don't hold that against them - I don't really care what others believe, but I do notice the sneering language from several "strong" atheists online, on this forum and elsewhere. I know that they do not respect me. I don't respect them either. They can kiss my ass.


I ask no one to believe as I do. They better not ask me to change my spiritual leanings, or, no matter what they believe (or don't believe), they will be on the receiving end of a brutal verbal beating.

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Hi LunaticHeathen, what do you mean by belief in literal gods. Are you a practising pagan?


I dont think there is need to dish out verbal beatings here :) I think the strong Atheist beef is with fundy Christians and Muslims, not with yourself.


I also have a spiritual belief. Mine is only to the extent of some vague higher power, universe / nature. Im not even sure if you would class that as theist.

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I am also keenly aware that I am an extreme oddity on this site. The vast majority are atheists. Also, most of the spiritually inclined individuals I know on this site do not believe in literal gods as I do. I don't hold that against them - I don't really care what others believe, but I do notice the sneering language from several "strong" atheists online, on this forum and elsewhere. I know that they do not respect me. I don't respect them either. They can kiss my ass.


I ask no one to believe as I do. They better not ask me to change my spiritual leanings, or, no matter what they believe (or don't believe), they will be on the receiving end of a brutal verbal beating.



I'm an atheist now, for a while after I lost my christian faith I was a theist, then deist, then agnostic deist,and finally agnostic atheist. For me, as I lost my faith in god, the reasons for me rejecting my faith made it harder to accept a deity. I do find it interesting when someone goes through a similar process and ends up being a theist instead of continuing along the path (unless your theistic beliefs are of a deist sort).


But don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything wrong with being a theist and I think that everyone deserves respect (theist and nontheist), until they reach a point where they lose it. I even still respect many christians, while we may differ on the concept of god, we can have conversations and have respect.


What I don't respect are religious fundamentalist who ignore evidence because its from the devil, who try to get their agendas passed, who are bigots and use their holy book to remain so, ect. (Although I also remember when I was the same way)


If someone actually is open minded, thinks about things and ends up with a different belief on a deity than me, then surely that person deserves respect.

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I also have a spiritual belief. Mine is only to the extent of some vague higher power, universe / nature. Im not even sure if you would class that as theist.


Okay, I'm gonna say what I think 'cause this is the only place I feel free to do it, I have the same spiritual belief as you, Adam5. I believe there is some sort of "higher power". I can't point to it, or prove it. It is just a feeling or sense that resonates with me. We Westerners have been so conditioned to not trust our feelings that I am not in tune with it very well, but the belief is there. I think it is a fallacy to think only those things that can be scientifically proven are real. I think science is a wonderful tool in disproving what is false, but science has its limitations and it is a human practice that is in the service of man, man is not in the service of science. I don't think that science is the source of ALL truth. Hasn't there been "scientific truths" that have been disproven? At one time they thought the atom was the smallest particle. Now we know this is not the case. I point this out to say that science is not a god either.


In that sense, I think that we need to respect those who believe in a god. Just because it can't be proven doesn't mean it isn't so and I think that belief falls into this category. I'm NOT talking about a belief in the bible or biblegod, that has been shown to be bogus, but I'm referring to a belief in a higher power or great spirit or whatever you call it. Something beyond that we can sense within us.


Some will say, well I can't sense it, so it can't be true. I would disagree. Some people may just be able to sense things better than others just as some have a better sense/understanding of math than others.


So on the general question of this post about respecting theists, I think definitely yes, there should be a respect for theists.

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If Christians are in fact "beneath" us in the sense that they are as children, cognitively speaking, then what sense does it make to shame a child into growing? Why not show respect for the child with the full confidence that they will indeed grow?



eek.gif Shocking I know but fully agree with legion ....in this post.


Things go much better with my 4yr old when he is met at his level. When it's something he knows he's not suppose to do, that's a different story. But shaming never works.

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I also have a spiritual belief. Mine is only to the extent of some vague higher power, universe / nature. Im not even sure if you would class that as theist.


Okay, I'm gonna say what I think 'cause this is the only place I feel free to do it, I have the same spiritual belief as you, Adam5. I believe there is some sort of "higher power". I can't point to it, or prove it. It is just a feeling or sense that resonates with me. We Westerners have been so conditioned to not trust our feelings that I am not in tune with it very well, but the belief is there. I think it is a fallacy to think only those things that can be scientifically proven are real. I think science is a wonderful tool in disproving what is false, but science has its limitations and it is a human practice that is in the service of man, man is not in the service of science. I don't think that science is the source of ALL truth. Hasn't there been "scientific truths" that have been disproven? At one time they thought the atom was the smallest particle. Now we know this is not the case. I point this out to say that science is not a god either.


In that sense, I think that we need to respect those who believe in a god. Just because it can't be proven doesn't mean it isn't so and I think that belief falls into this category. I'm NOT talking about a belief in the bible or biblegod, that has been shown to be bogus, but I'm referring to a belief in a higher power or great spirit or whatever you call it. Something beyond that we can sense within us.


Some will say, well I can't sense it, so it can't be true. I would disagree. Some people may just be able to sense things better than others just as some have a better sense/understanding of math than others.


So on the general question of this post about respecting theists, I think definitely yes, there should be a respect for theists.



As do I sjessen. It can be hard to explain to religious people and atheists alike. Many people in the west expect you to think in polar opposites. This also why I try to be respectful of theists, except when they come ing here like Doug and others before him and are complete jerks. Jerkass attitudes deserve what they get.

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I'm aware that I'm in the minority of this site. Some others than me do claim spiritual practices/beliefs, but, as far as I know, (unless there is a lurker I am unaware of) I am the only person on this site who holds a belief in literal gods, who is not a christian. Yes, it took free-thinking to get me out of Christianity, and the courage to now openly hold the view I now hold.


I am also keenly aware that I am an extreme oddity on this site. The vast majority are atheists. Also, most of the spiritually inclined individuals I know on this site do not believe in literal gods as I do. I don't hold that against them - I don't really care what others believe, but I do notice the sneering language from several "strong" atheists online, on this forum and elsewhere. I know that they do not respect me. I don't respect them either. They can kiss my ass.


I ask no one to believe as I do. They better not ask me to change my spiritual leanings, or, no matter what they believe (or don't believe), they will be on the receiving end of a brutal verbal beating.


You're not the only oddball here. My belief in literal gods come and go, as I don't follow any organized path I can believe how I chooose. I choose to have a belief system because it is enjoyable for me and hey, it can also be fun to make sure that some of my beliefs are exactly the opposite of the old xian ways. My belief system won't stand up to logical reasoning and that's just fine. It was only designed for me and my bizarre little brain. :-) I enjoy being illogical, unstructured and chaotic. :-)


A lot of the stories I read here are horrible about how people were so deeply indoctrinated into xianity and I can understand why they now want nothing to do with any 'deity.' I still had a firm grip on reality when I jumped into xianity for the first time at age 30 and never suffered much more than the standard guilt and fear from a fundy church, so that might be why I still can enjoy a belief system. New age stuff, Eastern philosophy and Paganism continue to appeal to me, while xianity is just a farce. I don't believe any belief system or lack of belief system is the final destination of growth. It's just where I'm at right now. Who knows, maybe I'll get 'right with Jesus' again on my deathbed 'just in case.' But right now, not gonna happen. lol.


Well, that was probably two paragraphs of digression...

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Jerkass attitudes deserve what they get.


I extend this to all beliefs and atheists. If you're a jerk, I will fucking tell you so.

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