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Goodbye Jesus

The Different Types Of Ex-Christians


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The ones who insist they are right about everything and see the world in black and white. Man, if you are comfortable with this concept of free will & you think it's the cause of all the suffering in the world, then you really need to check yourself. That is the most hateful way to be blind and uncaring for people's sufferring. Talk about evil. Look I can't help you now, but accept Jesus and when you die life will be great. Majorly fucked up.


Doug, if you're looking for love, then find it in your own heart. I agree with the above statement because as a Christian I could not accept that a loving, caring god could be so uncaring. Hopefully you can open your eyes and look around and start really loving all people and caring about the condition they are in instead of condemning them.


I bet that is why a lot of people on this forum left christianity: 'cause we love people. We want good for everyone, not just some. I met a muslim woman on a forum. She was forced out of her family and was facing a divorce because she she couldn't believe her god would condemn christians. She has a love for all people, like those of us who left christianity because we can't believe the christian god would condemn muslims.


That's it in a nutshell as far as I am concerned. It's all about love. Unconditional, all-inclusive love. The kind of love God is supposed to have. Clearly, the god of the bible is not this kind of god.*


*Many of the questions people on this forum have presented to you are examples of this.

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Impressive. I guess the question is why is he here?


I think he's just a sad, lonely, rejected, candy bar eater who needs attention. No one was interested in him on the Christian website so he decided to try boosting his self-esteem by coming here.


Doug, why don't you join us? Your Christian beliefs are obviously not making you happy. This is surely what you want subconsciously. Do not be afraid. You can't possibly go deeper in hell than you already are. And I promiss you that you will receive more love.

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The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


You see no love anywhere Doug because you flew in here on your magical trinity expecting all of us to go "oh gee, now I get it, I'm gonna just go back to god", like we are some group of simple sheep. Your attitude that you have "all the answers" but are unwilling to actually answer anyone is utter bullshit.


Smoke and mirrors my friend, that's all you got and magicians do it much better. You are just another mind controlled cult member. You probably believe that you can come here and "convert" us back to the cult, but it never happens.


You don't see any love here Doug because you didn't bother to explore this website before you jumped in, guns blazing, and expected us to bend to the "word of god". Perhaps if you had read most of the content on this site you would have realized how full of love and compassion most of the people here are. But Noooooo! You had to be the typical christard operating under the premise that you "know how to convert us" back into the cult.


If you want any kind of respect at all here Doug, return to the first thread and answer the questions without quoting the bible, or using satan as an excuse. Failure to do that will just invite more of what you are already experiencing on this site. If you are going to be a big joke Doug you will be treated as such. You too will leave like hundreds of other believers before you.


You claimed that you could provide answers, was that a lie? And lying is a sin right? Don't people go to hell for sinning? Seems like you are more likely to be seeing satan than anyone here at Ex-C.


So do we get some answers or would you like to continue to be our little plaything. zDuivel7.gif

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Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.

Makes me think of this:


"You are going to go through life thinking that girls people don’t like you because you’re a nerd Christian. And I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won’t be true. It’ll be because you're an asshole." -Erica Albright in The Social Network



I'm not going to try to say that everyone's responses have been kind or gentle but people are reacting to your condescending, obnoxious attitude, not your label as a xian. There are other xians on this site who engage thoughtfully and respectfully with the rest of the board.

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Then you proclaim that we hate god and were never True ChristiansTM to begin with.


They are a crazy bunch. I can remember being like this myself when I was a Christian on another forum. Man, was I deluded!


Me too adam. I hated the church members who only showed up on Easter and Christmas. Course I was 13. Later I realized that I hated them because I hated being there, thus I was jealous of the fact that they could choose not to go.


Once I could chose I never went back.

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The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


Christianity is great for lulz. If you want lulz, read the bible. If you want lulz read Doug's posts. :-)

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Doug, in addition to answering your simplistic little quiz (I am NO1/2/3/4/5 but definitely not NO6, because I think "sin" is a ludicrous explanation/excuse for bad behaviour), this is how I describe Myself:


1. I am of Scandinavian descent, and according to our ancestral mythology every one of us is a child of Allfather Oðinn. This mythological adoption makes Me one of the Æsir and therefore a goddess by birth. Frigga is My stepmother, Thor is My kid brother whom I used to babysit, and dear, sweet Uncle Loki taught Me a thing or two.


Conveniently, I am the goddess of the vernal equinox, but only in the Northern hemisphere; of chocolate; of punctuation; and of Random Equipment Malfunctions. None of these things actually require a whole lot of divine intervention, as all of them can be explained in empirical terms without recourse to religious woo-woo.


As a result, My workload is relatively light except around the middle of March, when I like to bake cookies, get the garden ready, and drink toasts to the coming season. I may not be able to raise the dead (except in the primitivistic sense of planting seeds and seeing them "come to life"). I can, however, bake the best damn orange cake on the planet.


2. I am a secular humanist, because the tenets of humanism in the IHEU's Amsterdam Declaration describe very, very well the way I see the world.


3. I am a strong agnostic. I know of no reliable way for a mortal to tell the difference between a god and a powerful being pretending to be a god; therefore, I consider "divinity" to be an unprovable and meaningless concept. For the record, I am agnostic regarding My own divinity as well.


4. I am a weak atheist. Taking My points #1 and #3 into consideration, I've yet to come across any phenomenon that suggested the presence of a god or god-like being. I do not assert "There are no gods"; I do say, unequivocally, "I have never seen any credible evidence for the existence of gods." If we ever do find such a thing, I believe that it will be science, not religion, which makes first contact.


5. I am a militant anti-theist, with a specific interest in anti-Christianity.

  • In My opinion, it is a criminal and psychologically abusive act to threaten young people or vulnerable adults with tales of Hell. I would like very much for such indoctrination to be punishable with jail time.
  • I think that the Sinner's Prayer is as much the "Mark of the Beast" as anything, as it reduces humans to grovelling sheep.
  • I see the god of the Bible as infinitely evil, and see it as My sacred duty to liberate all sentient beings from its alleged Hell, should it turn out that such a place actually exists. In fact, I'd be sorely tempted to strangle Biblegod with My own shoelaces if it dared show its face at My place.
  • I despise Christianity's pseudo-morals. You and other Christians may be okay with letting some innocent guy die in your place, but I think that's an incredibly cowardly act on your part.
  • And Biblegod is the poster child for ultimate evil. Drown a planet? Burn non-believers for eternity? Set up its own kid for human sacrifice? And you have the audacity to call it a "good" god? Get real.
  • Original Sin? No, I abolished that by divine fiat on December 30, 2000.
  • Apocalypse? Came and went, and you missed it. It was in April 2002, and My side won without spilling a drop of blood, holy or otherwise. (Biblegod's zombies are mindbogglingly stupid, so My friends and I just trapped them in a dead-end valley.)
  • I am, however, still in the market for a Talking Snake™ to call My very own. If you happen to have one you don't need, kindly Fed-Ex it to My house forthwith.

You're wasting your time here, Doug. You are, however, providing us with lots of entertainment.

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I'm fascinated by the different types of ex-Christians, so I've decided to categorize them.

As I read your comments in the forum, I will modify the list below.

I'll update and post this list periodically until I'm satisfied it's complete.

Your participation is invited, but is certainly not necessary.


3 categories of ex-Christians:

NO -- Christian in Name Only (e.g. born into a Christian family), never born-again

BA -- Born Again Christian (i.e. God’s Spirit came inside, began to reveal truth)

3rd -- There is a 3rd, TBA if I’m convinced I've found one


Reasons for "NO" ex-Christians:

NO1 -- Never had any meaningful spiritual experience

NO2 -- Horrendous things in the world too much to handle

NO3 -- Had a bad experience with a Christian

NO4 -- Disagreed with Christian teaching

NO5 -- Saw problems with the Bible

NO6 -- Totally hopeless to control the sin nature


Reasons for "BA" ex-Christians:

BA1 -- Had a real bad life experience ... hate God and/or Christianity

BA2 -- Saw big problems with the Bible ... rejected Christianity

BA3 -- Really deceived by Satan ... gave up and dropped out

BA4 -- Struggle to control the sin nature ... gave up and dropped out


I am fascinated with cross-posting tards who cut and paste the same boring shit about their 9 trips to Bulgaria all over the internet.

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Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.





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Doug, you belong in the middle of a human centipede for being such a piece of shit.

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Doug, you belong in the middle of a human centipede for being such a piece of shit.





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I'm fascinated by the different types of ex-Christians, so I've decided to categorize them.


Doug! Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?" Certainly not categorize and habitually consort with heathens. But maybe you're fascinated by us because the little voice in your head is saying, "The Ex-Christians have something better to fill that hole in your soul with. Find out what it is."


Sorry, you aren't ready for that life-changing experience or metamorphosis to freedom beyond Christianity. You have to examine yourself and your motives first. You're still a little lost babe-in-the-woods.

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Doug, you belong in the middle of a human centipede for being such a piece of shit.






Now that's a girl you want to take home an introduce to mom. :)

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Serial Lesbian Goth, Wants to have a trinity go down




Jesus blows smoke up your ass

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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.

You're fucking hilarious. As I wrote in a blog post, people don't "hate" crazy evagelicals because they're Christian. We dislike arrogant douchenozzles who come in and spout religious bigotry, though. Your problem isn't that you're Christian. It's that you're an arrogant douchenozzle of a bigot.


BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH for categorizing us! I'd never ever have guessed I was just deceived by Satan and couldn't control my sinful sin nature! Oh wow! I didn't even know. All this time I thought I'd just realized that the Bible is as false as, well, YOU are and that its claims to superiority were as fake as, well, YOURS are and that its logic was as dispshitted and disproven as, well, YOURS is. All it took was a TRUE CHRISTIAN to come in where no other Christian ever dared to tread, slap me in the face with his spiritual dick a few times, and now I understand! Now I see da light! PRAYZE DA LAWD!


Seriously, Doug, wow. You're a fucking idiot.

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Ditto, everyone else! ^^


It should go without saying that it is unfair for any Christian to hold non-Christians to xian standards, as it is also unfair for atheists to hold religious folk to atheist standards.


That being said, I feel it is perfectly reasonable for us to hold dear Doug to his very own standards.


Proverbs 26:12-" Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him." (ESV)

*edited itty-bitty text size


Did you read that ex-Christians?? There is hope for us after all! ukliam2.gif

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You're stupid

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