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The Different Types Of Ex-Christians


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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


I don't think anyone here actually hates you Doug. I certainly don't. I just don't care for your beliefs. Also, your "arguments" and "answers" so far have been pathetic.


I hope you stick around though. It's fun to play poke the Christian.

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I hope you stick around though. It's fun to play poke the Christian.


Responding to people like Doug also helps rack up my post count.

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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


Nope. Why would we dislike christians? That's something all of us used to be, and we don't find self-loathing, even in the past tense, to be all that productive.


We dislike you because you're an arrogant fuckwad who came on here promising all the answers, thinking you would do a little evangelizin' and save us po' heathens. You arrived with preconceived notions about who we are and why we feel the way we do, and then proceeded to dodge questions right and left, thump your bible in our faces without even acknowledging the fact we don't believe in it, you called me a liar when I said I was once a "born again fundy," and then to top it off you fucking "categorize" us.


You could have read some of our stories so you could at least better understand our perspective...but you didn't. You just started preaching.


You could have engaged in open and honest debate...but you didn't. I asked you one question about 5 times yesterday and not only did you never even address it, you openly stated you never even read the fucking passage from Judges that I was asking about. I only needed you to read about 10 verses, and you couldn't be bothered.


You could, just this once, open your mind to the possibility you are wrong, that your belief system is a lie...but you won't. You're either fake or brainwashed, and you should think about the fact that we can't tell the difference and what that implies.

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Dude's definitely a troll.

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News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


Howdy mr. love.....what's your view on gay marriage and also could you remind me of what's the view that most loving christians have??


I don't dislike you because your a christian (dislike not hate), in fact I have many many christian friends (9/10s of my friends are born again believers). I dislike you because your arrogant, claim to have all the answers but don't have any.

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  • Super Moderator
Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


Even the dumbest dumbfuck Christian doesn't say that. Now I'm sure it's 100% troll.

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Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


Even the dumbest dumbfuck Christian doesn't say that. Now I'm sure it's 100% troll.

I dunno man I'm still giving him 50/50...you forget just how much some fundy types get off on the belief they're being persecuted. I have heard legit fundys say exactly what he said. The reason I'm questioning my faith in doug is that he's just too damn good at saying all the right things to piss us off.


Are betting pools allowed on here?

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Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


Even the dumbest dumbfuck Christian doesn't say that. Now I'm sure it's 100% troll.


Troll for sure, but that doesn't mean he's not an xian. My ex christian, but Fox-news watching cousin thinks white xian men are the most discriminated against bunch in the US, so if he's plugged into the RW circuit, he could probably really believe this.

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Moved to the Lion's Den from General Theological Issues.

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The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


we don't dislike you because you are a christian. There are a few Christians on here that we get along with just fine.


We dislike you because you come in here and Declare you have all the answers to all our questions are annointed by god and can figure us out.


Then you proclaim that we hate god and were never True ChristiansTM to begin with.



You do not have compassion or empathy anywhere in your posts. It's all finger pointing at how wrong we are and chest thumping about how wonderful you are. Not the best way to start out.


Arrogance and pride reek in your posts and that get very quickly slapped down around here. Not only that but in my experience those who most arrogantly proclaim something, are usually the ones who are afraid their position is vulnerable and on some level they know it.


Now either start opening your heart. or GFTO.

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Moved to the Lion's Den from General Theological Issues.


You should create a Troll Den.

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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.

We don't hate Christians. We hate Christianity. :shrug:

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Christians always think they are hated because they hate everyone else. It's pure projection. Even the way they define love is sometimes a mask for hatred.

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Then you proclaim that we hate god and were never True ChristiansTM to begin with.


They are a crazy bunch. I can remember being like this myself when I was a Christian on another forum. Man, was I deluded!

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Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.


No one hates anyone, we just hate that you come in here to preach to us and it makes people angry.


No one hates your God or you for being christian, this is just a place where ex christians go to get away from it all. I myself dont mind you being here becuase i love debate but you have failed to really even bring up one credible apologetic answer to anyones question.


you can look around the lions den and you will find us being kind to christians who come here to debate and themselves ask questions. You come here to preach and thats why every one is angry.

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Christians always think they are hated because they hate everyone else. It's pure projection.


I think the more hateful Christians are the preachy ones who insist on trying to convert everyone.

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Guest Valk0010
Where do I fit in?


The idea is for you to tell me ... I just can't seem to read your mind.


Question: Why is it that you guys and gals have so much hatred?


News Flash! ... Your posts reek with it. I see no love anywhere, just hate.


Oh yeah, I got it ... you dislike me so much because I'm Christian.

Actually there Christians here, that while I find respectable, I totally disagree with them. People like end3 and LNC come to mind.


So no, we don't hate you cause your Christian, we hate you cause your reasons for believing as far as we can see suck badly. Being judged by a person who obviously doesn't have a clue other then what his/her(if that is possible) bible teacher says. Blegh.

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I myself dont mind you being here becuase i love debate but you have failed to really even bring up one credible apologetic answer to anyones question.


I'd love a christian well trained in apologitics to come here and debate. Who knows perhaps it would answer some questions some ex-christians have (highly doubtful though), but this guy is a joke, he's not answered a single question, only provided his life experiences which can be easily reproduced by non-christian experiences...

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Christians always think they are hated because they hate everyone else. It's pure projection.


I think the more hateful Christians are the preachy ones who insist on trying to convert everyone.


The ones who insist they are right about everything and see the world in black and white. Man, if you are comfortable with this concept of free will & you think it's the cause of all the suffering in the world, then you really need to check yourself. That is the most hateful way to be blind and uncaring for people's sufferring. Talk about evil. Look I can't help you now, but accept Jesus and when you die life will be great. Majorly fucked up.

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I myself dont mind you being here becuase i love debate but you have failed to really even bring up one credible apologetic answer to anyones question.


I'd love a christian well trained in apologitics to come here and debate. Who knows perhaps it would answer some questions some ex-christians have (highly doubtful though), but this guy is a joke, he's not answered a single question, only provided his life experiences which can be easily reproduced by non-christian experiences...


I hear what you are saying but most apologetics is useless. They start at believing in the Christian God(s) & then they go about proving it. It's nothing more than mental masturbation, it makes Christians feel good but it is unhelpful to anyone else. There aren't any brilliant apologists today, they are all rehashing Aquinas, Augustine or Calvin. Watering it down. And those brilliant men didn't have all the scientific knowledge that we have today. Who knows what they would have written if they did. I tried to explain to my mother that it is only a rhetorical device, not even a philosophy really, but she thinks these guys are proving Christianity. It's insane.

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Impressive. I guess the question is why is he here? He's a terrible evangelist (although maybe that is a good thing).

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We try to refrain from revealing private information in public. It could have liability issues for the website.


O thats where it went, haha i was trying to quote that and it said no permission.

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I think this is appropriate


courtousy of darkmatter2525.

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Sorry about that.

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