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Goodbye Jesus

My Testimony Glorifies The Lord God Almighty!


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edit: excuse me, they're made of Pyrite!

Dude, pyrite at least has some use in costume jewelry applications. And it's pretty to look at. Show some respect.


LOL! You gals sure love your baubles, bangles and beads! FrogsToadBigGrin.gif

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What did you do in the name of God for those people in Bulgaria that they could have called their miracle?


What are you talking about? I talked about their miracles in the testimony.

What could they want except their own miracles?


Why do Christians get up in church and testify as to what God did in their lives,

especially in answer to their prayers?

One reason is to glorify God.

Another reason is to encourage others to keep praying for what they need.


Sometimes, God tests people by insisting on proving their faith and persistence.


In my experience people testify in church so all the other christians will think they are hot shit, they remain part of the inner group, then everyone has supper and pats each other on the head for being such bloody wonderful ambassadors of god. Like EVERY group in the world it is just another big circle jerk. Try stepping outside what the church believes and see how fast they pretend you never existed. Oh, and you are a yank which makes it even more covoluted because it also adds to your social acceptance and supports your politics.


I watched this shit go on for 36 years. Your arrogance is vomitworthy.

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Why doesn't someone get specific ... and come out and

say what has made him/her so angry at God and His Scriptures?


This is what I'm here for ... to deal with these issues.


You're here to pat yourself on the back.

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The last two posts pretty much sum up what I think any Christian who shows up on this forum is really after.

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Your research is very commendable.


You need to realize how powerful the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is in Bulgaria.

Ditto with the similar Eastern Orthodox churches in other countries.

Ditto with the similar Roman Catholic churches in all countries.


Evangelicals pose an enormous THREAT to the powerful control the above organizations hold over their people ... because they teach that the Bible is to be revered over man-made religious institutions.

(The Bible warns about "the doctrines of men", etc.)

Consequently, these churches have put out a lot of anti-evangelical information in the media.



On the next episode of Christian Hunter:


Roight We found this little bugger on site for ex-christians. If you look roight here, you'll see he started off with the classic I'm blessed and annointed by god.


Within 24hrs, he jumped into "we are persecuted", the locals seem to be a mix of amused humor and outright indignation. Oohh look over here, out right mockery.. this should be fun




Note: Apologies to the country and citizens of Australia for this incredibly bad parody.




THAT IS FUCKING HILARIOUS. I swear, I spotted my panties laughing...... You got the Aussie thing D*O*W*N.......


Well played.


(I know you hate me, but that was DAMNED FUNNY.)

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....(general bullshit deleted) .....

But what about hemorrhoids? I haven't seen god cure so much as a swollen butt hole in 2,000 years!




That's somethin'.......

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God could have saved himself some time by sending Doug to snake handling school instead of sending him to our website. I understand they are in need of another faithful snake wrangler.

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In my experience people testify in church so all the other christians will think they are hot shit, they remain part of the inner group, then everyone has supper and pats each other on the head for being such bloody wonderful ambassadors of god. Like EVERY group in the world it is just another big circle jerk. Try stepping outside what the church believes and see how fast they pretend you never existed. Oh, and you are a yank which makes it even more covoluted because it also adds to your social acceptance and supports your politics.


I watched this shit go on for 36 years. Your arrogance is vomitworthy.

You're here to pat yourself on the back.


Agree with these 2 posts, if you want a pat on the back and a praise jebus, go to your church, your words mean nothing here, if you want to do something useful, help these people, don't come here and say 'I got pulled over by the police, but he didn't give me a ticket' all praise jebus, and then you wonder why you get met with hostility, what did you expect to happen? All of us to say, we are so wrong, I repent!!!! I find your ignorance offensive. Now, go away.

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I think we can stop beating this dead horse.


Just saying.

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YAAAWWWN... Your kind ain't welcome 'round here.

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