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My Testimony Glorifies The Lord God Almighty!


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There is nothing that disgusts me more than a xian who spreads his bullshit all over the web claiming to have "answers" but never actually gives any answers.


C'mon Doug, give us some answers. Explain why there are so many versions of the bible if it is the actual word of god. ANSWER: It's the word of man, it's all made up.


If there is only 1 god and we are to follow him... why are there 38,000 deniminations of xianity? http://en.wikipedia....n_denominations ANSWER: Because it's a cult.


If there was one true god, there would be one true bible explaining the one true religion and it would be crystal clear in a universal language that every human could understand.


You have no answers Doug. The heathens here have more answers than you ever will. You couldn't even be bothered to read your own bible when another very smart Ex-C member quoted YOU a verse. Typical lazy christian. Can't be bothered to do the work or find an actual answer. ay as well have just posted a random verse. Ezekiel 6:12-18 or Matthew 9:3-20 or Ruth 7:15-18, what ever random crap that comes into your mind. None of it means anything, it's all just made up drivel from ignorant people who had no idea how life would evolve. My cell phone has more power than any xian god ever will, and that's with the battery removed. ohmy.png


Instead of spamming the internet Doug, maybe you should actually research your own religion. Start by READING the bible from cover to cover. You THINK you know god, I can easily tell you that you know nothing. Let's see how much you love god after you have stoned to death your disobedient children.

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Deleted due to bad taste.

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.


This quote almost made me spit coffee all over my computer screen. Please come back Enlightened 1 and tell us how you can possibly have come to the conclusion that "lack of prayer" is somehow to blame for African famines. I could lecture you on how evil American and European protectionist agrarian policies are, but I just cannot be bothered to engage you.

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Sorry--I confessed much earlier than I had planned. Maybe what you wrote will help Doug.


You were planning to pose (and thus occupy people's time and energy) for even longer than you did?

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Why doesn't someone get specific ... and come out and

say what has made him/her so angry at God and His Scriptures?


This is what I'm here for ... to deal with these issues.


I do not think people here are angry with god, I think they are awake! It may be time for you to join us here in the real world and put down your chlldish toys. It may be time to get off your knees and pitch in. The human race needs you!


Quoting Ingersoll, as I enjoy doing so much:


“If abuses are destroyed, man must destroy them. If slaves are freed, man must free them. If new truths are discovered, man must discover them. If the naked are clothed; if the hungry are fed; if justice is done; if labor is rewarded; if superstition is driven from the mind; if the defenseless are protected, and if the right finally triumphs, all must be the work of man. The grand victories of the future must be won by man, and by man alone.”



Robert Ingersoll. The Gods, and Other Lectures. C.P Publishers (1802). Pg. 59


And quoting from M.M. Mangasarian, as is usually my want:


Truth and goodness flourish in all their glory only among a free and intelligent people. Where there is an infallible faith there can be no liberty of thought, and without liberty of thought there is no mind, and without mind man is not different from the brute.



M.M Mangasarian. The Story of My Mind: Or, How I Became a Rationalist. Independent Religious Society. (1909) . pp. 124-125



We need you to wake up now! The alarm is going off, do not press snooze! We are all tired of doing your laundry and washing up after you, while you sleep in!

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I've seen and read about a lot of those same things happening with practicing Wiccans, Native American drumming circles and sweat lodges, or people who were tripping on drugs, or in mental hospitals. Except for the "getting saved" part. Lots of crazy things can happen when you put yourself into a trance state, or get tortured at Gitmo. I am appalled at the force exerted to actively take away a person's free will and torture them until they "see the light." It is disgusting. There is power when people come together and focus their will on getting something done; in it's negative aspect it is known as the "mob mentality." It can be very dangerous when used to force someone to do something against their will. Shame on you all for deciding you know what is right for someone else and forcing that on them.

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Agreeing bigtime with that, Cestlavie. It's rude to charge into another culture and start shoving privilege in their faces like cocks.

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Shame on you all for deciding you know what is right for someone else and forcing that on them.


This is IMO a big reason why we are in a war with terrorism today. Missionaries from America went over to Muslim territory and told the people there that their god is nothing and they're all going to hell for all eternity. So they see us as the enemy and have declared war on us. This may be a bit simplistic, other things are in play as well, but you start messing with peoples' god and they are gonna fight back!

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This is IMO a big reason why we are in a war with terrorism today. Missionaries from America went over to Muslim territory..


Hi SJ, I'd have to disagree with you. The main reason is because Muslim fundamentalists are bigots and brainwashed by religion. We should not blame ourselves for this.

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Frankly, the superior arrogance of Christians is something that bothers me the most. Jesus seems to have said and done a lot of wonderful things, but the small part where he said (and I have very strong doubts that he really said this stuff), "I am the way, the truth, the light" and "No man can come to the father but through me" just stick in one's craw. And to use this as a mandate to go out into the world and force these views on people and justify it by saying, "look at all the good we're doing with schools and health care and food and clothing." It's sick and twisted, and not even the mental health profession will call it out for being unhealthy and dysfunctional because the taboo against speaking out against Christianity is so incredibly powerful. All those years of Inquisition and Crusades and Witch burning have left a fear so deep in society that it is not in our best interest to utter one word against the atrocity that is Christianity.

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This is IMO a big reason why we are in a war with terrorism today. Missionaries from America went over to Muslim territory..


Hi SJ, I'd have to disagree with you. The main reason is because Muslim fundamentalists are bigots and brainwashed by religion. We should blame ourselves for this.


I have no proof of this, so what I am saying here is purely speculation on my part and not worth much, but I wonder if missionaries have perhaps incited these fundamentalist Muslims to act. I totally agree that the actions of the extremist Muslims are their own responsibility as you point out, I just wonder, though, if christianity has played a role in it by first attacking their beliefs and their god. I may be wrong and I respect that you disagree. Some things I have heard on TV just makes me wonder.

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They're a pretty rigid, theocratic religion themselves. Probably didn't sit well when another rigid, theocratic religion showed up and pissed on their ancestors from a great height.

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I have no proof of this, so what I am saying here is purely speculation on my part and not worth much, but I wonder if missionaries have perhaps incited these fundamentalist Muslims to act. I totally agree that the actions of the extremist Muslims are their own responsibility as you point out, I just wonder, though, if christianity has played a role in it by first attacking their beliefs and their god. I may be wrong and I respect that you disagree. Some things I have heard on TV just makes me wonder.


Hi, I am a bit sensitive on this issue, because we get it a lot in the media here, that we are blame for islamic terror attacks. Maybe its an issue here rather than in the US, but we always seem to be excusing Muslims, engaging in Muslim apologetics and excusing them. I find it very delusional.

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I have no proof of this, so what I am saying here is purely speculation on my part and not worth much, but I wonder if missionaries have perhaps incited these fundamentalist Muslims to act. I totally agree that the actions of the extremist Muslims are their own responsibility as you point out, I just wonder, though, if christianity has played a role in it by first attacking their beliefs and their god. I may be wrong and I respect that you disagree. Some things I have heard on TV just makes me wonder.


Hi, I am a bit sensitive on this issue, because we get it a lot in the media here, that we are blame for islamic terror attacks. Maybe its an issue here rather than in the US, but we always seem to be excusing Muslims, engaging in Muslim apologetics and excusing them. I find it very delusional.


OMG, I had no idea, Adam. I have never heard anyone say such things like that we are to blame for islamic terror attacks. I in no way mean to excuse what they do/have done. What they do is all on them IMO. It just goes to show how screwed up religion is 'cause they are doing what their holy book says to do and christians are doing what their holy book says to do. It's all freakin' nuts. But I don't think that justifies terrorist behavior and I in no way see anyone to blame for their actions but them.

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Theocrats are evil. End of file. We're not to blame for Islamic terror attacks any more than a lying, cheating wife is to blame for getting raped. The act is still utterly despicable, regardless of the relative ethicality and purity of the victim.

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Signing out. Have a great weekend all :)

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Frankly, the superior arrogance of Christians is something that bothers me the most. Jesus seems to have said and done a lot of wonderful things, but the small part where he said (and I have very strong doubts that he really said this stuff), "I am the way, the truth, the light" and "No man can come to the father but through me" just stick in one's craw. And to use this as a mandate to go out into the world and force these views on people and justify it by saying, "look at all the good we're doing with schools and health care and food and clothing." It's sick and twisted, and not even the mental health profession will call it out for being unhealthy and dysfunctional because the taboo against speaking out against Christianity is so incredibly powerful. All those years of Inquisition and Crusades and Witch burning have left a fear so deep in society that it is not in our best interest to utter one word against the atrocity that is Christianity.


I have been thinking about this because we are also forced to "respect" Christianity. If we make any legitimate criticism at all, then people complain that you have to show respect for their religion. But why? I believe in showing respect to the individual, but does that mean if you bring up god and I disagree with you that I am disrespectful? I wish the mental health industry will call it out for the delusion it is.

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I wouldn't mind if there were more awareness around just what 'disrespect' is. It's not like the mental health field has much to lose--Christians already think that secular therapists are evil, anti-Jeebus, gay-worshiping liberals out to destroy their families. But schools might be a better focus for teaching the skill of disagreeing. Critical thinking skills are sorely needed in schools.

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.


This quote almost made me spit coffee all over my computer screen. Please come back Enlightened 1 and tell us how you can possibly have come to the conclusion that "lack of prayer" is somehow to blame for African famines. I could lecture you on how evil American and European protectionist agrarian policies are, but I just cannot be bothered to engage you.


I'm reasonably sure that since they're starving, they're praying their fucking asses off.

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This is IMO a big reason why we are in a war with terrorism today. Missionaries from America went over to Muslim territory..


Hi SJ, I'd have to disagree with you. The main reason is because Muslim fundamentalists are bigots and brainwashed by religion. We should not blame ourselves for this.


No, it's not because of missionaries, and yes, we should shoulder the part of the blame that is ours. Read up a little on the Shah, the covert support provided Iraq during the Iran-Iraq conflict, the lopsided support we provide Israel, and then go back even further and do a little digging into your own colonial history in the region. Simply blaming fundamentalism here is, well, simple.


Also, I wonder how you would feel if you put yourself in the shoes of say an Iraqi shop keeper, who doesn't give a shit about religion and sees the UK, US, Australia, etc... bombing his city, destroying his bridges, killing his children. Would he perhaps think that maybe it is we who are brainwashed bigots driven by the religion of our patriotism and misguided ideas?


9/11 was a single day. How many days do you think this guy has had to live with far worse from we 'good' guys?

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That's a theological issue? It is a sermon! Throw it in the Lion's Den where it belongs.

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....(general bullshit deleted) .....

But what about hemorrhoids? I haven't seen god cure so much as a swollen butt hole in 2,000 years!

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....(general bullshit deleted) .....

But what about hemorrhoids? I haven't seen god cure so much as a swollen butt hole in 2,000 years!


You're much older than I had imagined! GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif It's a wonder that the biblegod doesn't have hemorrhiods from all those Golden Turdstm he's been dropping!


edit: excuse me, they're made of Pyrite!

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Moved to Lion's Den.

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edit: excuse me, they're made of Pyrite!

Dude, pyrite at least has some use in costume jewelry applications. And it's pretty to look at. Show some respect.

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