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Goodbye Jesus

My Testimony Glorifies The Lord God Almighty!


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Now I'm evil AND heartless? And I'm Doug? I'm not Doug, and I drove to the office today....and I don't have a basement.


"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" -- Epicurus


Take your view of god and his hate for the poor and shove it (not saying all views of god, but yours for sure, your version of god is a vile hateful evil sadist and isn't worth one bit of praise, but deserves all of the middle fingers and mocking one can muster in a life).

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Guest Enlightened1

Doug inspired me to do a little trolling for fun. We don't see enough real people like that. I'm actually an Ex-C. You guys can be vicious! Don't be angry. woohoo.gifhappydance.gif

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For Doug then.....



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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


Unsupported statement, which still begs the question, what motivates the non religious who do help the poor?


And, since society is more than 90% religious, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that a larger number of them are helping the poor.


You guys have, on the other hand, done a great disservice to the poor in places like Africa, given your missionaries paved the way for the colonialists. It's been an ongoing strategy with you guys and empires and the shit trail it's left behind should make you gag if you knew your own church's history and you actually have a heart. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you do and that you are just ignorant of your own church's history.

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Doug inspired me to do a little trolling for fun. We don't see enough real people like that. I'm actually an Ex-C. You guys can be vicious! Don't be angry. woohoo.gifhappydance.gif


Man, that's low! I wasted my time typing out a response and now learn your posts were just a joke. Not funny.

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Guest Enlightened1

Sorry--I confessed much earlier than I had planned. Maybe what you wrote will help Doug.

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Doug inspired me to do a little trolling for fun. We don't see enough real people like that. I'm actually an Ex-C. You guys can be vicious! Don't be angry. woohoo.gifhappydance.gif


That's cool. Just a heads up, posing is one of the few things that gets you banned around here. I'd suggest a mea culpa and promise to behave to the mods before they zap your IP.

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Well don't feel bad, my faith in Doug is starting to waver, he may be a poe after all. He's just too damn good, knows all the right things to say that will piss us off. Either that or everything pisses us off.

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he may be a poe after all.


Please help my forum speak ignorance, poe??

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Doug inspired me to do a little trolling for fun. We don't see enough real people like that. I'm actually an Ex-C. You guys can be vicious! Don't be angry. woohoo.gifhappydance.gif

The lions have not been fed in awhile. This is mild, wait till the big gunz come out.

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Please help my forum speak ignorance, poe??

Poe's Law
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Please help my forum speak ignorance, poe??

Poe's Law

Calling someone a "poe" refers to that axiom. It means that when someone like Dougie comes on a message board like this and starts thumping his bible, none of us can tell if he's a True Believer or if he's a poser having fun. Both the actual belief and a parody thereof appear identical.


To me it's a strong argument against theism, and a slightly altered version was somewhat of an epiphany for me during deconversion...I realized that if I were to attempt to devise the greatest con of all time, it would be indistinguishable from Christianity.

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This Poe's Law sounds a lot like the paradox I went through with god. If satan poses as an angel of light, and god sometimes sends evil spirits to people, how do you know what the hell is going on? That's how I started thinking I had blasphemed the holy spirit. You think something is of satan, but then no maybe it's god...then, oh, shit, I called something god did as being of satan. Damn, committed the unpardonable sin. Like people around here say, religion is a mind-f*ck! Wendycrazy.gif


Say, Doug forgot that in his categories: BAs who blasphemed the holy spirit...but wait, if you have the holy spirit, shouldn't you be able to discern spirits? It's all confusion. God is not the author of confusion, but wait, the bible is confusing...yada yada ya on and on and on...

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  • Super Moderator

Sorry, Modz! Please don't block my IP! I promise to behave!


Did I miss it somewhere, or are you gonna tell us who you really are? Are we allowed to guess?


Your use of a form of the word "glory" makes me think you might be ______ _____.







Oh crap, never mind about the "glory" part... That was Doug's (aka Redeemed-777) stupid line.

I still want to know who YOU are though! tongue.png

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This Poe's Law sounds a lot like the paradox I went through with god. If satan poses as an angel of light, and god sometimes sends evil spirits to people, how do you know what the hell is going on? That's how I started thinking I had blasphemed the holy spirit. You think something is of satan, but then no maybe it's god..

That's another damn good point, and it illustrates why faith is useless. Even christians don't invoke faith when they think they have evidence. Deep down they know evidence trumps non-evidence. But if faith is all we can have, and god allows satan to deceive us...then satan and god are indistinguishable from one another.

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Sadly Doug is a "real" xian. I searched like LL did and came up with this little gem.




This is why Doug is here, he is "angry" at the non-believers for coming into his threads and throwing logic around. So yes, he is here trolling us. And YES he is that much of an ass, his posts over there are filled with his smug attitude just like here, no, worse than here.


Piss off Doug, you're a jerk.


If you all want to read more of his attitude without registering there click this link to search his posts.



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Ah the internets shedding light on things since 1994.

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Genesis is the foundation' date=' which is the basis for the entire Bible.[/color']


If you don't believe Genesis (almost literally word for word),

you may just as well dump your Bible in the nearest dumpster and walk ...


good to know, bible is in the nearest dumpster now!!

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Yeah, before "believing" Genesis word for word. He may want to try actually "understanding" how Genesis was compiled & redacted. The Hebrews just took stories from the cultures around them, it's not original.

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Sadly Doug is a "real" xian. I searched like LL did and came up with this little gem.




This is why Doug is here, he is "angry" at the non-believers for coming into his threads and throwing logic around. So yes, he is here trolling us. And YES he is that much of an ass, his posts over there are filled with his smug attitude just like here, no, worse than here.


Piss off Doug, you're a jerk.


If you all want to read more of his attitude without registering there click this link to search his posts.




You should pst this on all his threads.

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Sadly Doug is a "real" xian. I searched like LL did and came up with this little gem.




This is why Doug is here, he is "angry" at the non-believers for coming into his threads and throwing logic around. So yes, he is here trolling us. And YES he is that much of an ass, his posts over there are filled with his smug attitude just like here, no, worse than here.


Piss off Doug, you're a jerk.


If you all want to read more of his attitude without registering there click this link to search his posts.




Yeah, I took your idea and googled his Bulgaria story...it is posted all over the place. He's just a fundy douche copy and paste tard. I think he must jerk-off while reading his mission exploits over and over again.

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It was almost better when we thought he was a troll. Because looking back at the arrogance of his first post: I AM HERE TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!!!


What kind of person approaches strangers like this? And the best part is he doesn't have an answer to anything, other than to say he preyed on some weak minded people in Bulgaria! WTF?


It was funny when I thought he was a troll, now it's just sad & pathetic.

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Guest Valk0010
Genesis is the foundation' date=' which is the basis for the entire Bible.[/color']


If you don't believe Genesis (almost literally word for word),

you may just as well dump your Bible in the nearest dumpster and walk ...


good to know, bible is in the nearest dumpster now!!

Well that makes things very easy now don't it. That makes are job really easy. Prove evolution you disprove god.
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