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Goodbye Jesus

My Testimony Glorifies The Lord God Almighty!


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We need to stop feeding the troll. I really don't see the point of going into a forum with the only purpose of disrupting conversations & fucking with people. Only an idiot would live their life like this.

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Och its lunchtime and I'm bored LOL!!!

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Interesting that your testimony glorifies god. However, it seems that the missionary work done in Bulgaria was not too successful and caused a lot of problems. Here's a report about the evangelism in Bulgaria which deals with a lot of what happened in the early 1990s when you were there. It's not too flattering of that work. This is a snippet related specifically to the pentecostal/charismatic evangelistic activity of which it appears you were a part (I'm not speaking of you in particular, but of the missionary work, in general, as set forth in this report):

On the other hand, most of the Western evangelists and preachers coming to the country had never before been in a Communist country. The reality of the economic stagnation and the struggle to feed a family in a hostile environment and still remain faithful to God was usually foreign to them. Here are the major features of their preaching which kept their evangelism in Bulgaria out of touch with reality and eventually dangerous for the Church in general: [note: read the text for the specific problems].


These apparent characteristics of the preaching of the Western Charismatic and Pentecostal missionaries turned out to be a valid weapon in the hands of the enemies of Christ. In the summer of 1994 the government and the media started a massive campaign against the Protestant churches, ridiculing them and criticizing them on the basis of the things I described above. The public opinion shifted overnight from a general sympathy toward the Protestant faith to intolerable hostility. And while it is true that we must expect hostility from the world, in this situation the hostility was created by the Protestant churches themselves and especially by the foreign evangelists and missionaries.


It seems all of these "miracles" have not been well received among other Christian commentators.


Your research is very commendable.


You need to realize how powerful the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is in Bulgaria.

Ditto with the similar Eastern Orthodox churches in other countries.

Ditto with the similar Roman Catholic churches in all countries.


Evangelicals pose an enormous THREAT to the powerful control the above organizations hold over their people ... because they teach that the Bible is to be revered over man-made religious institutions.

(The Bible warns about "the doctrines of men", etc.)

Consequently, these churches have put out a lot of anti-evangelical information in the media.


Would you explain to me Doug why that this devine book that is supposed to be all revealing is so hard to understand, and why there are so many denominations? which woul dbe about 40,000.


Also, You claimed earlier that the devil is what causes us to leave christianity but the devil is completly controled by God and all his actions dominated, in fact in the book of Job the devil is seen as Gods attorney. So why is that you blam the devil for us leaving when God is ultimatly in power that will cause us to leave? If God only gives us half of the evidence we need to understand him becuase belief is not a choice it is a revelation, then is he giving us evidence at all of his he diliberatly manipulating us.

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Your research is very commendable.


You need to realize how powerful the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is in Bulgaria.

Ditto with the similar Eastern Orthodox churches in other countries.

Ditto with the similar Roman Catholic churches in all countries.


Evangelicals pose an enormous THREAT to the powerful control the above organizations hold over their people ... because they teach that the Bible is to be revered over man-made religious institutions.

(The Bible warns about "the doctrines of men", etc.)

Consequently, these churches have put out a lot of anti-evangelical information in the media.



On the next episode of Christian Hunter:


Roight We found this little bugger on site for ex-christians. If you look roight here, you'll see he started off with the classic I'm blessed and annointed by god.


Within 24hrs, he jumped into "we are persecuted", the locals seem to be a mix of amused humor and outright indignation. Oohh look over here, out right mockery.. this should be fun




Note: Apologies to the country and citizens of Australia for this incredibly bad parody.

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I notice he didn't say it was *false* information. Just that it was anti-evangelical. This is hilarious. Lying for Jeebus was never this obvious.

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Guest Enlightened1

Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.


Oh, great. Another one.

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.




are you kidding me? your heartless cunt?


how are thes kids supposed to worship your God, when most of them have not been exposed to your God becuase your God has not choosen to reveal himself to them directly or indirectly by christians. Where is their miracle? huh? where is their manna from heaven?


The number of kids that die every year from starvation is the equivilant of the 2006 tsunami killing people only under the age of five every ten days. tThis is the measure of your Gods grace? you dont think he hears their plees? you dont think he hears them cry at night? What the fuck do they know about theology the have never heard of? most of these kids can not read, non the less learn about some western deity.


Your right religion can be a great charity, but what you dont understand is that this only happens becuase the west is economically productive and stable politicaly which alows for aid to be sent. there is also a massive abundant number of secular organazations that send aid to nations. Every thing that christianity does to help people is by THE ACTIONS OF THE CHRISTIANS. Your God does nothing to help these people, he gives them no amble rain, he brings no peace and he brings no hope.

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I know christians can post discussion points in various threads, but I thought christards were supposed to post this kind of evangelizing drivel in the Lion's Den. Doug "I have the answer to everything" and Enlightened1 "educating the lost" are preaching. Badly, but preaching, nevertheless.

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What's with the idiosyncratic, bold font, and in BROWN??


Well, he is full of shit. Sorry, couldn't resist.GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Guest Enlightened1

The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them.


Oh yeah that's right I forgot. It's their own fault that they're starving.


God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.


What exactly is your point? Christians are the largest group. It's hardly surprising that they do some good things.

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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


Oh, for fuck's sake...

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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


There aren't nearly as many secularists. Period.

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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


Heres something to think over... When I was a Christian I would give a set amount of money monthly to the church, plus some other donations as and when. Very little of this money actually went to good causes. It went on salaries, pensions to current and retired clergy, maintenance of church buildings, running costs and central fees. Next to none of it went to real charity.

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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


"Motiviated" right? Why is it that christianity even though it is "true" requires money like every other human institution? seems kinda perculiar to me your limited by human needs.

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Secular charities are much much more effective. Think about your church.


The one here is a multi billion pound organisation. It maintains thousands of clergy, thousands of church buildings, bishops palaces. Thats right, the bishops live rent free in palaces/ castles, decked in priceless art and retire in comfort.


100% of secular donations go to good causes.


They dont line the pockets of puffed up, arrogant, pompous hypocrites.

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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.

Help from Christians usually comes with strings. Secular people don't form churches, sects, divisions, nor do they meet up 2 or 3 times a week to reinforce each others dogma. Secularists don't run billion dollar organizations dedicated to spreading secularism, and they don't vie for exclusive corners on charities and pin their name to them. There are stats which show the generosity of heathens, but I don't feel like looking it up for someone who will dismiss any fact that opposes his preconceptions.


Enlightened 1? I think not.

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The kryastards who help are motivated by gawd. Without gawd they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


Inquisition... witch burnings... crusades... some real good "help" you morontheists provided (and still provide) to the world.


Funny how there are no "secular" crimes of that kind, not without morontheists moving the goalposts so far that applying the same judgment to their own cults would earn them the gold medal of monstrosity.




Man what is it? For months I wish I could kick a few morontheist faces in and I'm always far too late, and now they almost trip over each other while I'm wide awake... :lmao:

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.


Oh, great. Another one.


Now we have the heartless evil troll. Apparently these people need attention, I feel sad for them.

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bets on Enlighten1 and Doug being the same basement dweller?

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Perhaps God does not feed the starving children because thy have not persisted in prayer for Him to help them. God's hands and feet still reach out to them. Christians have provided more charity than any other group. They have also started more schools and hospitals.


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The Christians who help are motivated by God. Without God they would not likely help. There aren't nearly as many secularists helping the poor.


How would someone like you possibly know how many "secularists" are helping the poor? I don't write "secularist" in the portion of the monthly checks I've been sending to my two favorite charities — Doctors Without Borders and the International Red Cross — for the past 26 years. Nor are my checks imprinted with the name of an organization like "Atheist United Against Stupidity." I just do my part as an individual and don't leave any paper trail as to my stance on religion.


Unlike you and your fellow christers, I don't need to be motivated by imaginary hoo-hahs in order to do the right thing. I'm not saying I'm a better person than you (just thinking it very loudly).

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Guest Enlightened1

Now I'm evil AND heartless? And I'm Doug? I'm not Doug, and I drove to the office today....and I don't have a basement.

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bets on Enlighten1 and Doug being the same basement dweller?


Yeah, I had the same thought myself.

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