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My Testimony Glorifies The Lord God Almighty!


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Interesting that your testimony glorifies god. However, it seems that the missionary work done in Bulgaria was not too successful and caused a lot of problems. Here's a report about the evangelism in Bulgaria which deals with a lot of what happened in the early 1990s when you were there. It's not too flattering of that work. This is a snippet related specifically to the pentecostal/charismatic evangelistic activity of which it appears you were a part (I'm not speaking of you in particular, but of the missionary work, in general, as set forth in this report):


On the other hand, most of the Western evangelists and preachers coming to the country had never before been in a Communist country. The reality of the economic stagnation and the struggle to feed a family in a hostile environment and still remain faithful to God was usually foreign to them. Here are the major features of their preaching which kept their evangelism in Bulgaria out of touch with reality and eventually dangerous for the Church in general: [note: read the text for the specific problems].




These apparent characteristics of the preaching of the Western Charismatic and Pentecostal missionaries turned out to be a valid weapon in the hands of the enemies of Christ. In the summer of 1994 the government and the media started a massive campaign against the Protestant churches, ridiculing them and criticizing them on the basis of the things I described above. The public opinion shifted overnight from a general sympathy toward the Protestant faith to intolerable hostility. And while it is true that we must expect hostility from the world, in this situation the hostility was created by the Protestant churches themselves and especially by the foreign evangelists and missionaries.




It seems all of these "miracles" have not been well received among other Christian commentators.

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It seems all of these "miracles" have not been well received among other Christian commentators.

BURN! Looks like those Bulgarians were "destined to go to hell anyway".

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You can't possibly be real. Nobody can possibly be that ignorant and make such obviously disprovable and ludicrous claims. So you're going to have to actually prove yourself before I get all worked up about you.






A mindless, Christarded piñata.

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Doug, your testimony is beautiful.


I am saved.


Praise Jesus.


Thank you for coming in here to brave these slings and arrows.


Your job is done here.

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Why doesn't someone get specific ... and come out and

say what has made him/her so angry at God and His Scriptures?


This is what I'm here for ... to deal with these issues.


I'm not angry at your God, or his scriptures. Not even a little. I'm just not a Christian anymore. Deal with that.


The fact that someone can "just stop believing" is baffling to an Xian. The only way they can try to resolve that is with a No True Scotsman fallacy that says that those who left were never Xians at all.


And I’m not angry at god either.... I despise what it stands for but it's hard to hold true animosity for something that doesn't exist. I guess you could say that I don't "like" god much like I don't "like" Voldemort or any other unpleasant fictional character.

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Doug, your testimony is beautiful.


I am saved.


Praise Jesus.


Thank you for coming in here to brave these slings and arrows.


Your job is done here.

I got saved again too Paine!! Praise god!! We are going to heaven!! yellow.gifukliam2.gifLeslieHappyCry.gif

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Doug, your testimony is beautiful.


I am saved.


Praise Jesus.


Thank you for coming in here to brave these slings and arrows.


Your job is done here.


But, but... now you guys have to commune in the spirit.

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Doug, your testimony is beautiful.


I am saved.


Praise Jesus.


Thank you for coming in here to brave these slings and arrows.


Your job is done here.


But, but... now you guys have to commune in the spirit.

Help us Legion...before we fall back into the pit of christianity!! Wendytwitch.gif

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If you go back, then you were never a real ex-Christian Margee.

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If you go back, then you were never a real ex-Christian Margee.

I won't let you down Legion, my friend!! woohoo.gif

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Hey go tell some one who cares, xians are not allowed to preach on this forum.


Predict a short stay for U.


AMEN! (No pun intended)GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Don't feed the trolls...

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Why doesn't someone get specific ... and come out and

say what has made him/her so angry at God and His Scriptures?


This is what I'm here for ... to deal with these issues.


We're angry because you come here with some very weak apologetics and poor anecdotal evidence for god and expect all of us to quickly reconvert after many of us spent a long time coming to grips with the simple fact that THE CHRISTIAN GOD DOESN'T EXIST. So therefore no one here is angry with god, only with christians who try to force a non-existent deity down our throats.


Further why be angry at man's man made scriptures.... because these scriptures are dangerous and evil, they're used to keep women submissive to men, to stop gay rights, to ignore the environment because "jebus is coming back again", they make children fearful of going to hell, they make families worried that a sinning relative is burning forever, they brainwash people and stop them from using common sense, they stop scientific facts like evolution from being taught in class, they create xenophobia, they create antisemitism, I could go on and on and on, the world would be a far better place if ALL religions didn't take their man made holy book as the word from god.

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You should read more books doug, 66 of them made before the advent of modern day knowlege is not a good start.


of course im sure you havent read much of those itheir,

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It was fun while it lasted. Now, enough from this specific morontheist.




FOAD Doug.

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What's with the idiosyncratic, bold font, and in BROWN??

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Doug, your testimony is beautiful. I am saved. Praise Jesus.


Love it. LMAO :)

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Interesting that your testimony glorifies god. However, it seems that the missionary work done in Bulgaria was not too successful and caused a lot of problems. Here's a report about the evangelism in Bulgaria which deals with a lot of what happened in the early 1990s when you were there. It's not too flattering of that work. This is a snippet related specifically to the pentecostal/charismatic evangelistic activity of which it appears you were a part (I'm not speaking of you in particular, but of the missionary work, in general, as set forth in this report):

On the other hand, most of the Western evangelists and preachers coming to the country had never before been in a Communist country. The reality of the economic stagnation and the struggle to feed a family in a hostile environment and still remain faithful to God was usually foreign to them. Here are the major features of their preaching which kept their evangelism in Bulgaria out of touch with reality and eventually dangerous for the Church in general: [note: read the text for the specific problems].


These apparent characteristics of the preaching of the Western Charismatic and Pentecostal missionaries turned out to be a valid weapon in the hands of the enemies of Christ. In the summer of 1994 the government and the media started a massive campaign against the Protestant churches, ridiculing them and criticizing them on the basis of the things I described above. The public opinion shifted overnight from a general sympathy toward the Protestant faith to intolerable hostility. And while it is true that we must expect hostility from the world, in this situation the hostility was created by the Protestant churches themselves and especially by the foreign evangelists and missionaries.


It seems all of these "miracles" have not been well received among other Christian commentators.


Your research is very commendable.


You need to realize how powerful the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is in Bulgaria.

Ditto with the similar Eastern Orthodox churches in other countries.

Ditto with the similar Roman Catholic churches in all countries.


Evangelicals pose an enormous THREAT to the powerful control the above organizations hold over their people ... because they teach that the Bible is to be revered over man-made religious institutions.

(The Bible warns about "the doctrines of men", etc.)

Consequently, these churches have put out a lot of anti-evangelical information in the media.

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Evangelicals pose an enormous THREAT to the powerful control the above organizations hold over their people ...


Oh man. Doug, we are ex-C's. We know all about this stuff. Lay off the kool aid brother

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The Bible warns about "the doctrines of men", etc


I'm a nice guy, so will help you out. First take you head out of that nasty book, then put down those rose tinted glasses, and then read... evilbible.com and learn the truth, that the Bible not "the good book", it is in fact a very poor moral guide.

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Cool, your a schizophrenic who hears voices and you spread your mind virus on the unsuspecting Bulgarians. What a stand up guy.

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Why doesn't someone get specific ... and come out and

say what has made him/her so angry at God and His Scriptures?


This is what I'm here for ... to deal with these issues.


Ezekiel 4:15


Then he said to me, See, I have given you cow's waste in place of man's waste, and you will make your bread ready on it.

Gah! This makes me so angry!


I denounce this god and any like it.


I'm simply fuming now. I hope you're happy.



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Interesting that your testimony glorifies god. However, it seems that the missionary work done in Bulgaria was not too successful and caused a lot of problems. Here's a report about the evangelism in Bulgaria which deals with a lot of what happened in the early 1990s when you were there. It's not too flattering of that work. This is a snippet related specifically to the pentecostal/charismatic evangelistic activity of which it appears you were a part (I'm not speaking of you in particular, but of the missionary work, in general, as set forth in this report):

On the other hand, most of the Western evangelists and preachers coming to the country had never before been in a Communist country. The reality of the economic stagnation and the struggle to feed a family in a hostile environment and still remain faithful to God was usually foreign to them. Here are the major features of their preaching which kept their evangelism in Bulgaria out of touch with reality and eventually dangerous for the Church in general: [note: read the text for the specific problems].


These apparent characteristics of the preaching of the Western Charismatic and Pentecostal missionaries turned out to be a valid weapon in the hands of the enemies of Christ. In the summer of 1994 the government and the media started a massive campaign against the Protestant churches, ridiculing them and criticizing them on the basis of the things I described above. The public opinion shifted overnight from a general sympathy toward the Protestant faith to intolerable hostility. And while it is true that we must expect hostility from the world, in this situation the hostility was created by the Protestant churches themselves and especially by the foreign evangelists and missionaries.


It seems all of these "miracles" have not been well received among other Christian commentators.


Your research is very commendable.


You need to realize how powerful the Bulgarian Orthodox Church is in Bulgaria.

Ditto with the similar Eastern Orthodox churches in other countries.

Ditto with the similar Roman Catholic churches in all countries.


Evangelicals pose an enormous THREAT to the powerful control the above organizations hold over their people ... because they teach that the Bible is to be revered over man-made religious institutions.

(The Bible warns about "the doctrines of men", etc.)

Consequently, these churches have put out a lot of anti-evangelical information in the media.




It's always "the other xians aren't doing it right!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

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I used to read mhai buybull on the throne of god while taking a shit. Then one day I ran out of toilet paper and discovered the smooth texture of bible pages. Sadly all my buybulls have gone the way of the great 4 inch pipe and I am back to the rough stuff.


Oh well it was good while it lasted....

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We are still waiting for you to tell us why your god is allowing millions to starve????

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