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Goodbye Jesus

I Think Well Over A Billion Of My Brain Cells Died Tonight, I Went To A Creationist Seminar


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Organized religion gets into trouble when it believes and teaches "scripture" literally. It seems that the less religious groups really understand spirituality, the more literal they are regarding their sacred writings. Then you end up with people who teach that the world has only been around 6000 years or so, among other things. At a certain point, all rationality is thrown out the door in order to force scripture to be kept to the letter.


The more I reflect on the bible study I did in college (theology major) and after I got out, the more apparent it becomes that the "scriptural" works were never intended to be taken or applied literally. My personal belief is that people who found their "enlightenment" or whatever you want to call it, wrote of their experience in metaphoric terms. "Scripture" makes much more sense to me in this light.


It didn't take too many readings of the torah to begin to see my own life situations reflected back to me rather than seeing instruction that needed to be strictly followed. And that was while I was still in the religious fold. Even then, though, part of me believed it was necessary to be literal. That is the hold that eons of religious evolution has laid on us. Once you are on that track, it's difficult to be rational and make your way off.

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I got respect for you for being willing to debate him. Good luck, he's a fucking dumbshit.

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I geuss i wont be able to message this guy and debate him, he didnt give me a email adress on the card he gave me like he said he would.






... Bet you're not the only naysayer he's done that to. Anybody know any good anti-ID blogs he can email that story to? That's something to publicize.

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Wonder if you can find the guy's email on the internet and call him out on being a douche...


I third wanting to see what you write in that book! I say you should include that pic of the Vadoma people.

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What was his name of the guy who presented and what organization was he with?.........Start peppering them with emails.


He runs some camp but i already went there and i couldent find his email address.

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that his email address is hard to find on his site. This is clearly not his first rodeo.

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He brought up dogs, most creationist cliam that there are "kinds" of animals and a wolf and a poodle are of the same kind so they can change but not into a new organism. This is just a clever way of trying to get around admiting evolution happens.


They call it "variation" which is of course the same damn thing but you know how they are when it comes to "evilution."


Many refer to that as "micro-evolution" and then argue that "macro-evolution" (large-scale evolution beyond Biblical "kinds" boundaries) doesn't happen. They have not provided any scientific limitations to evolution, but simply rely on the authority of ancient superstitious people's writings.

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I'd heard an actual scientist say that the second you hear someone mention "micro" or "macro" evolution, you know that person has no fucking clue what natural selection even is or how it actually works. Wish I could remember who said it. Pharyngula?

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He of course told the audience that science thinks that life came from “goo” and he got some mud and showed it and told every one in a condescending tone that this is your great ancestor.


I'm not sure if anyone pointed this out or not...


--Genesis 2:7 then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground [...]


The Bible supports the idea that man's direct anscestor is mud. No abiogenesis nor evolution required.


Mud + Miracle = Human.


We are made of mud. Genisis 2:7. He's mocking his own holy book's teachings without realizing it.

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I hadn't even caught that. Good work, Lucy! (And welcome!)

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