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Goodbye Jesus

Jesus Died To Save Us From... No, He Died For Nothing


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This guy is God.


Thats what we are told.


He can do anything he wants.


He can stop war. He can cure cancer. He can usher in world peace and happiness.


Yet... He didn't stop wars, and usher in world peace.


He didn't cure cancer or diseases.


He invented no new medicines, or anesthetics to reduce pain.


He invented nothing to make any of our lives better.


Surely being God he would know how to do all these things. Being all powerful. Snap his fingers and its done.


What did he do. He performed some magic tricks.


Big wow. Seen that on TV.


He healed some lepers. Faith healing.


Seen that on TV too.


But interestingly not leprosy.


Not cancer, nor heart disease. The Q I have to ask is why??? Why the hell not?!?


I realise he himself was probably unaware that he would be considered so highly, and be the source of such compulsive obsessive scrutiny over 2000 years.


But,.. what exactly did he achieve in his life and by having himself executed?

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-In the gospel according to Judas jesus chose to allow himself to be executed because his death would send him back to heaven and this death would echo throughout history and keep the jesus story and teachings going rather than him living, staying on earth and having everyone think these were just cuckoo whackos. Which in all reality is probably true IF Jesus existed.

-I would say there are many reasons a god would let all this bad shit happen which would be being god he'd be apathetic about a few simple mortals doing what mortals do, dying, murdering, solving things for themselves. But that's not xtian god so yeah. I don't believe in him.

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-In the gospel according to Judas jesus chose to allow himself to be executed because his death would send him back to heaven and this death would echo throughout history and keep the jesus story and teachings going


Not read that one but sounds interesting. The early christians were very busy writing gospels to out do each other.

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that was the thing before my deconversion. i didn't need a miracle, i didn't need a cure. i just needed "a personal relationship" or some indication that this life was just temporary and that gloriousness awaited me on the other side. but, nada. the further i searched and prayed and met nothing, the harder i was on myself for being a defect and the lonelier i became.

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If jesus died to save me from my sins, he died in vain. I haven't done anything even close to being worthy of a death sentence. Ever. I guess I better get out of my boring rut and get busy doing something really evil. zDuivel7.gif

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I can't get into discussions about what his actual life was like or what he did/accomplished very deeply since I'm not convinced he actually existed.


But if he did, he probably was an apocalyptic prophet that got a few people riled up and pissed off the Romans.


But even that's a stretch for me...

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-In the gospel according to Judas jesus chose to allow himself to be executed because his death would send him back to heaven and this death would echo throughout history and keep the jesus story and teachings going


Not read that one but sounds interesting. The early christians were very busy writing gospels to out do each other.

Found something about it on netflix. It's the one from Judas immedietly declared heresy once it was found. In it Jesus taught we all had a spark of the divine in us that was released back to the divine once we died. This spark= your soul pretty much. At the dinner rather than Judas backstabbing Jesus cuz the devil made'em do it, being his right hand man Jesus sat Judas down and told him how shit was, that this ultimate betrayal would never be 1-uped and keep the teachings alive and bring jesus's spark back as his work was done. Judas would forever be the ultimate betrayer but deep down god, jesus and judas would know the truth. Judas being the obedient man he was agreed but hung himself before jesus's execution as he still couldn't take the pain and guilt. The Gospel of Judas makes Jesus seem more like a really wise planner than anything and keeps with the whole Judas=good guy right hand man thing that he had been prtrayed as before the dinner. (Running this off of memory so I may have butchered a lil bit of it but you get the gist there was not mention of execution as Judas had offed himself before it happened.)

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To my way of thinking, if Jesus died to save us from sin and hell and then even one person went there afterward, his death certainly failed.


Of course not a bit of that idea makes any sense to start with.

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Guest wester

Socrates has it all over Mr. Jesus.

Jesus was killed by Romans - but see - he wasn't really killed by Romans - he was actually killed by his father (gross Child Sacrifice). And Mr. Jesus went on to say "Oh father, why have you forsaken me?"


Socrates was no such wimp and didn't stoop to doing magic tricks. He went down willingly and knowingly with his middle finger stuck right in the face of Spartan tyranny, calling them out and proving them to be hopeless morons and idiots right up to the end. Not a g-ddamn wimper from that guy.


So in your darkest hour -> Which of these two are ya gonna call?

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So in your darkest hour -> Which of these two are ya gonna call?


Yes Socrates is pretty cool. I liked him in Bill & Ted ;)

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To my way of thinking, if Jesus died to save us from sin and hell and then even one person went there afterward, his death certainly failed.


Yes, a good way of putting it. I think that if God really has forgiven us unconditionally of our sins, he would treat us equally and not favour one group. Certainly fictional hell is a crazy warped idea.

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To my way of thinking, if Jesus died to save us from sin and hell and then even one person went there afterward, his death certainly failed.


Of course not a bit of that idea makes any sense to start with.



An omniscient god would already know who is going to hell.

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