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Goodbye Jesus

Dating Just Sucks


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Poor self-esteem, unrealistic expectations, lack of self-awareness, waiting for something better to come along (which may never), superficial concerns such as looks, job security, or social status, trust issues, insecurity, social awkwardness, bad role models... and maybe they just get to know someone and decide that there's something they really don't like about them.


All that can happen of course, and it can easily be the reason to break off contact et al.


With most of your points, though, I wonder why the girl in question starts to "get into it" then bails out instead of just saying "no" at first contact and that's it. For example, if she just finds him ugly somehow, why get involved with him at all? What's the point of having a few dates, making it appear as if you like him, then suddenly telling him to get lost?


Plus, this happens almost constantly to me. Well at least it did happen until I met my wife. One would think it must be something on my side, but funnily no one, not even my closest friends during that time, had any idea what it could be.


It may sound rude, but frankly I decided to quit worrying about whether it was my fault. Until and unless someone explains to me what I'm supposedly doing wrong, I'll just assume that the vast majority of females are brainfucked. Either that or I'll go insane trying to answer unanswerable questions.

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Poor self-esteem, unrealistic expectations, lack of self-awareness, waiting for something better to come along (which may never), superficial concerns such as looks, job security, or social status, trust issues, insecurity, social awkwardness, bad role models... and maybe they just get to know someone and decide that there's something they really don't like about them.


All that can happen of course, and it can easily be the reason to break off contact et al.


With most of your points, though, I wonder why the girl in question starts to "get into it" then bails out instead of just saying "no" at first contact and that's it. For example, if she just finds him ugly somehow, why get involved with him at all? What's the point of having a few dates, making it appear as if you like him, then suddenly telling him to get lost?


Plus, this happens almost constantly to me. Well at least it did happen until I met my wife. One would think it must be something on my side, but funnily no one, not even my closest friends during that time, had any idea what it could be.


It may sound rude, but frankly I decided to quit worrying about whether it was my fault. Until and unless someone explains to me what I'm supposedly doing wrong, I'll just assume that the vast majority of females are brainfucked. Either that or I'll go insane trying to answer unanswerable questions.


Maybe they like the attention and flattery. Bit of excitement in their lives. Bit of drama. But I just remembered that you're talking about German women here. And I'd have to say, based on my experiences, they're nutty. Like this one chick I've known for years, she's always fucking complaining! She drives me fucking nuts!

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Okay that would be an explanation too :lmao:


Gee and there I wondered if it's just me... :P

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Guest Babylonian Dream

There was a couple of guys over the past year that wanted to date me, I ended up ending it when they wanted to move too fast. Just for some perspective from the other end of the pool as the OP. Why he deleted you from facebook and cut ties with you is hard for me to get, I still talk to the guys that wanted to date me (except for one, who was so devastated he kinda lost it).


The thing about dating, is that its frustrating. I stopped dating. All 3 came to me though, and I was into them at first, but lost interest quick. People want to build a little bit of history with you before they take the next step. Also, revealing that you have a crush on someone, in my experience, might not always be a good idea. Don't know why, but some people I knew freaked out after I told them that.

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There was a couple of guys over the past year that wanted to date me, I ended up ending it when they wanted to move too fast. Just for some perspective from the other end of the pool as the OP. Why he deleted you from facebook and cut ties with you is hard for me to get, I still talk to the guys that wanted to date me (except for one, who was so devastated he kinda lost it).


The thing about dating, is that its frustrating. I stopped dating. All 3 came to me though, and I was into them at first, but lost interest quick. People want to build a little bit of history with you before they take the next step. Also, revealing that you have a crush on someone, in my experience, might not always be a good idea. Don't know why, but some people I knew freaked out after I told them that.


I hate when they want to move too fast. i learned the hard way a while ago that its usually a bad sign. And I so agree its frustrating with dating.


I officially decided I'm taking a break from dating at least til the 4th of July, possibly longer. Another guy I was interested in ended up bitching at me tonight cause I said I was not a fan of watching car races. I think its super boring, all you do is drive around in a big circle (He did drag racing as a teenager, he might have taken my comment a little too personal) That was my last straw, and I have to say I'm happy about this break.

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