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Goodbye Jesus

Don't Fuck With Me, Because I Fuck Back.


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Sometimes I see the title of this thread, and I'm incredibly turned on.



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Yep. This is the hospital just making sure that they are not sued again.


The person you saw was probably just the anaesthetics registar? Which is quite a long way down the tree.


I think being registar is what happens when you are in a late stage of your training to be a specialist.


Good luck! Not a decision that you have made lightly or easily.

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Good stuff, Pudd.


I have to say, the anesthesiologist should realize that a hysterectomy is hardly a manic act. Good call on siding with your gynecologist. He's on your team!


Keep us posted! :-)

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I passed the psych evaluation with flying colours. Actually, it was a bit more than that; I was certified mentally well. The assessor called me normal. And on that huge file the mental health department at the hospital has on me, it has been written down: I am living well with bipolar. They no longer consider me mentally ill. Despite having bipolar, they consider my management of the condition so effective that they certified me as mentally well.


So I'm really happy tonight. Not only is everything in order for my operation to proceed on Monday, but I was formally recognised and certified as sane and mentally well. I think that means more to me than anything else. I fought bipolar, and I won :)

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Great news.


You know somewhere down the line if that maternal instinct kicks in, there is always adoption.


I do hope your op goes well and you can get back to having a normal life.Bear in mind you are gonna go through menopause at a very young age, but reading what you have been through, that may well be a cakewalk.


All the best wishes.

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Great news.


You know somewhere down the line if that maternal instinct kicks in, there is always adoption.


I do hope your op goes well and you can get back to having a normal life.Bear in mind you are gonna go through menopause at a very young age, but reading what you have been through, that may well be a cakewalk.


All the best wishes.


Thanks, LL :)


But regarding menopause, hopefully I won't be going through it. My gynecologist plans on only taking my uterus out, and leaving my ovaries in. He estimates that there is a 10% chance I will have to go back and have the ovaries out, too, but he's hoping to spare me early menopause by leaving them in. He only ever takes ovaries out if absolutely necessary.


However, if he finds an abnormality in my ovaries that requires their removal on Monday, he'll take them out. He's going to cut me open so he can have a proper look inside and make sure everything apart from my uterus is normal. Then he's going to send the uterus away for lab analysis, though he suspects that my issue is caused by both my ovaries and uterus- something not working quite right when the two get together. He's hoping that just taking away the uterus and giving the ovaries nothing to aggravate will fix everything. He sends the uterus away every time because abnomalities show up in the lab analysis that don't show up in any of the testing.

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  • Super Moderator

Great news, pudd! Here's to a speedy recovery from your long-awaited surgery!

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