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When They Claim Their Lives Are Hard As Christians


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I have heard St. Louis has a lot of Catholics...compared to the rest of the state of Missouri


Lol...St. Louis has a lot of Catholics compared to the rest of the COUNTRY! You should see our Cathedral Basilica here...massive, extremely ornate, gorgeous and one of the most architecturally significant churches in the USA. Visiting is almost like a visit to the Vatican. The city is full of old Catholic churches, many are huge, all are very beautiful. One on the south side is art deco to the hilt. In school (and I went to public schools) the majority of my classmates were Catholic.


I was raised Lutheran (Missouri Synod...lol...is it really a coincidence that the largest Lutheran sect has it's headquarters in such a Catholic city?). Seems members of my former church I've had contact with are more liberal than when I attended church (that was until the early 1970's). Those individuals know I'm gay, have met my partner, and have invited us to attend church. Far more liberal than when I attended!


I really am confused (and alarmed) that fundamentalism and all the crap that goes with it has become so popular with some Christians. My thought on this is because the bible belt (the deep south), which once was a poor and distressed area, is now strongly economically fueled, and that fuel has brought clout. The pains in the loss of all the great wealth after the civil war is still very ingrained in many southerners. Maybe this is where and why this fundamentalism and claims of discrimination comes from.


LOL! I have a friend in St. Louis, & the times I visited I was completely entrenched in the bible cult. I'll have to visit her again & this time I will be able to appreciate the city more & the people more.


You make a good point about the south. I wonder if there isn't some truth to that. A company in Chicagoland just moved to Texas. I'm sure it is wrong of me, but I just think "good ole boy network"...

We are hearing a lot from these fundy crazies & they do seem be getting more economic power. I hope things change, starting with taxing the "preachers"...if there religion is so damn important to souls...and the "good news" is FREE & their savior didn't even own a home..they should do it & get taxed for their "work for the lawd" just like everyone else.

I would make an exception IF the church/ministry had good social services for EVERYONE. How many churches limit their kindness & charity to ONLY those in their CLUB=church.

At least the Lutheran's have Social services & the Catholics have Catholic Charities that outreach to society in general. Something has to change.....

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