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Keep 'em Ignorant, It's The Only Way To Salvation


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I can assure you guys, I am not here to preach at all.


Well it's not a big deal either way to me. But when you throw around what I consider to be a really lame argument against evolution- so lame that I feel no need to directly address it- that makes me think you're trying to convince somebody of something.


You may well be a pretty good guy- time will tell. But we get lots of christians around here, and the majority of them are ignorant, vindictive assholes. And what else would you expect from an ignorant, vindictive, asshole religion?


I am not here to preach and am not here to be a vindictive ass. I also have yet to have one single christian reply to one of my posts here.

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Guest Valk0010

I can assure you guys, I am not here to preach at all.


Well it's not a big deal either way to me. But when you throw around what I consider to be a really lame argument against evolution- so lame that I feel no need to directly address it- that makes me think you're trying to convince somebody of something.


You may well be a pretty good guy- time will tell. But we get lots of christians around here, and the majority of them are ignorant, vindictive assholes. And what else would you expect from an ignorant, vindictive, asshole religion?


I am not here to preach and am not here to be a vindictive ass. I also have yet to have one single christian reply to one of my posts here.

I have been here for three years and the only christian that has been here regularly is end3 and he makes you look like a fundamentalist.
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I can assure you guys, I am not here to preach at all.


Well it's not a big deal either way to me. But when you throw around what I consider to be a really lame argument against evolution- so lame that I feel no need to directly address it- that makes me think you're trying to convince somebody of something.


You may well be a pretty good guy- time will tell. But we get lots of christians around here, and the majority of them are ignorant, vindictive assholes. And what else would you expect from an ignorant, vindictive, asshole religion?


I am not here to preach and am not here to be a vindictive ass. I also have yet to have one single christian reply to one of my posts here.


Yeah, they don't stick around long.

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Fundamentalist evangelicals are very much anti-science unless they think it supports the bible in any way. The bible to them is ultimate judge of everything and itself beyond question so if science doesn't fit than it is not true and most likely demonic. If one ever wanted to study group think these congregations are wonderful petri dishes for it.


It amazes me how much xianity has had to change to accommodate scientific truths over the centuries and how science has not in one way had to change its theories to accommodate so called biblical truths.

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A-A-H-H-H! Do you HAVE to go to church?! That would make me involuntarily run screaming from the building.

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Accompanied my wife to church again today and this pastor must be in the middle of an anti-science kick.

Today she went on about the parable of the mustard seed. Said that Bill Gates and all his billions of dollars and teams of scientists would not be able to replicate what a mustard seed could do.

She went on and finished with "God doesn't need science".

Is it me or does there seem to be a wave of anti-science coming out of the christian right in the U.S............. or has it always been there?


Christian here: But I do agree with this thread on multiple levels. If christians understood science, they could make more logical arguments instead of digging for an irreproducable result and basing everything on it. As for education and your kids, it is vital that you educate your kids as much as possible and explain the real world to them. Christianity has become an opiate for the have nots and uneducated.


Antix, you sound like a fantastic candidate for becoming an ex-christian, someday.


I'm sure that Bill Gates, all his money and teams of [computer] scientists could not replicate what a mustard seed does. But I wonder if the govt, all their funding and teams of FDA scientists could whip up some GM seeds that could do the job of replicating a mustard seed ;)

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A-A-H-H-H! Do you HAVE to go to church?! That would make me involuntarily run screaming from the building.


I don't like church. My wife doesn't like it in the ass.


Marriage is compromise.

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A-A-H-H-H! Do you HAVE to go to church?! That would make me involuntarily run screaming from the building.


I don't like church. My wife doesn't like it in the ass.


Marriage is compromise.



Wow. Taking one for the team, eh?



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Fundamentalist evangelicals are very much anti-science unless they think it supports the bible in any way. The bible to them is ultimate judge of everything and itself beyond question so if science doesn't fit than it is not true and most likely demonic. If one ever wanted to study group think these congregations are wonderful petri dishes for it.


It amazes me how much xianity has had to change to accommodate scientific truths over the centuries and how science has not in one way had to change its theories to accommodate so called biblical truths.


Does christianity change or does science make some things in scripture come to light?

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You're funny!


I literally lol'd at that cute response.

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Look, I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm not that kind of person at all.


I just hate to see someone so promising, someone asking all the right questions, seeing so much for what it is....AND NOT MAKE THAT FINAL CONNECTION. you're not connecting te dots dude!! You're soooooooo close!

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Look, I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm not that kind of person at all.


I just hate to see someone so promising, someone asking all the right questions, seeing so much for what it is....AND NOT MAKE THAT FINAL CONNECTION. you're not connecting te dots dude!! You're soooooooo close!


gotta run, I will be back tomorrow aroun 7/8 pm eastern. have a nice night

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You too man.

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Fundamentalist evangelicals are very much anti-science unless they think it supports the bible in any way. The bible to them is ultimate judge of everything and itself beyond question so if science doesn't fit than it is not true and most likely demonic. If one ever wanted to study group think these congregations are wonderful petri dishes for it.


It amazes me how much xianity has had to change to accommodate scientific truths over the centuries and how science has not in one way had to change its theories to accommodate so called biblical truths.


Does christianity change or does science make some things in scripture come to light?


lol, how did I know that would be your response? Circular reasoning yet again.


Dude I've been a missionary, youth pastor, worship leader and I've done considerable amount of teaching on the bible before I de-converted six months ago just as have many other de-converts on this site. Thus why such weak responses will not fly here. Do some study on textual criticism and you will see that scripture is far from the panacea of truth you wish it to be. There needs to be more to your faith than wishful thinking, emotional investment, and a foundation of the bible said it therefore it has to be true before you will even begin to convince any of us of what you want to be true. Your response smacks of eisegesis. Science doesn't fit then all of a sudden the spirit speaks to you and then science fits into the passages you need it to like a bug in a rug.

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Fundamentalist evangelicals are very much anti-science unless they think it supports the bible in any way. The bible to them is ultimate judge of everything and itself beyond question so if science doesn't fit than it is not true and most likely demonic. If one ever wanted to study group think these congregations are wonderful petri dishes for it.


It amazes me how much xianity has had to change to accommodate scientific truths over the centuries and how science has not in one way had to change its theories to accommodate so called biblical truths.


Does christianity change or does science make some things in scripture come to light?


lol, how did I know that would be your response? Circular reasoning yet again.


Dude I've been a missionary, youth pastor, worship leader and I've done considerable amount of teaching on the bible before I de-converted six months ago just as have many other de-converts on this site. Thus why such weak responses will not fly here. Do some study on textual criticism and you will see that scripture is far from the panacea of truth you wish it to be. There needs to be more to your faith than wishful thinking, emotional investment, and a foundation of the bible said it therefore it has to be true before you will even begin to convince any of us of what you want to be true. Your response smacks of eisegesis. Science doesn't fit then all of a sudden the spirit speaks to you and then science fits into the passages you need it to like a bug in a rug.


Some would even say, SNUG as a bug in a rug!

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My soul is lost to them. A street preacher asked me why I didn't believe anymore, and I told him just by my observations of the world I know that no single religion can be true. The preacher went to warn me how things of the world are evil and that Adam and Eve prove knowledge to be evil. I have a college degree, I've been in 13 countries and 30 states, I've worked many jobs, and have met thousands of people from all walks of life, yet you have the gall to tell me ignorance is good?

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Blind, deaf, dumb and stupid. Just how the church wants ya!

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I went to church with my wife today and here are a few gems from the sermon:


"Your children are never too young to be taught about the bible"


"Parents should be more concerned about their children being able to read the bible than learning a second language by 5"


"Parents should be more concerned about their child's eternal life than their child's success in this one"


"Parents should be more concerned about their child's spiritual development than their social, intellectual or academic development"


...........and there you have it, religions dependence upon ignorance to perpetuate.


It was the dumbest and most disturbing sermon I have heard to date.

Thanks for confirming to me why I haven't been inside a church in almost 25 years..... LOL
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How can anyone believe ignorance to be a virtue? Ignorance leads to prejudice, hatred, and violence.

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I can assure you guys, I am not here to preach at all.


Well it's not a big deal either way to me. But when you throw around what I consider to be a really lame argument against evolution- so lame that I feel no need to directly address it- that makes me think you're trying to convince somebody of something.


You may well be a pretty good guy- time will tell. But we get lots of christians around here, and the majority of them are ignorant, vindictive assholes. And what else would you expect from an ignorant, vindictive, asshole religion?


I am not here to preach and am not here to be a vindictive ass. I also have yet to have one single christian reply to one of my posts here.

I have been here for three years and the only christian that has been here regularly is end3 and he makes you look like a fundamentalist.

Sounds like you smell the same 'rat' as I do. It's kinda like someone saying "Okay I admit that I'm a nazi but I ain't as bad a nazi as the other nazis"... LOL
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Has he been preaching? Maybe he's in the throes of deconversion? :shrug:

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Some would even say, SNUG as a bug in a rug!


lol, thanks; at least I didn't mix my metaphors.

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Some would even say, SNUG as a bug in a rug!


lol, thanks; at least I didn't mix my metaphors.


Yeah, mixed metaphors always cause the worst hangovers.

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