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Goodbye Jesus

Keep 'em Ignorant, It's The Only Way To Salvation


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I went to church with my wife today and here are a few gems from the sermon:


"Your children are never too young to be taught about the bible"


"Parents should be more concerned about their children being able to read the bible than learning a second language by 5"


"Parents should be more concerned about their child's eternal life than their child's success in this one"


"Parents should be more concerned about their child's spiritual development than their social, intellectual or academic development"


...........and there you have it, religions dependence upon ignorance to perpetuate.


It was the dumbest and most disturbing sermon I have heard to date.

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Goodbye Jesus

leaving their offspring woefully ill-equipped for the only life they'll ever live. Sad.

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OMG. That is insane! How did you get through the service????


Shit like this makes me think churches are perpetuating a crime against humanity!

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Wow, thats ridiculous! My pastor would probably say crap like that as well. That's why I always go downstairs during the sermon so I don't have to hear it.

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They better not teach them too much about the bible or they still might loose them.. I know the bible did more to de-convert me than anything else. Either way this is very sick and very sad and far too commonplace.

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and home schooling helps keep people ignorant ----

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This is what my church was like, inteligence was not a very propogated thing here.

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thats a vile set of messages all in one sermon!

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Guest wester

"Parents should be more concerned about their children being able to read the bible than learning a second language by 5"


This is a criminal statement. I heard the same argument from Korean ultra-nationalists who demanded their kids study and become fluent in Hangul Korean first and then study other languages after they completely master the tongue of the fatherland. Ha. Good luck with that imaginary country.


Last year I taught a class of 4 year olds who were learning 3 languages (English, Thai and Chinese). After one year of study they could speak, read and write in all three languages. This is the fastest and most highly developed time for language acquisition in humans.


Imagine if you could go back to 4 years old.

Which would you choose and which would you hold your parents and pastor criminally negligible for.....

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I know a lady who was home schooled. She even read for the law...Old fashioned method of learning it...never even went to law school....and sat for the bar exam and set a very high score and is now a very successful lawyer in the state of Idaho. She even has been given a high commendation by one of the state supreme court justices.


"Home schooling makes ignorant children" is an assumption without basis imho. I know several adults who were homeschooled and live normal, well adjusted, successful lives. I'm sure I would have flourished in a learning environment that didnt include bullying, regimentation and arbitrary deadlines. But society insists on 'teaching' children like herding cattle. It's tradition, ya know. :-)

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Last year I taught a class of 4 year olds who were learning 3 languages (English, Thai and Chinese). After one year of study they could speak, read and write in all three languages.


I haven't met anyone here in Estonia yet who isn't fluent in Russian, English and Estonian. The level of English here is like Finland, which is first class for ESL speakers.

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Corruption of youth, always a sad site to see and even sadder to see it advocated.

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I know a lady who was home schooled. She even read for the law...Old fashioned method of learning it...never even went to law school....and sat for the bar exam and set a very high score and is now a very successful lawyer in the state of Idaho. She even has been given a high commendation by one of the state supreme court justices.


"Home schooling makes ignorant children" is an assumption without basis imho. I know several adults who were homeschooled and live normal, well adjusted, successful lives. I'm sure I would have flourished in a learning environment that didnt include bullying, regimentation and arbitrary deadlines. But society insists on 'teaching' children like herding cattle. It's tradition, ya know. :-)


The home schooled kids that I used to go to church with were incredibly sheltered. I'm not exactly against homeschooling, but I don't have any confidence in the ability of some parents to successfully teach their children, especially the super religious ones who seem more likely to home school in the first place, at least where I'm from.

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The question you must ask....WHO is the arbiter of who is best to teach the kids? Who effectively (for lack of a better term) owns your kids?...You?...the state? Who's right is it to say what is right? What if the parents don't want to participate in our culture as we know it?


It's their right to be backwards if they so choose.

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The question you must ask....WHO is the arbiter of who is best to teach the kids? Who effectively (for lack of a better term) owns your kids?...You?...the state? Who's right is it to say what is right? What if the parents don't want to participate in our culture as we know it?


I fully respect the parents' right to home school their children or not. Now, whether I agree with their decision is a completely different story.

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I know a lady who was home schooled. She even read for the law...Old fashioned method of learning it...never even went to law school....and sat for the bar exam and set a very high score and is now a very successful lawyer in the state of Idaho. She even has been given a high commendation by one of the state supreme court justices.

I was refering more to the reason why christian parents often homeschool - not the quality of the schooling - some cases its almost non existant, others it can be brillent.

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Dang, what a load of $^#@. Well at least they're advocating literacy.

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  • 1 month later...

Accompanied my wife to church again today and this pastor must be in the middle of an anti-science kick.


Today she went on about the parable of the mustard seed. Said that Bill Gates and all his billions of dollars and teams of scientists would not be able to replicate what a mustard seed could do.


She went on and finished with "God doesn't need science".


Is it me or does there seem to be a wave of anti-science coming out of the christian right in the U.S............. or has it always been there?

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Accompanied my wife to church again today and this pastor must be in the middle of an anti-science kick.


Today she went on about the parable of the mustard seed. Said that Bill Gates and all his billions of dollars and teams of scientists would not be able to replicate what a mustard seed could do.


She went on and finished with "God doesn't need science".


Is it me or does there seem to be a wave of anti-science coming out of the christian right in the U.S............. or has it always been there?


Growing strong since 30 A.D.

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Accompanied my wife to church again today and this pastor must be in the middle of an anti-science kick.


Today she went on about the parable of the mustard seed. Said that Bill Gates and all his billions of dollars and teams of scientists would not be able to replicate what a mustard seed could do.


She went on and finished with "God doesn't need science".


Is it me or does there seem to be a wave of anti-science coming out of the christian right in the U.S............. or has it always been there?


Christian here: But I do agree with this thread on multiple levels. If christians understood science, they could make more logical arguments instead of digging for an irreproducable result and basing everything on it. As for education and your kids, it is vital that you educate your kids as much as possible and explain the real world to them. Christianity has become an opiate for the have nots and uneducated.

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Accompanied my wife to church again today and this pastor must be in the middle of an anti-science kick.


Today she went on about the parable of the mustard seed. Said that Bill Gates and all his billions of dollars and teams of scientists would not be able to replicate what a mustard seed could do.


She went on and finished with "God doesn't need science".


Is it me or does there seem to be a wave of anti-science coming out of the christian right in the U.S............. or has it always been there?


Christian here: But I do agree with this thread on multiple levels. If christians understood science, they could make more logical arguments instead of digging for an irreproducable result and basing everything on it. As for education and your kids, it is vital that you educate your kids as much as possible and explain the real world to them. Christianity has become an opiate for the have nots and uneducated.


This is funny considering some of the anti-evolution arguments you've thrown around.


Look, you seem like a nice guy as christians go. But you ain't foolin' anybody. You're here to preach.


And as far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to do that. But don't expect lame apologetics to go unchallenged. And making arguments from ignorance will yield little more than ridicule around here.

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Antix, the way you can reconcile Xianity and reality with each other while seemingly not having an inordinate amount of cognitive dissonance is amazing to me.


You must be a professional cherry picker?

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I can assure you guys, I am not here to preach at all.

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I can assure you guys, I am not here to preach at all.


Well it's not a big deal either way to me. But when you throw around what I consider to be a really lame argument against evolution- so lame that I feel no need to directly address it- that makes me think you're trying to convince somebody of something.


You may well be a pretty good guy- time will tell. But we get lots of christians around here, and the majority of them are ignorant, vindictive assholes. And what else would you expect from an ignorant, vindictive, asshole religion?

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