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Goodbye Jesus

The Shroud & Fleshy Wafers


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Ok, so me & the wife are sitting around minding our own biz. Then out of nowhere she starts talking about how her (catholic) mom told her about how there was some 13th century priest who had doubts (like I'M having, hint hint) and how he asked God to give him a sign or whatever, and god turned the eucharist into literal flesh and blood. MIRACLE! AND the blood matches the blood type found on the shroud of turin, donchaknow, and *REAL* scientists have tested it and have said all this is 100% LEGIT!!!


So, I roll my eyes, and say "So why hasn't this been trumpeted all over the world? Why are we just now hearing of this? This would be the biggest thing ever if it were true! Oh, btw, I spent alot of time looking into the whole Shroud thing, and from the information I've seen, it was pretty much debunked."


So of course she gets righteously angry for my non faith of not just blindly accepting the claim without any real evidence. I tell her I'd like to see the evidence, check up more on it, and she gets angry for me asking to see it, "I dont know, its just what I was told, if you want to stay in your agnostic/atheist ways, FINE, I believe it though"...yada yada yada....


Anybody heard of this crap? Obviously I put no creedence to it whatsoever, since I don't personally think Jesus as we "know" him even really existed, in any real capacity. I wanted to say to her, "Which one of us has spent hundreds and hundreds of hours getting educated on "all things religious", and which one of us wouldn't pick up a history or philosophy or science book if our lives depended on it?" All she reads is fiction. just like the bib.....


But now somehow I'm the bad guy bc I just didnt go "WOW!! THATS AWESOME! CANT WAIT TO GO TO CHURCH TOMORRAW TO PRAISE THE LAWD!"



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I was fed stories like this all the time. and just like you when you asked for the source there was none, just something passed on from a friend of a friend, or something in a stupid christian chain email (I still get those things...)


It really gets my hackles up when people claim that science validates their religion, or some superstitious belief tied to religion. they always trot out "real scientists" but you never hear their names or credentials, not references to any published articles, not even a bloody website.

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Tell the wife I have the genuine nails once used to crucify her hero. I'll sell them cheap, and I will swear on a Bible that they are genuine. Have faith.

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Anybody heard of this crap?


Yes, I was brought up in the catholic faith and I have heard of this story, the eucharist turning into real flesh and blood. In fact, I remember seeing photos of this!


Never heard that it matched the blood on the Shroud of Turin though.

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Ok, here it is, it's called the Miracle of Lanciano and it includes some photos.


Click to enlarge.


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Guest Valk0010

I only went to a catholic middle school, but I did hear the story, infact forgot about it. My response is the same as I would give to a protestant miracle. Either god is a moron, or the story is bullshit. Because if the story is true, god would have to be a cold dumbass, to do it.

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if what the wiki page says is true. I think it is a hoax. a particularly evil hoax because the only explanation I can come to (without believing in magic) was someone was murdered (or perhaps a corpse cut up) in order to produce the coagulated blood and heart tissue they are trying to claim as proof. I refuse to believe that this happened according to the legend attached to it. particularly considering how long ago it happened (first investigated in the 1500s, and probably taking place much earlier, kind of reminds me of how the gospels were written many years after the supposed death of jesus (if he ever really existsed))

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Without checking any links or such the question appears in my head: The eucharist is supposed to be consumed. Why would there be anything for today's scientists to run any tests on? Was someone just not hungry that day? Were there too few people to consume it all? If the latter, why didn't gawd notice that - to leave some of the miracle to rot or such seems like a real terrible waste to me?


And so on, and so on... :P

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So chunks of "jesus" have been around for 1300 years?


I would have thought he would be the universal donor but the tests say he's the universal recipient. Typical.



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I would have thought he would be the universal donor but the tests say he's the universal recipient. Typical.




Haha!! Nice catch.

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Ask her why the bible doesn't mention Jesus was a midget. I saw the shroud in person and Jesus was about 4ft tall.

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Ask her why the bible doesn't mention Jesus was a midget. I saw the shroud in person and Jesus was about 4ft tall.


Oh seriously? i knew jews back in the day were short, but is it that short? lol. thats gravy.

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Ask her why the bible doesn't mention Jesus was a midget. I saw the shroud in person and Jesus was about 4ft tall.


Oh seriously? i knew jews back in the day were short, but is it that short? lol. thats gravy.


Jim Jefferies actually did a hilarious diatribe on this (about 5:50 in):


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"you put me in a cage with ANYTHING, and after a week i'll fuck it!"



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Jim Jefferies actually did a hilarious diatribe on this (about 5:50 in):



I love love love Jim Jefferies.


lmao_99.gif picturing Jesus as Super Mario.


But I guessed wrong with Moses. In my mind I saw "garden gnome" instead. FrogsToadBigGrin.gif


Thanks for posting that vid!

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I looked somewhere else and it said the figure in the Shroud was 6 feet tall. But you say you saw it IRL and he looked less than 5 feet tall?


My thing with it is, he looks WAAAAAY to gentile-y. straight long hair, straight long beard, narrow face, and on and on.


Jesus would have looked like, well, a Jew. In the shroud he looks just like how he does in all the medieval paintings. how ironic.

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I looked somewhere else and it said the figure in the Shroud was 6 feet tall. But you say you saw it IRL and he looked less than 5 feet tall?


My thing with it is, he looks WAAAAAY to gentile-y. straight long hair, straight long beard, narrow face, and on and on.


Jesus would have looked like, well, a Jew. In the shroud he looks just like how he does in all the medieval paintings. how ironic.


It was in a glass case and I don't recall exactly how close I got to it (maybe a few feet away?), but my friends and I were all struck by how small the body image was. It looked about 4 feet. We were all laughing about it at the time, pissing off all the old Italian ladies lined up to see it.


They only bring it out for a viewing every few years I think. I was living in Turin at the time and they only showed it for a day, so we went to see it out of curiosity. People, like I said mostly old ladies, lined up around the block to get a glimpse.


The cloth might be 6ft, but I'm pretty sure the image wasn't close.

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Now or then - frauds are popular, profitable, and people never want to look into them too closely because they want to believe - makes the fraud so much easier to do when no one wants to disbelieve it.

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I thought there was carbon dating done to the shroud and three independent sources all dated it around the 13th century give or take 100 years?

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I thought there was carbon dating done to the shroud and three independent sources all dated it around the 13th century give or take 100 years?


Carbon dating.... pfffff.... It's of the debil, doncha know. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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My thing with it is, he looks WAAAAAY to gentile-y. straight long hair, straight long beard, narrow face, and on and on.


Jesus would have looked like, well, a Jew. In the shroud he looks just like how he does in all the medieval paintings. how ironic.

How so? I have no idea what Mary looked like and his daddy was a ghost. That seems to open up the possibilities quite a bit if you ask me.



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Well played, sir. Well played.

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One of the doctrines that Catholics always fought over was whether or not the Eucharist always turned to Jesus' actual flesh and blood IN YOUR MOUTH! What's supposed to be so impressive about one established instance?

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Aaah the shroud. The somewhat impressive image of a man with long hair falling down on his shoulders.


While, as far as I know, people even back then were buried lying down on whatever. :scratch:

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I always found it suspicious (even in my xian days) that all these "miracles" are always stupid, useless shit. So, you have a picture of some bearded guy on a piece of cloth or a burn mark that looks kind of like the virgin mary on a tortilla. How does that help anyone? What does it prove?


If god wanted to show its power, why not do something that is irrefutable, actually helps people, and is blatant enough to make us skeptics shut up and take notice? For instance, why not instantly eradicate all diseases on the face of the earth? Even a permanent version of the food replication trick (enough to feed the whole world indefinitely) would be nice. For a god that supposedly created the universe, that would hardly be breaking a sweat.

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