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Goodbye Jesus

What Do You Want To Happen When You Die?


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I took one with the universe. That would be great. Although reality is probably "death - no consciousness whatsoever". That's the second best option on the list, so I don't have a problem with that either.

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I voted "Go To Heaven", but "Roam the earth" was an extremely close second. Were I a spirit , and could leave definitive, unfalsifiable proof of life after death, I'd make sure to get caught on video , either materializing, or remaining invisible and making objects move by "themselves". I think I'd also type out a manifesto of what to expect, so humanity could lose a lot of it's fear of death. Also, I'd make damn sure people knew there was no hell, or angry god, so all the fearmongering religions would lose their power and people would leave them in droves. Too bad I can't change my vote, I'd vote be a wandering spirit.

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Anybody's guess is as good as mine. I know what I'd like to see happen, but I'm not going to stake everything on what might be wishful thinking.

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"Roam the earth as a disembodied spirit" sounds like fun, with an option to go on other planets, and have spiritual secs

We'll have to connect in the afterlife and haunt Joyce Meyer's mansion. wicked.gif

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Explore the universe with no limitations of body, time, space or distance.

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Explore the universe with no limitations of body, time, space or distance.


i thought that would be "one with the universe", kind of.

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I picked "go to heaven," since it would be my own version of the afterlife, which I'd be to marked by being able to see favorite performers in concert, an endless street of night clubs, playing/performing music myself, watching movies, reading and hanging out with other spirits/friends. Oh, and of course the occasional orgy and trees be made of marijuana (with pre-rolled blunts hanging from the stems of course:).


But being a disembodied spirit was a close second--though I would like to be able warn folks of impending doom if I saw it coming--otherwise I'd be like god lol.

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I would like my life energy to account for something, maybe start a new life, grow a tree, or just add to the protective force that surrounds Mother Earth, the magnetosphere. I don't care if I have an afterlife, life itself sucked bad enough I am not certain I really want to come back at all. i sure don't want to spend eternity with a bunch of psalm-singing religious fascists of any religion.

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Death - no consciousness whatsoever.

Over time this has become the most desired option. I don't find much novelty in existence,my physical and intelectual limitations are significant,I am weak-willed and the burden of my past mistakes only grows harder.

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Has anyone ever noticed that the Safety Dance video looks surprisingly like a scene in the original Wicker Man? That has bugged me for years.


Anyway, If I died before any of my in-laws, I would opt for rambling around on earth and haunting them.

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I want the spirit deal, but no chain rattlin' stuff. I can finally get a look inside the girls locker room.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

I put Death - no consciousness whatsoever.


As far as I know, that´s the case. As far as we all know really, regardless of whether we admit it or not, Maybe there is a soul that lives on after death, but where is it? What is it? How do we know it exists? What reason do I have to think it does?

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I put Death - no consciousness whatsoever.


As far as I know, that´s the case. As far as we all know really, regardless of whether we admit it or not, Maybe there is a soul that lives on after death, but where is it? What is it? How do we know it exists? What reason do I have to think it does?


There's some vids in the "losing consciousness" thread....something about quantum mind in the cellular microtubules or something. Idk. But it's interesting.

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Guest Babylonian Dream

There's some vids in the "losing consciousness" thread....something about quantum mind in the cellular microtubules or something. Idk. But it's interesting.

I saw it. I wasn't convinced. Maybe, perhaps there is more. I don't know. Either way, the only life that matters to me now is this one, if I see another life, it will be the only one that matters to me. If I cease to exist, it won't matter either after I die, because I won't be around to care. That's how I see it.

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Rigor mortis and decomposition

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put the last option. This is much like what is described in the book "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton. If you are interested in this option and you don't have any qualms with hypnotism, you might be interested in reading this "evidence" of an afterlife Newton has uncovered. In our life between lives, according to Newton's findings, you heal from your incarnated life if needed, create, learn, explore other planets, be by yourself if you want, party, all kinds of things. Sounds pretty good to me. If we do live on, I would enjoy a scene like this, I think. Oh, and you don't have to reincarnate, but it is strongly suggested so that you can grow and develop as a "person/being". Apparently you feel so good/euphoric in this afterlife that it takes a long time to learn much of anything, that's why the incarnations. There are many worlds where you can incarnate. Earth is considered to be one of the most difficult planets to incarnate on. I won't say anymore so as not to open myself up to too much ridicule. But, a big thumbs up for this book if you are interested in knowing about what "evidence" there might be for an afterlife. (I put evidence in quotes because some might consider it evidence and some might not.)

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Well to be technical I don't think anyone can consider it evidence, as it is wholly a subjective experience, and I'm under the assertion that for something to be evidence another person has to see it or experience it directly. To my skeptical mind it just sounds like a dream or mind-trip, but what I think means zilch.

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Well to be technical I don't think anyone can consider it evidence, as it is wholly a subjective experience, and I'm under the assertion that for something to be evidence another person has to see it or experience it directly. To my skeptical mind it just sounds like a dream or mind-trip, but what I think means zilch.


I understand your objection. The funny thing is, when Newton hypnotizes people, he has learned to access a part of the brain that seems to store these life between lives (LBL) events and he has found that everyone he has done this to from all walks of life have the same/similar story to tell. Whether they are religious or not, they describe this place in amazingly similar ways.


Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to convince anyone. I find this information interesting and comforting and I thought I would share it. I consider it evidence since there is a commonality to the stories, but I am just taking some guy at his word based on what other people tell him under hypnosis. It could all be hogwash. But like I said, I sleep better thinking this might be true. I guess that is worth something to me. The reason being, I wonder why we learn and grow and develop wisdom and then die with most of that wisdom unshared. What a friggin' waste of time if you ask me.

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I'm not saying you're wrong. I think it could be true. I just wouldn't bet my car on it. As much as I hate not knowing answers to stuff like that, it beats the SHIT out of the dissonance I had under xianity.

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I'm not saying you're wrong. I think it could be true. I just wouldn't bet my car on it. As much as I hate not knowing answers to stuff like that, it beats the SHIT out of the dissonance I had under xianity.


Yeah, it is definitely not solid proof, for sure! I thought I would mention the book so people could make up their own minds. Yeah, hated that Christian dissonance Wendycrazy.gif I was looking for answers to questions about life after death and I happened on this book and the sequel. The things that are talked about are things I have wondered myself and thought or hoped maybe they were true, so it was a confirmation of my own thinking. I guess that's why it appeals to me. It just seems right to me. There is a good following of the book on FB. They are a little far out for me, but I'm not into new age stuff as much as some of them are.

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"confirmation bias" lol

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I spent quite a while chewing on this one before finally casting my actual vote. Essentially I consider all the 'serious' options to boil down to one of three candidates: Renewed consciousness, continued consciousness, or end of consciousness.


I find a few great pleasures in life, learning new things, building on existing knowledge, and gathering new experiences. In a manner of speaking these are competing preferences. Take for example your favorite movie. I won't use my favorite for this example but rather a close favorite - The Game with Michael Douglas. I consider this the most edge of my seat enthralling movie I've ever seen. Watching it for the first time ever was, in the words of Phil Hellenes, a mindgasm. I also enjoy watching it again to pick up pieces of the puzzle that I missed the first time around. But after I've watched it enough times, I run out of new things to learn. Also, no matter how hard I wish it to be so I can never again experience the movie so well as the first time.


So while I enjoy both the first run as well as the ongoing experience, I have to conceed that the ongoing experience will eventually run dry of enough new and satisfying information. Therefore, since between existence and non existence I choose existence, my choice (however unlikely) is renewed consciousness, option 1.

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That movie is the SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!

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  • Super Moderator

There is a plethora of 'revealed' post life scenarios. I probably wouldn't want to live forever in any of those imagined fates. Eternity is a long fuckin' time; at some point I think we all might just want to be left alone.

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This question initializes a whole lot of if-then statements man.

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