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Goodbye Jesus

Throwing Out Christian Home Decor


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I would have love to shed the bible with my hands, but it was too thick & my hands got sore! biggrin.png


I tried that one too! Its real therapy to lose that book.

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Nice thread :) This reminds me I need to lose some other items round the house too.

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I am in the process of getting rid of junk from my backyard shed and I looked around the house and realized I have several wall hangings with Christian sayings on them. They are going too! I'm also getting rid of my old Christian books and Bibles. I did keep the first one I got when I was baptized as a child and then when I was a young adult 'cause they had my name on them. Those might go in the trash. I was thinking of keeping one for reference too, but then figured there must be a website with the Bible on it. I have a ton of music CDs to toss or donate too. So much time and money wasted. Wendybanghead.gif


I find it is very freeing as well. Like you're putting all that behind you for good.

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I find it is very freeing as well. Like you're putting all that behind you for good.


It is liberating. I think all this stuff around has in a way, a power over us. I guess its the emotional investment we have made over the years into it. I am reminded of Tom Riddles' diary in one of the the Harry Potter films, where Harry's life force is being drained by this book. He is carrying this book round everywhere with him and becoming a zombie as his life force is being drained away. Fictional stuff, but I see parralels with this, and how I feel about having a Bibles, crosses and religious trinkets in the house.

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For some reason when you said sucking the life out of, I had a flashback to this.




When I was growing up this was popular with xians. Because it was a craft and because it's called "God's Eye". I just hated that thing with a passion.


The actual meaning is here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God%27s_eye And it's not xian at all.


Ok, flashback over. :wacko:

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When I was growing up this was popular with xians. Because it was a craft and because it's called "God's Eye". I just hated that thing with a passion.


That thing does look familiar. I think I may have owned one once.


I used to place round the house things like palm crosses, cards, fridge magnets, books, and so on. Thinking these things had some magical power to make the place holy, a domestic church. (Shakes head) What was I thinking.

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My father was a part time preacher and full time fanatic. He was really into prophetic stuff, 666, the antichrist and all that. A few years before he died he wrote a book he intended to be his masterpiece- title was "The 70th week of Daniel." He gave me a copy and had a hundred or so privately printed. It was horrible, I couldn't get through one chapter. He got a couple of xtian bookstores to take some on consignment, only one copy actually ever sold.


After my mom died, I fell heir to the box of books. They wound up at the curb to be recycled. It made me sad, he wasted so much of his time on earth on this bullshit. It did feel good to see them go...

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My father was a part time preacher and full time fanatic.


Thanks for sharing that. Interesting post.

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It made me sad, he wasted so much of his time on earth on this bullshit. It did feel good to see them go...


I feel that way too when I am getting rid of all my Bibles and commentaries and Christian books and wall hangings and home decor, CDs and DVDs. And, when I think of all the time and energy and talents I put into religion. If I had put that toward something real, maybe I could have really done something positive in this world!


Now I am very limited with health problems. I am sorry I wasted that time I am glad that I have recognized religion for the sham it is, but that doesn't give me back the many years of my life when I could be active. I console myself thinking that my heart was in the right place. I wanted to do something good for humanity and for XGod. I thought I was doing the ultimate good and "storing up treasure in heaven". Now I see it was all for naught. I was deceived. At least I am out of that now. I do feel sad about it though. sad.png

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It's interesting that so many of us became christians then discarded things from our previous "heathen" lives, and now experience a deep sense of regret and loss. But now, discarding things from our christian lives, we feel we free ourselves of a burden.


My preferred method is fires. It can be ritualistic, like offering something back to the universe. There is one thing I still have which I would like to sell. If it doesn't sell I want to offer it to the fire.

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[And, when I think of all the time and energy and talents I put into religion. If I had put that toward something real, maybe I could have really done something positive in this world!


Now I am very limited with health problems. I am sorry I wasted that time I am glad that I have recognized religion for the sham it is, but that doesn't give me back the many years of my life when I could be active. I console myself thinking that my heart was in the right place.

Exactly. Christianity is the altar upon which many of us gladly sacrificed the best years of our lives. You're right: we made the best decisions we could at the time, with what we honestly felt was the best information.


We have much to grieve.

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Okay. I have a confession to make. blush.png


Many years ago I was a worship leader. One of the groups for which I led worship was an Exodus type group. You know, the "pray the gay away" type of group. They weren't just that; they really did try to help people achieve emotional healing regardless of sexual orientation.


Well, I was sorting through some old files and I found (1) the textbook for this program (the book is available on Amazon and all Christian bookstores) (and looking at the front cover now, this is me: eek.gif ) and (2) the manual (1 inch thick!). It's full of explanations, prayers, and activities, etc. I also found my worship leader manual.


So, I've put all three of these in my burning pile. My hubby and I are having a fire tonight in the back yard, and this is what's going to fuel it. happydance.gif


I always struggled with the views this group held (very essentialist notions of correct gender behavior and values). And I now find the very language and assumptions abhorrent.


Goodbye hate literature! woohoo.gif

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[And, when I think of all the time and energy and talents I put into religion. If I had put that toward something real, maybe I could have really done something positive in this world!


Now I am very limited with health problems. I am sorry I wasted that time I am glad that I have recognized religion for the sham it is, but that doesn't give me back the many years of my life when I could be active. I console myself thinking that my heart was in the right place.

Exactly. Christianity is the altar upon which many of us gladly sacrificed the best years of our lives. You're right: we made the best decisions we could at the time, with what we honestly felt was the best information.


We have much to grieve.


I just changed my signature then read what you wrote...SO true, Positivist! I LOVE the quote by Maya Angelou saying words similar to yours about doing the best you can, and when you know better, do better. That's all you can do.


Yes, good to grieve and then move on. It teaches you to be more careful next time! LeslieLook.gif

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[And, when I think of all the time and energy and talents I put into religion. If I had put that toward something real, maybe I could have really done something positive in this world!


Now I am very limited with health problems. I am sorry I wasted that time I am glad that I have recognized religion for the sham it is, but that doesn't give me back the many years of my life when I could be active. I console myself thinking that my heart was in the right place.

Exactly. Christianity is the altar upon which many of us gladly sacrificed the best years of our lives. You're right: we made the best decisions we could at the time, with what we honestly felt was the best information.


We have much to grieve.


Oh, my - outstanding. Very, very well said :)

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