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Goodbye Jesus

Just A Little Vent About My Momma...


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So the past few years I have been in a constant battle with employment issues. It all started back at the end of 2006 with the closure of the plant I worked at as a mechanic for 17 years. Since then I've been bouncing between working and lay-offs with almost equal time happening with each. This has caused untold stress, financial, and marital problems.

Two years ago I started at a new place, thinking things would be better. Lo and behold, they too start having economic troubles, and here I am off again on a "temporary lay-off." It's been five weeks already, and I'm hurting. So on the weekend my momma comes up for a visit. For the most part it was a very nice time, but at one point she says to me: "Maybe if you went back to church you'd find your job troubles disappearing." I laughed it off, but I gotta tell you, it has been bothering me ever since. The more I thought about that comment, the angrier I got. My momma is in her mid seventies, and has many health problems, including the possibility of cancer hanging over her head. As a result, for her sake, I do not challenge her, and go after her about her faith, or beliefs. I do not wish to stress her out any more than necessary, but that comment just drove me nuts. I felt like saying:


"Really mother...? That's the kind of God there is? Makes me, and my entire family suffer terribly, just because I did a bunch of research, used my God-given intellect, and became an agnostic (praying like hell for God to reveal the truth the whole time)? Just because I can't unlearn the things I've learned, and I can't ignore them? Just because I doubt? Just because I no longer attend church every Sunday and hear the same stuff over, and over, and over...? Because of that I'm now dragged through shit and losing the woman I love, and he can't be bothered to make the whole thing clear and plain to me? Nice!"


I know it's just another example of Christian guilt-tripping. It's always guilt, guilt, guilt...! I friggin' hate it! It just makes me sick!


Don't know if I feel any better, but I had to get it out. :-(

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Maybe if you went to church more, you wouldnt have all this pent up anger.




EDIT: I'm in love with your Av. Angelina makes me convulse and go into bouts of frenzy every time i see her.


good lawd!!

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Lol! Thanks buddy! I've seen the light! Going back on Sunday!!!! Woooooo...!!!! ;-)

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Its like they say, the best way to recover from a hangover is to have another beer, right?

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  • Super Moderator

If you spit on a nickel and bury it at a crossroads under a full moon, you financial woes will disappear! Honest!!!

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If you spit on a nickel and bury it at a crossroads under a full moon, you financial woes will disappear! Honest!!!


Tried that once, all it got me was herpes.

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Dude, you're not supposed to dig it up afterward.


MWTP, it's sad that someone would use guilt like that to prey upon the vulnerable, but at least you know it's bullshit--I mean, does your mom seriously think that Christians never have trouble finding jobs or face setbacks? I guess she has no idea about the Book of Job or ever talks to actual Christians?


It's pretty easy to see her guilt trip as irrational--if good random things happen then obviously it's God, but if bad random things happen it's because you're a bad evil person. But they tend to be selectively blind about Christians having trouble or non-Christians having great lives. There's always a ridiculous way to explain it all away.

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Whenever I hear talk like that... this image always pops into my head:




It's one of the subjects that I often find extremely hard to reconcile with spirituality of any kind (and yes, I am spiritual.)

Except for maybe Dieism.

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Guest wester

My 69 year old mum would be absolutely pleased as punch if I would go down to the local brain surgeon and get a full on frontal lobe lobotomy so that I could sit in church with her every sunday surrounded by sugary clouds of opaque jello, in full on delusion and denial of reality. Really. Nothing would make her happier. It is not like the story of Abraham and Isaac is a metaphor for her - it is a full on commandment: strangle and mutilate your kids.


I find it astonishing that American Christians act as if the current economic system is the absolute pinnacle of perfection and should never be called into question for any reason (after all, if it "is", then Yaweh must have willed it, eh?).


I have existed neck deep in employment crapola for the past 20 years (since I graduated college), with only a few years of peaceful living. My mum (and libertarian dad) commit the "fallacy of attribution" and chalk all this up to my shortcomings and failings - and they NEVER, NEVER, NEVER place any blame on the economic system or organization of caplitalista social relations that results in all this human carnage.


After all, it is this pervasive human carnage that provides fresh fodder for the Christian fold (dontchaknow).

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