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Goodbye Jesus

"some Answers Can't Be Found"


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That's what the message board outside a church I just drove by said. Nice, wave the white flag and embrace ignorance. Why would you want to live like that?!?!


Side note: I just pulled up to the local library and I could go in next door and vote for an acquaintance of mine that goes to the same church as me. For Judge. But I no longer feel I can vote for someone, to be a judge, when he can't even judge for himself that the bible is bullshit. I like the guy though. Oh well. Not voting.

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I don't think an answer simply doesn't exist. I think it might be hard to find, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. How quickly people forget that not a single one of our current conveniences and advances would exist if it weren't for some driven jackass willing to say "NO, I just know that I can figure out how to make this (light bulb/automobile/cell phone/microwave/CAT scanner/dialysis machine/migraine medication) work!" Damn fine thing all those brilliant discoverers didn't also feel that some things just couldn't be answered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as i was explaining by disbelief to a minister friend I brought up how far-fetched things were 100 years ago. we now don't give a second thought to hubble images (we'll we do but u know what i mean) and we embrace findings that were seemingly implausible to verify 100 years ago. my response to phrases like what you menioned is ..."NOT YET...." founders of christianity underestimated us by far. Had they known we would advance technologically to teh level we have, they would have changed the story a little bit.

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That's what the message board outside a church I just drove by said. Nice, wave the white flag and embrace ignorance. Why would you want to live like that?!?!


Side note: I just pulled up to the local library and I could go in next door and vote for an acquaintance of mine that goes to the same church as me. For Judge. But I no longer feel I can vote for someone, to be a judge, when he can't even judge for himself that the bible is bullshit. I like the guy though. Oh well. Not voting.


I thought the church had ALL the answers..lol

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That is the christian whine; that sciencxe cannot say religion is wrong because science does not understand religion.

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Um, I actually agree with this message. Some answers can't be found, which implies to my mind that some questions are poorly framed.


I understand that teachers say, "There's no such thing as a bad question" in order to encourage curiosity and participation. However I think it really does a disservice to students in many ways because often finding answers is ALL about asking the appropriate questions.

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I actually think there are plenty of questions that can't be answered. But this does not mean that I embrace ignorance. If I were to say that because some answers can't be found we ought to stop asking and trying to answer questions then that would be embracing ignorance.

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If it is in the natural world ultimatly it can and maby will be known just not curently.

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Most religions more closely believe "There are questions that shouldn't be asked." Ignorance = bliss in the god game.

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Seems an unusual thing for a church to be posting. Don't they specialize in "The Answer"? Seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot - on the other hand it is obviously a comment directed against people who accept scientific explanations, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Churches say god is unknowable, then they tell you all about him and what he wants.

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Churches say god is unknowable, then they tell you all about him and what he wants.


Awesome post in my opinion SB. :3:

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