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Goodbye Jesus

I Just Whitnesed A Real Live "jesus Camp" At A Asembly Of God Church, Most Cultic Thing I Have Seen.


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So I went to a assembly of god church this afternoon that was holding a revival, I was asked by a friend to go and I didn’t want to decline as I have never been to a assembly of god. This was one of the most fucking scary thing I have ever seen in my life.


If you have seen the documentary “Jesus camp” you will know how to relate to this, I was sitting in a virtual cult inside this church. At first it started out kind of entertaining when the message first started because he was talking about how modern day psychology was based in Darwinism so it was “loony” but in his opinion things like depression are a product of demonic forces. What was really funny was latter he was talking about the war horses used in the middle ages and how they where used for war but I guess he didn’t realize these horses were a product of Darwinian evolution. But as things drug on things started getting weird… people started screaming in the middle of the service, not anything coherent, it wasn’t “amens” or “haljaluia” it was just strait screaming at random burst. I really wasn’t even freaked out then because I expected it but nothing would prepare me for what I saw next. At first the guy started caressing everybody to the front at the alter and all why this is going on people are screaming and moaning and a few start to talk in toungs. Well the evangelist starts to neigh like a horse trying the represent the “war horse within you” and he would go up to these people at the alter and would neigh like a damn horse at them, touch them and make them go into convulsions and speak in toungs. All while he was doing this the preacher of the church was screaming at the people getting neighed at, not like yelling something coherent but simply screaming at them at the top of his lungs like a drill sergeant. This one lady beside me starting screaming so long that her face turned purple and I thought she was going to pass out. Well this whole neighing and screaming went on for like 30 mins till he got through everyone there and this the really cultic part started. He pulled some kid up to the top of the alter and the evangelist basically told him this 12 year old kid was going to be the next Billy gram and the preacher neighed at him and the kid went in a convulsion and laid on the floor for five minutes. The evangelist then got the kid up and told him to start doing “Zulu war dances” yea you heard me, the African tribe. So the evangelist shows the kid what to do and he starts dancing as if he has a spear and shield and the kid is talking in tounges while doing it. By this point my eyes are big and I feel the need to run away from the church but I stay just to see what happens next. The evangelist then walks over to these 3 8-9 year old kids at the alter and starts touching them telling them they will cast out demons and he told one of them you will heal people of their afflictions with his touch like Jesus did. The three kids started screaming and shaking uncontrollably but they got up on the stage with the 12 year old and started doing the Zulu war dance, a bunch more kids joined in as well I think the youngest was four years old.


So by this time there are 20 kids in the center stage doing African war dances and speaking in tongues while this massive crowd of adults its standing around screaming their heads off and shaking uncontrollably.


This went on for TWO HOURS, TWO WHOLE HOURS, normal invitations last like 5 minutes at most. Its very hard to explain to you how INSANE what I saw was, I walked out of that church disturbed as if I would of seen someone killed and in fact I guess I saw the minds of 20 children killed.

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Holy moly! Bizarre! Glad you weren't equinified....

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I totally want to see a YouTube video of either this, or something similar to it.

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I can't imagine. Kaiser, you must have been thinking what a bunch of horseshit! Wendytwitch.gif


The evangelist then got the kid up and told him to start doing “Zulu war dances” yea you heard me, the African tribe. So the evangelist shows the kid what to do and he starts dancing as if he has a spear and shield and the kid is talking in tounges while doing it.


The 'spirit of God' couldn't guide the kid as to how to dance in the 'Zulu' style? Wendywhatever.gif

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Oh, come on...I bet someone put LSD in the cool aid. No one in their right mind would.......oh...I forgot...!!!...born again Christians!

Lol, lol, lol...!!!

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I have more to say on this bullshit later. too tired right now though.


All I want to say is that 'satan' is responsible for my depression, why the FUCK do my medications make it bearable? HUH? Answer me THAT, you fucking insane batshit fucktards! Is GOD somehow fucking possessing my godamned pristiq?!!


I fucking HATE people that say depression is because of devils or some bullshit like that. To them I'd like to say a giant 'FUCK YOU IN THE ASS, GOOD SIR. NOW GOOD DAY!'

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Wow, you're a brave person for sitting through this! If security wasn't too tight, the pastor would probably have poor eyesight for a few weeks if I were there.

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I can't imagine. Kaiser, you must have been thinking what a bunch of horseshit! Wendytwitch.gif


The evangelist then got the kid up and told him to start doing “Zulu war dances” yea you heard me, the African tribe. So the evangelist shows the kid what to do and he starts dancing as if he has a spear and shield and the kid is talking in tounges while doing it.


The 'spirit of God' couldn't guide the kid as to how to dance in the 'Zulu' style? Wendywhatever.gif


Yea I noticed that as well, and I also noticed that even though God is supposed to be sovereign over all this and the tounges is God taking over them but every time the preacher said “stop” they stopped and every time he said “go” they started up again. This kind of emotional furry just builds itself over time collectively based on their expectations and what the charismatic evangelist tells them to do, into this batshit crazy stuff they where doing.

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I totally want to see a YouTube video of either this, or something similar to it.


Lol i almost video tapped it with my phone but i was scared to let them see it, i didnt know if they would flip out on me or somthing. I know i got alot of stares for not going up front and participating.

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I have seen shit like this with my own eyes, so I know exactly how that felt for you, Kaiser. I have been the one person in the congregation not participating in the insanity.


I am glad that I won't have to put up with that shit again, and I hope that soon you won't have to, either.

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I totally want to see a YouTube video of either this, or something similar to it.


Ok Yalta, watch this. They call it the Toronto Blessing, and here is a video where you can see people acting like animals during the service:



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I can honestly say I've never experienced that craziness before. I think as brainwashed as my folks are, they are at least grounded enough to know that shit is insane.


I almost wished you'd have gone up and punched the pastor after he touched you. Then you could tell people the HS led you to punch him for acting like an idiot.

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Toronto Blessing, and here is a video where you can see people acting like animals during the service:


"Old MacDonald's Mass Hypnosis". He had a farm, ya know? E-I-E-I-O. With a cluck-cluck here and a moo-moo there.....

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and my presbyterian church would have said this activity was "of the devil" and showed conclusively that this congregation was NOT among the elect.

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Its like voo-doo. I never saw anything so crazy as what you described, with the full on screaming and acting like a horse, once I did see this guy convulsing like he was having an epileptic fit. There was this other girl who when she'd catch the spirit, her eeyes would roll back in her head and all you see was the whites.


And then they'd snap out of it and it was like "okay now lets all go pig out at the diner!" wtf


My chi alpha group got into the Toronto thing for a while. I didn't hear any animal noises, but "holy laughter" and falling down, I never "got it." I spoke in tongues, but I never got any of the slain in the spirit stuff.

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It's a fad thing. I remember going to a Baptist church last year and they pointed out that shit like that is why they don't agree with it. People do it because it's a fad. It get's people's emotions going....etc....etc...etc. I remember one night where I laughed and crawled on the floor at church for hours supposedly under the influence of the h.s. Years later it is something that people don't do anymore at the church I used to go to. Can't believe I was part of this foolishness.

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I have a friend who went to one of those loon fests. She said she started to mimic the others talking in tongues just to fit in (she wasn't "feeling the spirit") and a lady started translating what she was saying...! When she told me that she was laughing so hard she could hardly get it out.

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Okay now that I'm calmer.. oh good lord, it's still making me rage to even read it. I can't get further than "modern day psychology was based in Darwinism so it was “loony”" before I get the strong urge to punch something.


This guy sounds like a raving lunatic though. I don't think I've ever heard someone try to refute psychology that way. Just insane.


The neighing/screaming thing scared the shit out of me, and the creepy way you said the guy 'caressed' people. I would have been having a panic attack the moment random people started screaming incoherently. Seriously, I'd start worrying that they'd start on human sacrifice or something, just because that's how insane that sounds!!


It gave me SERIOUSLY creepy vibes just reading about it. I have no clue how the hell you managed to stay in there that long. I'm glad you got out of there in one piece and safe!!


It seriously reminded me of a movie I saw named Borderland that was loosely based on a real life cult. That movie creeped me out, but your post was way worse cause it freaking HAPPENED.

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to do that to kids is child abuse....

fucking with their minds

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Sounds like child abuse to me...

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I totally want to see a YouTube video of either this, or something similar to it.


Ok Yalta, watch this. They call it the Toronto Blessing, and here is a video where you can see people acting like animals during the service:










26 years of very serious, fundie thinking, and I have never seen anything like that. Unbelievable. Atrocious. Ridiculous.

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I attended an AG college for over 3 years, your description sounds about right! (I was not AG.) Its frightening to think that this is what those kids are growing up in, it makes me wonder how many of them will be on a site similar to this one sharing their deconversion stories.

Most painful to watch was when my friends who were struggling with mental illness were told by a chapel speaker that they would be healed that day IN JESUS NAME HALLELUJAH! and were not, not even close. They utter despair they experienced after being "filled with the holy spirit" like that and then let down was heart wrenching for me. I witnessed the load of shit that went on in chapel, but nobody else around me seemed to realize it wasn't doing anyone any good.

The only time I was ever afraid in a "holy spirit led" chapel service was when this one girl began screaming. The screaming lasted about 15 minutes, and I had heard that kind of screaming only once before when a childhood friend of mine finally stood up to her molester and began screaming at him in this eerily primal screech... It was enough to raise the hair on the back of my neck. Church pastors have no business evoking those kinds of emotions in a congregation during a public worship service.

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I saw some people have freak out moments, and I asked my pastor what the deal was. He said something to the effect that the holy spirit is like medicine or surgery, and sometimes the patient reacts like a patient would. mmkay

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I've seen Jesus Camp. That scared me. Reading this made me really concerned more churches are gonna end up doing this. When I see adults do it I facepalm. When I see young children do it I cry inside at the corruption of youth and the loony crap they're teaching them to do. If I were you I woulda ran, fast, far and abandoned that guy as a friend.

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