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Goodbye Jesus

Don't Really Know How I Got Here...


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Good story, I also came from the Pentecostal background. Even while being a full blown Pentecostal, I'd have moments of realization how bizarre and embarrassing it was when I'd bring someone to church with me. I'd just hope and pray that someone didn't stand up speak in tongues and then someone else would stand up and interpret, gawd how embarrassing that was.

When I was going to the baptist school I tried to keep my weird church practices under wraps. I had a friend and he actually came to church with me one Sunday. I remember hoping things would be chill but it was the day some random woman (probably homeless, probably on drugs, if I remember correctly) wandered in off the street and somehow ended up at the front of the church giving her 'testimony' and being prayed for by the whole church. Even at the time I could see she was obviously not mentally well. Then the whole church (I went to a really small church) filed through the food pantry the church had just started and one by one laid hands on the food praying in tongues. I thought I'd burst into flames I was so uncomfortable.


In my old AoG church, I recall noticing the sermon and speaking in tongues being more subdued when there were very many new guests present. In fact on recollection I would now guess he used the "who's a visitor with us today?" to help determine how aggressive or not to make his sermon.

That's pretty funny. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif

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Peace, thank you.


Thank you for coming here and sharing your story with us. I'm blown away. I'm actually tearing up a bit.


In my opinion...


Your mind is good.

Your heart is strong and noble.

Your language is crisp and would make me a fool to criticize.

Your avatar rocks like an avalanche.

We are more for your presence.


Welcome to ex-C.

Such affirming words, thank you! thanks.gif

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Such affirming words, thank you! thanks.gif


Well, I was hoping, maybe later on, I could have your baby. :HaHa:




Again welcome Peace.

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Such affirming words, thank you! thanks.gif


Well, I was hoping, maybe later on, I could have your baby. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif




Again welcome Peace.


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Welcome to the real world.


You're right...you can't un-see it. You took the red pill. Now when you look back at the stuff you used to believe it's surreal- familiar, yet so strange...like a 3 dollar bill.


You're new to this so I'll warn you now...soon the high will wear off and you'll be angry. Like, really, really angry. You'll want to scream at the people who did this to you but you'll know you can't because they're victims too and you'll want to hate god but you can't cause he's not real. Come on here and vent, we've all been there. Watch this show: http://www.atheist-experience.com/ Most importantly don't fall into the trap of hating yourself for believing all that stupid shit for so long... be proud of yourself for having the audacity to think. You did it in time to save yourself, and you did it in time to spare your kid. Eventually it will get easier.

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I enjoyed your story, i however in my deconversion, when i got the slightest hint christianity might not be true i ran from the religion and the farther i got the less miserable i was and the more free i felt.


I must tell you though, dont hold a grudge, just dont it will eat you alive. my advice to you is simply let it go and foccus on the future.


Lol i had a funny experince in a assembly of god church once it is in the rants and replies a few pages back if you want to read it, it was alot like the toronto blessing if you know what that is and if not look it up on you tube. basicaly it is a bunch of people acting like farm animals and talking in tounges.

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Thanks Kaiser. At this point I don't hold a grudge, thankfully. I don't feel particularly bitter about my upbringing or experiences any longer though I was bitter for awhile after leaving the xian high school.


I am however in the 'everything about religion ANNOYS THE HECK OUT OF ME!' stage and wonder how long that will last. I want to be at peace with others and to 'live and let live' as much as possible and it's hard when I have a negative gut reaction to all things related to religion. Hoping it will pass over time and some of these things will fly under my radar the farther I get along in my deconversion. smile.png

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I totally relate to that feeling. I've been able to be more accepting since I've come to accept myself and my wife has come to accept me as an unbeliever.

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