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Kiyosaki's books used to be really popular a few years ago during the real estate boom. Everyone wanted to be rich. Nowadays, people are happy just to have jobs.

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I had to laugh that you went to ask if he did something wrong :) I dunno, I would've been pretty insulted if I was him :P


Anyways, I've had those Amway people; they're scummy. Don't like what they turn into when they get all into it.

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I had to laugh that you went to ask if he did something wrong smile.png I dunno, I would've been pretty insulted if I was him tongue.png


Anyways, I've had those Amway people; they're scummy. Don't like what they turn into when they get all into it.


I agree- Amway seems to make people desperately unhappy, greedy, or both. Sad, really.


As for me asking my man if there was something he needed to tell me, I was just messing with him. He doesn't have the best memory :P I was thinking more along the lines that she'd found something out about a person we all have a mutual dislike for. I was really hoping for some damn good goss!

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I had to laugh that you went to ask if he did something wrong smile.png I dunno, I would've been pretty insulted if I was him tongue.png


Anyways, I've had those Amway people; they're scummy. Don't like what they turn into when they get all into it.


Well if you think about it Amway is little different from being a fundy christian. Since the later is generally annoying, it shouldn't be surprising that the former is as well.

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In America, Amway changed their name, but they were forced to do commercials on TV saying that they used to be known as Amway

You mean Quixtar? I was in Amway (Network 21) when Quixtar started. It was a separate entity at first. If I remember it right, it had more to do about a power struggle of the top of the IBO pyramid (Jim Dornan, I think it was).




Wait. No, I big part of Quixtar was the change of sales and product orders. Instead of putting orders through the upline you could order on the website and even create your own "home" page. But N21 was definitely a big part of pushing for this change.


Oh man. That was years ago ... Haven't heard about Amway in a very long time.

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In America, Amway changed their name, but they were forced to do commercials on TV saying that they used to be known as Amway

You mean Quixtar? I was in Amway (Network 21) when Quixtar started. It was a separate entity at first. If I remember it right, it had more to do about a power struggle of the top of the IBO pyramid (Jim Dornan, I think it was).



There's been more then one. It was touted in the Yeager organization that just by being and IBO you would make money. Because everyone in the world was just going to go to our site and buy stuff and those that weren't in the business would be randomly assigned to an IBO.


They failed to mention that:


1) they would only be assigned to Directs and above.


2) only those in the business knew about the website.


3) That the infrastructure behind the website was so crappy the site crashed on launch day and was then down for about two weeks.


But yeah it's not "Amway" ;);)


Then there was the whole shit storm about the time that quit where several Diamonds got kicked out and others resigned and started their own Amwayesque companies so they could get all the money and do it their way rather then how Yeager and others wanted.


Then DeVos bought the Miami Heat. WendyDoh.gif

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Lots of crazy stuff.


I'm so glad I'm out of it.


It felt like evangelizing or witnessing when I had to make those phone calls. And finding prospects? I was a Christian still back then, and I had the conflict if I should witness about Jesus or Amway to the strangers I met. Give them a Bible verse or a business card? And the pep-meetings and conferences... Gosh. It was like a revival meeting, but instead of Jesus, it was some Diamond leader. Worship the Holy MLM!!!

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When I came home from the meeting, I told my partner that it was just Amway, and he burst out laughing. He was really pleased that I turned her down flat. We need to focus on our own shit right now. There is no way in hell that we're going to put off the next five years chasing some bullshit elusive dream when we have so much else we could be doing in the next five years.


My fiancee has found a niche market for his painting skills, and is in demand. He already has one client, with a huge job, and the guy loved his work so much that he started paying more than the original quote. Now he has other people asking for painting to be done, and has had to tell them that, until this big job is out of the way, he can only take on small ones.


I've got university at the moment, and that is a long-term goal, because I don't just want to get a degree, I want to go on and do a Ph.D. We are just beginning to have things happen. Why on earth we would put it all aside and focus on chasing something else, is just ridiculous. We don't really care about having money. We are happy right now, and both doing what we always wanted- my partner is painting and making money from it, and I am studying. We have all the money we need, because our bills are always paid, and we have a little left over to enjoy. We're even slowing building a little savings.


To us, we already have success. We have a solid foundation to build upon. So we will continue to build upon this foundation. And my financial goal is not to be rich, simply self-sufficient. In a few years, I would like to have about $6000 in savings, so that if the car breaks down, I can simply go and buy a new one. Buy a new fridge when it carks itself. My idea of self-sufficiency is living without credit cards, which we already do, and completely without debt, of which three out of five have been paid in the last couple of years, and without the need for loans. We're getting there with the living without loans- occaisionally I borrow $20 or so from mum and dad, but we always pay it back. These days, we only borrow when it means that we would be worse off if we didn't- like when I found a doona cover reduced from $180 to $40 due to the business going bust. We paid my parents back the next week.


The whole Amway deal is completely unsustainable and, quite frankly, teaches people poor money management. My credit card debt I continue to pay off, because I consider it a personal lesson. For me, it's about taking responsibility, even though I could have it wiped because I was suffering from bipolar when I spent the money and therefore a court would not hold me responsible for the money I spent. But I hold myself responsible. Amway teaches irresponsibilty and greed.

My problem with Amway is that it only works for extrovert "used-car" salesman people. It takes a lot of effort to find prospects. You have to get other people to sign up under you for it to work. And how do you do that? Not by signing up your friends and family, but to find strangers you can sell it to. And they have to do the same thing. I'm not that kind of person, so it didn't work for me. Most people can't do it. Only a few have the mindset for it.

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AMEN Brother!


Now all you out there you know you want to have this house.....this car....this life....


Come on down here....and pay us $100 and you'll be in the club.


The life is waiting all you have to do is pay $100 and come down here and you'll have these things.



Yeah.....it was kinda like that.

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Good page about Amway: http://www.skepdic.com/amway.html



Now all you out there you know you want to have this house.....this car....this life....


Come on down here....and pay us $100 and you'll be in the club.


The life is waiting all you have to do is pay $100 and come down here and you'll have these things.

*shudders* Flashbacks again. Second time today.

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That's the thing, though. How wealthy do we really need to be? And those who are really wealthy, are they any happier?


Self-sufficiency is enough for me. I appreciate what I have, and as I have everything I need, I don't worry about what I don't have. I don't want to end up constantly chasing after something.

That whole mindset is completely alien to an Ambot. Of COURSE you want a yacht and a vacation house in Tahiti! Of COURSE you want to be a bazillionaire! EVERYBODY does! You're not worth a plugged nickel unless you're obscenely wealthy! It's yet another mental tape that evangelical-types run through their heads constantly that makes problems for them.


That I've never really cared about being rich didn't set well with the folks trying to recruit me. It was like testing a cat's intelligence--namely that the cat really doesn't have the same goal that the test-givers do so it's nearly impossible to test a cat's IQ--and it wasn't hard for me to see that I just wasn't a fit for an MLM scheme.

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Seneca said it best:


Money has never made anyone rich.




True wealth is a poverty of desires.

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*scratches head* Hm... for some reason I thought Amway was a train. Where the hell did that idea pop into my head. It did make for a funny post, before I realized you weren't writing about a train.


Having some random chick ecstatic over a train sounds much more amusing than a pyramid scheme or whatever the heck Amway is. My next logical thought was... how were you connected to the Amway train, and what did she want with you in regards to this train? ...free tickets? What else can you get for a train?


Yeah, it sounds much funnier when I think of Amway as being a train.

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*scratches head* Hm... for some reason I thought Amway was a train. Where the hell did that idea pop into my head. It did make for a funny post, before I realized you weren't writing about a train.

You're thinking of Amtrak. :HaHa:

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