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Dealing With Woo At My Yoga Class


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One other little detail I didn't share - the woman who runs the center has a "psychic" husband. J and I had dinner with them after the first yoga class and he started asking me if I had a dead grandmother and giving me a "message" from her. His wife asked me at the next class if I was freaked out about it. I said no. (Which I wasn't, it's just not my thing.) Her husband was very sweet (they are in their early 70's) and I think he genuinely believes the spirits of people talk to him. I didn't get a vibe that he was trying to scam us or anything. So anyway at the next class, the wife told me that he had more to share with me (from Grandma) but it had to be in private b/c it was of a personal nature (?). She said if I wanted to talk to him about it I could or if not that was totally ok, too. I never brought it up again and neither has she.


So apparently her husband does this all the time. He said he even goes into trances sometimes when "they" talk to him. His wife told this story about how, on some trip they took to Europe (he's British), he was acting like an ass and they kept fighting. Then she realized he was "channeling" her dead father. So she proceeds to have this whole conversation with her dead father through her husband. I kid you not! eek.gif


I know that now you're all thinking "RUN! GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!"


But, I'm gonna keep going to the classes. I would consider going somewhere else, but the nearest place is the local gym and our former pastors go there, their sons both work there, and other church people go there, too. So that's not an option. Other than that I'd have to drive 20 minutes one way to get to the other one (plus pay to join the gym). These people aren't being pushy at all so far, so I'll just show up and do the yoga and duck out when it's over.


Hey, if nothing else this will be great fodder for further posts! I can keep y'all up to date on all the latest woo. biggrin.png


Hey, it's free yoga. I say keep going and bring a secret tape recorder so you can upload it and let us listen in on the lulz.

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sounds entertaining--we're all a little crazy anyway

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Wow, 2Honest, when you said you were dealing with woo, I didn't realize you were dealing with industrial strength woo. I don't think I could handle that, but that's just me.

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I think I'll tag along with 2honest to the next class dressed as a wizard....big hat, cape, the works...see if I can get them to take it seriously ;)

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I once knew a woman who thought she was so, so, so, far above me. I mean, she just KNEW she was a superior person to me in every way. She was also a yoga instructor. And I asked her one day how her chakras were doing. Ha. It was funny to see her enter an introspective mode upon asking her that.


Ah, cheap thrills. :3:

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I think I'll tag along with 2honest to the next class dressed as a wizard....big hat, cape, the works...see if I can get them to take it seriously wink.png


Do it. DO IT.

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I think I'll tag along with 2honest to the next class dressed as a wizard....big hat, cape, the works...see if I can get them to take it seriously wink.png


Just remember that you have to say that you're the chief warlock or something. Remember how no one that gave their Christian testimonies that claimed they used to be a witch or a Satan worshiper would ever say they were a low-level person in the movement? Nope, they were always a Satanic bishop, or the chief warlock in a coven.

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I guess we all have our limits for woo. My tolerance level is pretty high, but one discussion group I was in someone comes in late. We were all sitting around in this dark room with only a few candles lit and this guy starts talking about being taken aboard the "light ship" - it was quite spooky and kind of freaked me out. He was very serious and saying what an impact the aliens taking him up into their ship had on his life..

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I think I'll tag along with 2honest to the next class dressed as a wizard....big hat, cape, the works...see if I can get them to take it seriously wink.png


Do it. DO IT.


Dude. I would. I'd even rent a snake to wear.




Thing is, in my experience with different levels of "woo", is these types that you describe really are just sooo hungry for attention. Basically those pente grandmas that have a "message from the Lard" for you, they're the same. I'm sure they mean absolutely not harm, and yeah, I wouldn't pass up free yoga. But I can't take people who fall into uncontrolled trances every other day and do the light-changing spell from The Craft seriously. I believe some crazy shit, but that kind of thing is just....petty. It's self-involved, which isn't very enriching, in any sense, especially spiritually.


Anyway, if they're nice, if it's fun to be a spectator in their newagey circus, and it's free yoga, shit, I'd take it.

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I think I'll tag along with 2honest to the next class dressed as a wizard....big hat, cape, the works...see if I can get them to take it seriously wink.png


I just can't imagine my dead relatives having any useful information for me. But seeing how cold readers get all their information from you by asking questions I suppose you could come up with lots of wacky information for them to feed back to you. What might be interesting is to answer questions about a fictitious dead relative. Disagree with the psychic about his answers now and then to kill his confidence..."No, I never said Uncle Bob was a mechanic! He programmed computers."

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I think it's perfectly OK for you to decline, but I don't think it'd be harmful to let them work on you either. If nothing else, you got a nice relaxing moment out of your day and some time to bond with your new friends.


I would say if you do try it out that it is NOT suspending all logic and reason. Going in with an open mind means that you have a logical position or two and questions that you're willing to put aside just to observe. Christians and other "believer" types don't do this. They go in with a preconceived notion and simply stick with it without questioning.


So I don't think you have anything to fear.


In my personal experience, I've had some good luck with some kinds of energy work and felt a difference in health issues. I've had luck with Reiki and Polarity energy work. I have no idea why. I didn't believe or disbelieve in it and simply agreed to be a guinea pig. But I did feel some energy shifts and had relief for some health issues I was having, so that was cool.

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First, we can't say "woo" around here.




Be nice Ric.

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