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The Pastor On My Mind


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Sorry, but I really thing your email is probably way at the bottom of his list of priorities hence the lack of reply!

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Sorry, but I really thing your email is probably way at the bottom of his list of priorities hence the lack of reply!


Well, you're entitled to think that. It's not like it affects your life in any way.

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Sorry, but I really thing your email is probably way at the bottom of his list of priorities hence the lack of reply!


Well, you're entitled to think that. It's not like it affects your life in any way.


And you are making it affect your life too much - all this hanging on for a reply!

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Sorry, but I really thing your email is probably way at the bottom of his list of priorities hence the lack of reply!


Well, you're entitled to think that. It's not like it affects your life in any way.


And you are making it affect your life too much - all this hanging on for a reply!


...Seriously? Take a look at this thread first: http://www.ex-christian.net/topic/51736-dont-fuck-with-me-because-i-fuck-back/


Then take a look at the end of this one: http://www.ex-christian.net/topic/51820-packing-for-hospital-help-me-out/


Do you really think this email is a big deal in my life right now?

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The way you are hanging out for a reply and keep posting that you haven't got a reply, yes I think it is a big deal to you!

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Okay, my vote is this guy is very busy and he wants to give your email a thoughtful reply. I'm waiting along with you Pudd!


BTW, something like this would be important to me. Thanks for sharing this with us! Hang in there! smile.png

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The way you are hanging out for a reply and keep posting that you haven't got a reply, yes I think it is a big deal to you!


Okay then, you seemed to have made up your mind that an email is a bigger deal to ME than the fact that I've been fighting for the last week and a half to have my hysterectomy go ahead, because OTHER people, like YOU here, have decided that they know me better than I do myself and that I am TOO YOUNG to make a medical decision about my own fucking body.


So how about I just stop trying to tell YOU how I think and feel, because CLEARLY the consenus is that I have NO FUCKING IDEA.

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There is no need to swear at me, I never mentioned your age or anything else for that matter!!!

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There is no need to swear at me, I never mentioned your age or anything else for that matter!!!


There's is a difference between swearing AT someone, for example: "you are a fuckhead", and swearing for EMPHASIS: "I am so fucking annoyed right now".


You really don't read anything I post. Why do you even bother posting in this thread? What would it matter to you, even if this email was the most important thing in my life right now? Why the hell do you even care?


And how the fuck could you possibly think for a moment that I wouldn't get annoyed by your pointless, tactless, obnoxious posts, telling me what I do and don't think and feel? Telling me what does and doesn't affect me and my life? Do you even know me?

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I'm sorry to hear of the various issues you've had that you have described s post or two back, but there is no need to take it out on me, its not my fault the way these people have treated you (and no I am not condoning their treatment of you!)

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Seriously, wtf.


And I think it'd be neat if the pastor replied, but at this point it could go either way. It's been a good long while. At least he knows where you stand and what brought you to this point. I hope the docs figure their asses out about the hysto. It took me a while to find a doc who'd surgically sterilize me--when I was around 30, it finally got done, but it wasn't easy to find a doctor who'd sterilize "such a young woman" who'd never had kids. Everybody thought I'd change my mind eventually--ha! Sometimes the owner of the body knows what's best for that body. Who'd'a thunk.

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If you want to post something, keep it supportive and encouraging. That's the purpose of this forum.


Peace out -





This is discussed in the forum guidelines: "These forums exist for the express purpose of encouraging those who have decided to leave religion behind."

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I'm sorry to hear of the various issues you've had that you have described s post or two back, but there is no need to take it out on me, its not my fault the way these people have treated you (and no I am not condoning their treatment of you!)


From what I read, she is in no way taking it out on you. Me, like many others here, are curious to see if her friend responds. We are here to support one other. Maybe you could do the same?

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Thank you 2H, sjessen, and GardnerGirl.


CDFree, I hope now that you may be able to understand why I got so annoyed by your posts. I don't appreciate anyone telling me that they know me better than I do myself, because I am far from confused on the matter. And after a week and a half of being informed by certain medical professionals that I was first unable to make a decision for my own well-being due to living with a mental health condition, and then being told that I was unable to make a decision on account of my age, and my own specialist's medical license being put at risk by other medical professionals because he was willing to do a medical procedure on me in my best interests despite my age, I really do not appreciate coming on to Ex-C.net and being told by you what does and does not affect me.


I may be 26. I may live with bipolar. But I do damn well know my own mind, and what is and isn't a major deal for me in my life right now. And I would appreciate it if you could just accept it when I say that this email is NOT a huge deal right now. I would love to hear back from my friend, no doubt about it. But I understand just how crazy life can be, and how quickly someone's world can be turned upside down by circumstances beyond their control. As a result, I am willing to wait a bit. I have my own shit to deal with right now anyway, which takes precedence. What's to say he doesn't have his own shit going on?


So do you think we can just put this to bed now, CDFree? Can you just accept that I'm not crying myself to sleep every night over this email? Because I would really appreciate not having to deal with you telling me what I think and feel on top of other people in my life right now.

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In all fairness, if Pudd did really care and wanted a reply, why would that matter or what's wrong with that?? This person was her mentor and a friend and she wants to know how he feels about her loss of faith and if he still believes. When you tell someone close to you that you no longer believe and then wait a month with no reply that would suck and perhaps hurt (although its not always unexpected).

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In all fairness, if Pudd did really care and wanted a reply, why would that matter or what's wrong with that?? This person was her mentor and a friend and she wants to know how he feels about her loss of faith and if he still believes. When you tell someone close to you that you no longer believe and then wait a month with no reply that would suck and perhaps hurt (although its not always unexpected).



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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess he never did reply to your email - I'm not really surprised, thats Christians for you, they run when you challenge them Wendyshrug.gif

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I guess he never did reply to your email - I'm not really surprised, thats Christians for you, they run when you challenge them Wendyshrug.gif


That's not really your call to make, nor anyone else's. He could just have a lot of personal shit going on right now. It would be rather arrogant of me to assume that my email sent him running. I'm not him, and neither are you, and there could be any number of reasons why he has not replied.

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Excellent response to the pastor, BP. You are a gem.

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I guess he never did reply to your email - I'm not really surprised, thats Christians for you, they run when you challenge them Wendyshrug.gif


I find this remark to be contradictory. Are we not here ex-Christians who did not run when challenged?

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I didn't mean run from his faith, because I don't believe for a second he has, I mean running from answering your questions. Face it, he was never going to answer you!!!

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I didn't mean run from his faith, because I don't believe for a second he has, I mean running from answering your questions. Face it, he was never going to answer you!!!


And that is what I was referring to as well. You are lumping all Christians together, seeing things in black and white. You seem to be saying that all Christians will run when confronted with questions. This simply isn't true and we are proof of that. So your conclusion that this pastor will not answer Pudd because all Christians run when challenged does not hold up. There is no way to know this.

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I didn't mean run from his faith, because I don't believe for a second he has, I mean running from answering your questions. Face it, he was never going to answer you!!!


Okay, let's use some logic here. What evidence do you have for your assertion that he was never going to answer my email? By what means do you know his thoughts? Really, I'm interested. I'm interested to know how you could possibly know what someone else, who lives in another country to you, who you don't even know the name of, thinks and their motives or lack of them. Because if you can, then you should be in a lab, getting studied!

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I don't know whether he considers me irrevocably lost, or whether he's looking into facts to come back with a response. I never really anticipated not receiving a response. I could call him up and say, "hey man, what's the go?", but I'm not quite ready yet to face a complete rejection from someone I admired and respected just yet. I'd like to just give him some more time first.


I just wanted to bring up this earlier post for emphasis: It's been a month and a half now and no way does it take a month and a half to make a response. His silence speaks volumes. When he claimed he was "just getting ready to reply" when you contacted him the second time weeks ago, he was obviously just bullshitting. I'm guessing he's still a believer and doesn't know how to respond to your questions because even in the back of his mind, he knows you made very good points that he has no answers to.


This man isn't worth admiring or respecting. An admirable or respectable person would at least have the decency to be upfront and admit that they had no answers, but he couldn't even do that.


Oh well. At least you got to see his true colors.

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