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Goodbye Jesus

How Would You Want To Exit This Life?


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After watching the videos Pockets posted, it got me thinking....


How do you want to go out?


If you knew the exact moment of your death, what would you do in the immediate time before? How would you want your loved ones to handle the process? Your body?


I'd want to spend the day before with my closest friends of my youth (one of whom just died early at 32 so he wouldn't be there :( ). I'd want to just sit back and watch them.... I wouldn't even necessarily want to interact much. Just watching them makes me laugh.


The last few hours I'd want to spend with my family- and let those that don't fully know where I stand that i am welcoming of my return to my pre-life state. May freak some of em out but they should know I wasnt under some delusion of eternal life. But also assure them that there's nothing wrong with embracing death.



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I think that many would agree with you mcdaddy.


I think I would like to just sit. And then sleep.


As to handling the process, that would be up to each person. I'll be dead. At that point, I think I could help them or guide them for a bit to cope, but ultimately it's up to them. The same applies to my body. The only request I would have is to either cremate me or do natural burial and then plant a tree over the body or the ashes.


The rest is up to them.

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I am going to drive a bull dozer off a cliff if I make it to 100...just for dramatic effect.

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I would want to get as high as a kite on something, eat any type of food that I always try not to and party with all my favorite friends and family. I do not want a funeral. I do not want ANY type of headstone. I want to be cremated and put in a pretty vase (bought at a regular store for $9.99) and have someone sprinkle me on the beach somewhere, where the waves can wash me out to sea.........

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I'd like to have a 16-ton weight dropped on me

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Throw the biggest insane party EVER. And after I've died, I want my friends and family to burn me on a pyre and turn it into a fucking revel fire. I want to be remembered with as much joy as possible, and your libation of choice. :)

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I want to be killed in a heroic phaser fight...when they invent phasers.

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Anywhere but a sick bed, and preferably while having a threesome sky diving off Angel Falls in Venezuela hopped up on Red Bull. But again, anywhere but a sick bed.


My body can swim with the fishes.

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I am going to drive a bull dozer off a cliff if I make it to 100...just for dramatic effect.


Now we're getting somewhere.


I'd like to have a 16-ton weight dropped on me


Ive actually thought of this too. Seriously. Also thought of having 16 sticks of dynamite duck taped to my head. BOOM! wouldnt feel a thing.


Throw the biggest insane party EVER. And after I've died, I want my friends and family to burn me on a pyre and turn it into a fucking revel fire. I want to be remembered with as much joy as possible, and your libation of choice. smile.png


A funeral pyre...going Greek on that ass. I like it!

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I just don't want it to hurt too much... hope to get to say good byes and I love you's to those who matter.


Two things I asked my mom to do for my funeral if she has to plan it:

1. Hire professional wailers (I love the dramatic entertainment value!)

2. Put giant plastic frogs all over the lawn and a sign that says "Kristen Croaked!" because I find it morbidly hilarious and rude.


She says she's not going to honour either of those wishes... so I have no hand in the planning smile.png

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OH! Just remembered. For my funeral, I also want a New Orleans style brass band playing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead." This is required.

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Shoot myself in the head with a shotgun and fall into a fire.

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