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Goodbye Jesus

My Coming Out Letter To My Friend/former Pastor


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you only buy christian hamburgers....


...but only with the special sauce ;)

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If the dizzy gal can't handle being questioned about her "invisible realities" (jesus christ on a pogo stick I cannot even what is this) without feeling "picked apart," I'm confused as to why the fuck she wants to talk to rock stars. I've met way more New Agers (neo-pagans mostly) than rock stars, but can definitely say the former community has plenty of members who value sincerity over substance and can tend toward the gullible. But rock stars? They're not all vacuous boobs like her. I'd love to see her in a room with Sting--he'd spiritually gut her like a trout if she's so fragile she can't handle questioning by one of her own parishioners and dear friends. She doesn't want to be a pastor. She wants to be a museum curator, like one found in some little town with a "history museum" that's only open two days a week. She wants to think of herself as striding into the thick of popular culture like a Crusader, but in truth she's terrified of any and all opposition.


Seriously, who the hell let her onto the big bad internetz without her padded helmet?

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Thank you for sharing these exchanges. I have yet to come out to anyone other than my own husband (who was ahead of me in the de-converstion process) and it helps to hear about your journey. I'm amazed at you and your husband's patience and overwhelming kindness in handling your friend and those around you. Truly commendable.

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Thank you for sharing these exchanges. I have yet to come out to anyone other than my own husband (who was ahead of me in the de-converstion process) and it helps to hear about your journey. I'm amazed at you and your husband's patience and overwhelming kindness in handling your friend and those around you. Truly commendable.


Thank you, Peace. And welcome to the forum! It's good to "meet" you. :)



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