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Goodbye Jesus

Would You Be On A Reality Show If Offered?

Mike D

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geez, you Americans just love being on TV don't you? I remember about ten years ago they tried an Oprah/Donahue type show here, forget who hosted it, but it was axed pretty quickly. THey discovered that those shows work in the US cos you guys just love talking about yourselves, and very loudly.


That's funny because some of the biggest attention whores I know are from other countries (especially Western Europe). They come here to America (more specifically to Hollywood) because they want to become movie stars and be rich and famous. I know, because that's where I live and I see it every day. They sit out on the patios at coffee shops wearing their big dark glasses talking as loudly as they can into their cellphones so everyone can hear them talking to their "agents", "making deals" and "getting pitched" to the studios. It's hilarious, half of them are probably talking to a dial tone.


Thank you! As you said, some of the biggest attention whores come from other countries - especially the UK. Look at annoying pricks like Simon Cowell, the Osbournes, Russell Brand, the Beckhams, etc. They all came to America desperate for attention.

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Goodbye Jesus

geez, you Americans just love being on TV don't you? I remember about ten years ago they tried an Oprah/Donahue type show here, forget who hosted it, but it was axed pretty quickly. THey discovered that those shows work in the US cos you guys just love talking about yourselves, and very loudly. The problem with this particular show was... no-one in the audience wanted to hold the microphone and ask questions and no-one got cranky, hence no conflict, hence no show.


Durr hurr I like making broad generalization and making fun of people from other countries. By the way, I am better than you people!


Ok, I apologize for offending your country, please don't bomb me. there I go again, sorry :P

I grew up surrounded by Americans cos the fundy school i went to was run by them and some of the students were American as well. Most of them were cool (except the head fundy/psycho), but most of them were loud and extroverted too. Nothing wrong with that, but that's just the honest impression I was left with. But yeah, I probably phrased that badly, sorry.

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Yeah... I am an American and being on tv would make me incredibly uncomfortable. Im already overly socially aware as it is. Being on tv would make it worse! But I think its a great opportunity for someone else. I would say go for it! :)

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