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Goodbye Jesus

"god Works Through People"


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Guest Valk0010

I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

just because it feels really good to say





Such trifle of a verbal insult is nothing compared to what Jesus went thru. My response should be "God loves you and so do I. "

I bet if jesus existed he would be ashamed of you. He ate dinner with the sinner's not mocked them.




Are you insane? I am not mocking you. You people throw f- bombs at each other like it is nothing. Christians like myself are shocked by your language. But I do not take offense. I have nothing against you. Why? Because God loves you and so do I.

And we aren't supposed to find, you peddling religious propaganda offensive? I find it offensive, and you can't tell me not the read, because your a preacher troll and this isn't a christian forum. Insane, sure why not. If am on mars your out of the solar system.
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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

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Guest Valk0010

I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.
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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.


Yeah, not exactly what I'd picture a hero for god looking like.

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Guest Valk0010

I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.


Yeah, not exactly what I'd picture a hero for god looking like.

But ohh, well a man of the cloth can get away with anything and the suckers like jayl will still buy. Me insane, not hardly.
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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.


Yeah, not exactly what I'd picture a hero for god looking like.

But ohh, well a man of the cloth can get away with anything and the suckers like jayl will still buy. Me insane, not hardly.


Well, Mr. Gibson IS an actor, after all...

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Guest Valk0010

I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.


Yeah, not exactly what I'd picture a hero for god looking like.

But ohh, well a man of the cloth can get away with anything and the suckers like jayl will still buy. Me insane, not hardly.


Well, Mr. Gibson IS an actor, after all...

hehe exactly
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Lol Aussie actor exports to the US suck barring one of course. Yvonne Strahovski (played Sarah Walker in Chuck)


I suppose Crocodile Dundee was also mildly OK - I enjoyed his movies at the time.


As for SA we have Charlize Theron we also exported and the dude that played the evil parts in the Mummy Arnold Vosloo(he also played the evil Vincent in Chuck) to name a few.

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Lol Aussie actor exports to the US suck barring one of course. Yvonne Strahovski (played Sarah Walker in Chuck)


...Mel Gibson is not an Aussie. He was born in the US. They can keep him! eviltongue.gif

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Ok I assumed because of the Mad Max films he was Aussie. At the time they were good but I watched them again recently and they are really lame. There are some good Aussie films and that is what you get for investing tons into the arts. Ours is not too bad but SA movies these days are scarce - or very low budget.

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Cabin in the Woods, which I just saw in the theater has way more blood in it than Passion of the Christ, I means barrels and barrels of blood everywhere. If you found watching Mel Gibson's light romp of some bloodied up actor on a stick inspiring, that move will put you over the topic in ecstasy!! firedevil.gif

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Personally, whenever someone tells me God is working through so and so and look at all the good that came of it, I get offended. It's very demeaning and again remphasizing how useless we are as inviduals left to our own devices. It's like thanking God for coming through surgery and being repaired. Why wouldn't you just thank the surgeon, his teachers, and supporting nurse staff?


It's a shitty way of avoiding giving credit where it is due because of ego. Period.

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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

Way to Hijack a thread! Good job. Why is this even in here?
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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.

Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!

Way to Hijack a thread! Good job. Why is this even in here?

My thoughts exactly. Let's get this thread back on track or just abandon the delusional twit who wants to share his imaginary friends with us.

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I'm up for getting back on track.


Look at the scripture I just found jack!!!Wendytwitch.gifGOD DOES NOT WORK THROUGH PEOPLE!!! eek.gif


''"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor isHe served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things" (Acts 17:24-25 NASB).


We've been lied to!! Wendytwitch.gifVOGT6223CustomImage8223074.gif


Margee, I hate to disagree with you, but I'm afraid that I do this time. This quote reads to me like it's about the trait of self-sufficiency, the claim that god has no physical/metaphysical/emotional/etc needs that he cannot himself fulfill. These verses do go into omnipotence a bit but still leaves room for "working through people" to be part of some "plan".


That said, I'm not a fan of the "god works through people" idea. It's a better mindset than "prayer solves everything", but it ultimately it runs into the same problem of inconsistency. It still requires apologetics to explain why humanly-preventable tragedies still happen, how it doesn't violate free will, and why the universe appears to operate in the same manner as a universe that has no divine intervention.

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As for SA we have Charlize Theron we also...




Charlize Theron...




Oh. Sorry. Carry on with whatever you were saying...

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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.



He is a very creative artist type person. We have to tolerate some odd behaviors.



Is Mel Gibson a troubled person? Was Van Gogh a troubled person? Was Beethoven a troubled person? How about Dostoyevsky? The history of creative arts is filled with 'troubled persons'.

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As for SA we have Charlize Theron we also...




Charlize Theron...




Oh. Sorry. Carry on with whatever you were saying...



Charlize Theron was really great in Monsters. Hard to forget that movie.

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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.




Well, he also made 'We were soldiers' which just happens to be THE GREAT WAR MOVIE EVER MADE !!!!!!




I am tellin' ya all, Mel Gibson is a genius of movie maker.


I have not seen his most recent movie about beaver doll but I am sure it is a very interesting movie. Apocalypto was also excellent.

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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.

I think similar. I also say is last good movie was lethal weapon as well.




Well, he also made 'We were soldiers' which just happens to be THE GREAT WAR MOVIE EVER MADE !!!!!!




I am tellin' ya all, Mel Gibson is a genius of movie maker.


I have not seen his most recent movie about beaver doll but I am sure it is a very interesting movie. Apocalypto was also excellent.


In general, I like Mel Gibson as an actor and as a director. But The Passion of the Christ is only moving to those who already believe its message. If you don't, then you're pretty much just watching a guy get tortured and killed for two hours. Not exactly what I would call an excellent film.

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I just finished watching the Passion of Christ - for my 17th or 18th time, I am not sure. Anyhow, I love that movie. I hope everyone here watch the movie.



Thank you, Mel Gibson. You are a hero for God!!!


That's funny. When I think of Mel Gibson, the image of a grown man having a child out of wedlock, cheating on his wife, bashing his girlfriend, and throwing tantrums including many anti-Semitic comments come to mind.



He is a very creative artist type person. We have to tolerate some odd behaviors.



Is Mel Gibson a troubled person? Was Van Gogh a troubled person? Was Beethoven a troubled person? How about Dostoyevsky? The history of creative arts is filled with 'troubled persons'.


Off-topic a moment: Don't patronise me. Being creative is not an excuse for violence or bad behaviour.

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Mel Gibson is a douchetard. His best performance was on South Park.

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