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Gonna Lay It All Out There...


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In Canada, we have an amazing health care system in which everyone gets health care coverage. We do have some waits for surgery, and our hospitals aren't as amazing as yours, but at least we don't break the bank every time we get diagnostics and treatments. In Canada, there is a move towards a two-tiered system, more like the US. Maybe the rich are more deserving of health care than the poor wacko.png .... I am a part of a group that is fighting this notion. One look south of the border should tell us all we need to know....

Ehh what part of canada are you from. Because from all the reports i have heard about canada's healthcare system. It makes the us canada thing a battle of


Die by lack of money or die by waiting.


Maybe you can start a thread in Totally Off Topic that explains how your vision of society would be better for someone like Zephie. In my vision of society, she'd have her needs met at no expense to her, courtesy of the U.S. government.

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Guest Valk0010

In Canada, we have an amazing health care system in which everyone gets health care coverage. We do have some waits for surgery, and our hospitals aren't as amazing as yours, but at least we don't break the bank every time we get diagnostics and treatments. In Canada, there is a move towards a two-tiered system, more like the US. Maybe the rich are more deserving of health care than the poor wacko.png .... I am a part of a group that is fighting this notion. One look south of the border should tell us all we need to know....

Ehh what part of canada are you from. Because from all the reports i have heard about canada's healthcare system. It makes the us canada thing a battle of


Die by lack of money or die by waiting.


Maybe you can start a thread in Totally Off Topic that explains how your vision of society would be better for someone like Zephie. In my vision of society, she'd have her needs met at no expense to her, courtesy of the U.S. government.


One can, of course, take the position that we don't care about the problems people face today, and want to think about a possible tomorrow. OK, but then don't pretend to have any interest in human beings and their fate, and stay in the seminar room and intellectual coffee house with other privileged people. Or one can take a much more humane position: I want to work, today, to build a better society for tomorrow -- the classical anarchist position, quite different from the slogans in the question. That's exactly right, and it leads directly to support for the people facing problems today: for enforcement of health and safety regulation, provision of national health insurance, support systems for people who need them, etc. That is not a sufficient condition for organizing for a different and better future, but it is a necessary condition. Anything else will receive the well-merited contempt of people who do not have the luxury to disregard the circumstances in which they live, and try to survive.[28]
-Noam Chomsky


I don't really have to do as you ask. If you abolish both state and corperations, you have doctors and businesses actually helping people instead of dictatorship.

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I don't really have to do as you ask. If you abolish both state and corperations, you have doctors and businesses actually helping people instead of dictatorship.


Of course you don't have to do as I ask. And I don't have to accept your farfetched premise. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


Isn't America great?


But it would be greater, I think, if Zephie could just set up her appointments and get her services and medicines if necessary without going to the poorhouse or having to wait until it is an ER situation.




I wish I could offer some helpful advice vis a vis the OP, Zephie, but I don't know much about this stuff because I have been fortunate enough to have employer-paid health care in all my jobs.

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It seems like everyone wants to move out of the states due to one thing or another. I know this isn't indicative of the current zeitgeist. but if it were, I wonder how the rightards would spin this if they saw what amounted to an mass exodus of the skilled and educated?


That IS what is happening. It is called SHRUGGING and I did it two years ago.


I withdrew my services from a city where the government wanted to charge me what amounted to a total of a 42% fee read: T*A*X for profits made inside the imaginary line of the city limits.


That place can dry up and DIE for all I care. And the population that I served STILL has no one.


"Everyone" needs to stop imagining that healthcare is a RIGHT. You do not have any RIGHT to hold a gun to my head and MAKE ME SERVE YOU AT A SIGNIFICANT LOSS to my livelihood>>>> OH>>>AND THEN SUE ME WHEN YOU GET A HICCUP. I went to school for TWELVE YEARS and am still paying student loans, and carried what amounted to 76% of my gross in LIABILITY INSURANCE. So I was no money bags....but that is not the point.


Health insurance is an expense that more folks should prioritize, like they do their cell phones and cable bills. If you drive a CAR but don't have health insurance, maybe you should take a bus. And stop having children you can't afford to PROPERLY care for.


The fact that THAT ASSHAT in Washington's DAUGHTERS will never be forced>>>>yes>>>FORCED (when you don't have a choice of health plans, that is FORCED) to use the socialized medical system should make all of us very angry. Those TWATS will NEVER. EVER. sit in a public clinic to get their annual exams. The fact that Liberals have ENSLAVED whole populations to depend upon the Government is no accident. It centralizes money and power AT THE TOP>>>RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE TO LAP IT UP.


The Liberal politicians who claim to "CARE" about all the "little people" so much wouldn't live in your neighborhoods. They wouldn't vacation in FLorida with all the commoners...preferring MARTHA'S VINEYARD....they think you are filthy scum who are useful to keep them in their limousines and fund their trips to Spain and Vegas.


Democrats have been waging WAR on poverty for two generations. Funny how they never win >>>IN SPITE OF BEING IN CONTROL OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS FOR ALMOST 40 of those years>>>because to WIN it would mean their power base would dissolve. Who would vote for them if they thought they didn't need them?


The population I served was a proud and sacrificial people. I took things in trade for my services UNTIL THE GOVERNMENT TOLD ME THAT I COULDNT ANYMORE>>>THANK YOU MEDICARE. Never mind my insurance company.




The only reason Canada and Cuba "appears to work" is because of THE UNITED STATES AND ITS R&D......without OUR FREE MARKETS....DOZENS of cancer drugs we take for granted wouldn't even EXIST! So they get the free ride and their systems are BROKEN. If ours finally codes, who will do the heavy lifting for the rest of the Good Socialist scumbag countries who need us to "succeed", all the while, running us down for it.


If "anyone" wants to move to Canada or some other socialized worker's paradise, I'll buy your ticket, but I'd rather you stay and receive the best care on the planet, at ANY price.


What is you healthcare worth to you? What are you willing to sacrifice to pay for a small insurance policy to meet your needs.



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Guest Valk0010

I don't really have to do as you ask. If you abolish both state and corperations, you have doctors and businesses actually helping people instead of dictatorship.


Of course you don't have to do as I ask. And I don't have to accept your farfetched premise. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


Isn't America great?


But it would be greater, I think, if Zephie could just set up her appointments and get her services and medicines if necessary without going to the poorhouse or having to wait until it is an ER situation.




I wish I could offer some helpful advice vis a vis the OP, Zephie, but I don't know much about this stuff because I have been fortunate enough to have employer-paid health care in all my jobs.

Doing good at the expense of others is still doing bad.
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Ummm...hey ya'll? Thanks for the input but I'd rather this not get into a big massive political debate over whether or not health care is a right. For anyone who wants to know or cares (and I'm not asking that you do) I work full time and my employer does not provide health care. I barely make ends meet while paying for the necessities. I have student loans as well. Any who, after seeing one of the responses, I'm going to see if I can close this thread. Thanks ya'll.

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