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Goodbye Jesus

My Nde, As A Response To A Couple Requests


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This is in response to those who requested I tell about my NDE and anyone else who might be interested...


...we ain't as smart as we think we are...


I'd like to share my NDE. I was at work, and doing some moderately physical work. My heart was racing, like it's never done before. I closed the huge engine cowl and walked up the aircraft stairs, 2 at a time, like I always do. My heart was beating incredibly fast, but I still felt OK. Then, as I walked into the cockpit, I collapsed to my knees. I slumped over the center console and I "knew" my heart was failing. My vision was starting to gray out, just like pulling too many "G's" in an aerobatic plane (which I had done many times) . With my rapidly failing strength, I grabbed the Pilot's oxygen mask, put it on, switched it to 100% O2 and took 2 deep breaths, and that was it. I was gone. (oh yeah, right before I died, I said "oh God no" )


I came to, (woke up) about 15 minutes later, according to my watch. I was surprised to be still alive. I did not feel well at all, and I was driven to the hospital, where I was taken in without delay. I was admitted and my heart issues were addressed. Come to find out, I had a massive infection that enlarged my heart to the size of a football. My heart's performance was erratic and quite poor. I had congestive heart failure and I had died.


I saw nothing. I remember nothing. I also had a very hard time understanding where that missing time went. I was simply gone.


I was fortunate, I had taken 2 aspirin earlier in the morning. That likely prevented blood clotting, and saved my life. When my heart re-started, it did not pump a clot into my brain or lungs.


I have had a very long and difficult recovery, if you can call it that. I certainly am not the same, capable, healthy individual I was.

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Sorry you had a serious health issue, and sad that it's affected you so. Hang in there, do what the docs tell you. And think posative! I hope you're able to make a remarkable recovery!


It's my understanding only 5 to 10 percent of people who experience serious health or accident issues resulting in flat lining who have an NDE (OBEs are something different). Why?....who knows.

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It's my understanding only 5 to 10 percent of people who experience serious health or accident issues resulting in flat lining who have an NDE (OBEs are something different). Why?....who knows.



Most people have lots of dreams throughout the night but only remember fragments of one if woken up during that dream, if anything at all of their dreams. There is some speculation that, similarly, maybe everybody who is clinically dead (or has a close brush with death etc.) has an NDE but it is only that 5 or 10 (or 18 in the Dutch study)% who remember experiencing some elements of the core NDE such as (list from http://en.wikipedia....r-death_studies ):

  • 1) a sense of being dead
  • 2) a feeling of peace and painlessness
  • 3) an out-of-body experience
  • 4) a tunnel experience (the sense of moving up or through a narrow passageway)
  • 5) encountering "People of Light"
  • 6) encountering a "Being of Light", a "force", or a similar figure
  • 7) being given a "life review"
  • 8) a reluctance to return to life
  • 9) The experience may also involve after-effects, such as: personality transformation, loss of the fear of death, greater spiritualism, and greater ecological sensitivity.

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It's my understanding only 5 to 10 percent of people who experience serious health or accident issues resulting in flat lining who have an NDE (OBEs are something different). Why?....who knows.



Most people have lots of dreams throughout the night but only remember fragments of one if woken up during that dream, if anything at all of their dreams. There is some speculation that, similarly, maybe everybody who is clinically dead (or has a close brush with death etc.) has an NDE but it is only that 5 or 10 (or 18 in the Dutch study)% who remember experiencing some elements of the core NDE such as (list from http://en.wikipedia....r-death_studies ):

  • 1) a sense of being dead
  • 2) a feeling of peace and painlessness
  • 3) an out-of-body experience
  • 4) a tunnel experience (the sense of moving up or through a narrow passageway)
  • 5) encountering "People of Light"
  • 6) encountering a "Being of Light", a "force", or a similar figure
  • 7) being given a "life review"
  • 8) a reluctance to return to life
  • 9) The experience may also involve after-effects, such as: personality transformation, loss of the fear of death, greater spiritualism, and greater ecological sensitivity.

Question is...are NDEs, OBEs and dreams actually the same types of experiences? I feel that NDEs and OBEs are strongly related yet dreams are merely brain functions. With NDEs and OBEs there is a conscious sense in leaving the body. I've never had a dream where I felt my consciousness has gone elsewhere. I don't know...maybe some have experienced that in a dream...but still...it's just a dream and not a real event.

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Question is...are NDEs, OBEs and dreams actually the same types of experiences? I feel that NDEs and OBEs are strongly related yet dreams are merely brain functions. With NDEs and OBEs there is a conscious sense in leaving the body. I've never had a dream where I felt my consciousness has gone elsewhere. I don't know...maybe some have experienced that in a dream...but still...it's just a dream and not a real event.



The person I heard speculating about that was Sam Parnia in this interview: http://youtu.be/eaYNcCQB_BA


but I'm not sure where in it he says it. [edit - 14:40] He is on the fence about whether or not there is an afterlife so maybe that comment was coming from the materialist side of him, suggesting that perhaps most people forget NDEs because they're unreal like dreams. [edit - that's not really what he's getting at, it had been a while since I listened to the interview]


I have the idea/belief that the physical universe exists in the consciousness or a dream of God, that matter arises from consciousness and stuff like that. So with that, a balloon I imagine in my mind isn't any more or less real than one in the physical world because ultimately they both only exist in someone's consciousness.


For me it's more helpful to distinguish between physical plane events and nonphysical plane events rather than to say one is real and another is not real. So two nonphysical plane events would be me popping a balloon in my mind and a dead person in the afterlife popping a balloon. Are all nonphysical plane events related in such a way that makes them harder to remember than physical plane events? Maybe. It's easier to remember where my body was and what I ate yesterday than it is to remember what I was daydreaming about.


Also, just because something is a profound real event doesn't mean you necessarily remember it minutes or hours later because people regularly lose all memory of portions of their lives due to alcohol blackouts and stuff like that. So, maybe, if it's true that everyone is having the NDE but only some are remembering it, it's because the people who forgot have some form of amnesia about it or there is some sort of problem with the recall of that information. You really don't have have to make a comparison between dreams and NDEs to talk about the possibility that those 85% have forgotten their NDE, but Sam Parnia did in the interview so that's why I brought it up.

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Question is...are NDEs, OBEs and dreams actually the same types of experiences? I feel that NDEs and OBEs are strongly related yet dreams are merely brain functions. With NDEs and OBEs there is a conscious sense in leaving the body. I've never had a dream where I felt my consciousness has gone elsewhere. I don't know...maybe some have experienced that in a dream...but still...it's just a dream and not a real event.



Both are OBE's because you are not in your body. There are people who can have OBE's every night if they wish. Like many things it is a skill that can be learned. NDE are just OBE where you travel to the Astral where souls reside between lives. The reason you meet being of light is because you were not suppose to go there just yet. So, your friends, guides whatever meet you on the other side to ease you into going back.


since studying the Micheal teachings, I have come to realize that a "real" event is a relative experience.



EDIT: The "suppose to go there yet" comment implies that there is some fate or destined time to die. This is only partially correct. You choose your point of departure from this life. Therefore, if you have a NDE you are not choosing to leave just yet. So the suppose to is based on your choice, not some sisters of fate, the gods, whatever.

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So you believe the strain of thought that says, between lives, we pick what our next life will be, and even the manner of death in that upcoming life?

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in a manner yes.


But more along the lines of general themes for the life, with multiple exit points available should the personality decide things are just to far off the rails.


However, once born the personality can completely change the initial plan should it so choose.

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Well, that really is all speculation. I have learned that some psychics/people who are involved with spirituality feel that's true...that we plan our own incarnated lives "on the other side". It's certainly not too far out for me and does make sense, but I won't go so far as to say I believe that's the truth of it. I saw no other beings, no deities or deceased relatives, just plants and trees. That I had to come back to this life seemed to come from within myself.


Thanks for posting that vid, nebula. I'm looking forward to watching it tomorrow.

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