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Goodbye Jesus

Is This World Just A Big Game Of Pretend?

Guest Babylonian Dream

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End I am among your friends here. Please know this. And please know that I fear not to say such a thing in public.


I think emotions are extremely important. But we must be wary of our very selves in my opinion. We each have the tendency to avoid looking at unpleasant facts. But if we fail to look at these facts, we will be far less equiped to shape an understanding and thereby more effectively deal with these facts.

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I happen to believe that Jesus has resurrected. So to me, all is OK.


For you Jay... but notfor millions of innocent people around the world. How is it possible that you can be so vain with this....do you walk around with your eyes closed? As long as you are 'saved' and can 'transend' things - that makes your little world, with your god alright?



This is not blind faith. I've examine the Biblical accounts and historical evidence in detail. I came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ did resurrect.


And what is your historical evidence pray tell?



Let me reminds you of some historical facts.



1. Jesus Christ died as a condemned criminal. He was crucified which was the most severe and most shameful punishment for a criminal at the time. At the time of his crucifixion, all his disciples fled and none defended him. They all scattered and ran for their lives.


2. The Gospel account records Jesus crying out, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?? '


3. The Jewish temple authority who condemned Jesus to death were equally hostile to anyone who try to teach about him.


4. The fact is that 'Jesus as Messiah' idea met most crushing and irreversible end when Jesus was crucified and died. The end of story.



The question you have to investigate is why the belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah got 'resurrected' !!


I'd say the Messiah belief is a result of great marketing. Look at Microsoft. They have a mediocre product called Windows but they advertise the crap out of it and it becomes the defacto standard in computing. Though Bill Gates 'probably' doesn't burn Mac or Linux users like witches, still his 'crusade' to make Windows the widest used OS on earth has been pretty successful.

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Yep, nothing like friends Larry.


How many times have we had this discussion. And let me say, until ANY of you can accomplish the reductionist approach to some WONDERFULLY high confidence interval, then you all need to hush and temper your pride with humility. Like Checkmate's thread, put up or shut up. Serial whining...

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End our humility is here. Hidden, nestled next to our vulnerability.


Speak to it and it shall come forth. Speak to our pride, and it too shall come forth.


So I have said it, and so it is. :HaHa:

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I have selfconfidence, so I'm sorry to hear, but I don't understand what you go through. What others believe doesn't affect what I do. I've always been my own person.



I'd say you have hope. Being independent minded is a strength in being a Christian.


Thanks for the lulz. Being a sheep and doing what the pastor says is being a good xian. Being an independent thinker sets you free from the mind prison of xianity in which you currently reside.

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End our humility is here. Hidden, nestled next to our vulnerability.


Speak to it and it shall come forth. Speak to our pride, and it too shall come forth.


So I have said it, and so it is. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


I can't help myself when I am the victim of the EX-C pile-on......but from all the rolling around, I am yet satisfied. I came remarkably close with the lignifcattion thread.....yes, that was satisfying.....lol.

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The good ol get out of jail free card!!! Good thing Jesus landed on community chest!!!



No, Jesus earned it - on the cross. The church is like the community chest, if you will. WE find the get out of jail card there.


Jesus died for a day and a half then went to heaven, so that you may have everlasting life, Halleluja. Thanks for that 'sacrifice.'

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Now it may be pretty hard for one to explain why it works, but it does work.


It's easy to explain it Jay......It's all emotional and YOU (and people like me) are the one who gets caught up in it. We THINK it is a spiritual experience, but it's just the brain.......


go watch people's heads being chopped off - it won't be the same experience........wink.png


I agree with Margee that it's easy to explain. It has to do with social bonding, pleasing parents, learning not to question what you're being told by others. It's about wanting to hear certain things that comfort you to the point you will put up with a whole host of negative things that don't comfort you. People stay in their faith for economic, social and psycological reasons - the strength of each factor being as different as people are from one another.

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Yep, nothing like friends Larry.


How many times have we had this discussion. And let me say, until ANY of you can accomplish the reductionist approach to some WONDERFULLY high confidence interval, then you all need to hush and temper your pride with humility. Like Checkmate's thread, put up or shut up. Serial whining...


end.....I never heard you speak like this....Wendytwitch.gif what does this mean... what you are saying....i don't understand.....

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End our humility is here. Hidden, nestled next to our vulnerability.


Speak to it and it shall come forth. Speak to our pride, and it too shall come forth.


So I have said it, and so it is. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


I can't help myself when I am the victim of the EX-C pile-on......but from all the rolling around, I am yet satisfied. I came remarkably close with the lignifcattion thread.....yes, that was satisfying.....lol.


This is of winning and losing. You have spoken to pride, and thus pride you shall have.

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Yep, nothing like friends Larry.


How many times have we had this discussion. And let me say, until ANY of you can accomplish the reductionist approach to some WONDERFULLY high confidence interval, then you all need to hush and temper your pride with humility. Like Checkmate's thread, put up or shut up. Serial whining...


end.....I never heard you speak like this....Wendytwitch.gif what does this mean... what you are saying....i don't understand.....


It means that the need to back up their rhetoric with chemistry.....in other words, emotions would be a function of billions of cells reacting by a certain mechanism to produce whatever, let's say "love" or "sadness". And once they do that with reproducibilty and accuracy, then I will listen more closely. Until then, it's just pride in the ability of humanity......which the Bible warns of.

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End our humility is here. Hidden, nestled next to our vulnerability.


Speak to it and it shall come forth. Speak to our pride, and it too shall come forth.


So I have said it, and so it is. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif


I can't help myself when I am the victim of the EX-C pile-on......but from all the rolling around, I am yet satisfied. I came remarkably close with the lignifcattion thread.....yes, that was satisfying.....lol.


This is of winning and losing. You have spoken to pride, and thus pride you shall have.


I must have won again, when all they have is the pile-on option. I've yet to see any mechanisms.....just claims of "facts".

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The gun was pointed at JayL. End just got pellet nicked, and he's sensitive today.


And I haven't made any claims. Xians do plenty of that.

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You must no comprende End. And I thought I was speaking so well. :HaHa: I must not be speaking well though if I'm not effectively communicating.


I will aid you in some battles here, because there are ideas here at ex-C, indeed which permeate the entire Western world, which must be vanquished in my opinion. But in other battles I will aid my fellow heathens. For while there are some battles you must win End, there are other battles you must lose.

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Yep, nothing like friends Larry.


How many times have we had this discussion. And let me say, until ANY of you can accomplish the reductionist approach to some WONDERFULLY high confidence interval, then you all need to hush and temper your pride with humility. Like Checkmate's thread, put up or shut up. Serial whining...


end.....I never heard you speak like this....Wendytwitch.gif what does this mean... what you are saying....i don't understand.....


You don't understand what End writes, Margee?


You don't 'get' what he means?


You need him to explain himself further?


Uh-huh. (Nods knowingly.)



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The gun was pointed at JayL. End just got pellet nicked, and he's sensitive today.


And I haven't made any claims. Xians do plenty of that.


Monty Python paraphase, "come back you coward, it's just a mere flesh wound".


"But you have no arms and legs"....

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You must no comprende End. And I thought I was speaking so well. GONZ9729CustomImage1539775.gif I must not be speaking well though if I'm not effectively communicating.


I will aid you in some battles here, because there are ideas here at ex-C, indeed which permeate the entire Western world, which must be vanquished in my opinion. But in other battles I will aid my fellow heathens. For while there are some battles you must win End, there are other battles you must lose.


I understood, I thought. If it's someone like Par, he needs the blood pressure boost just to have a meaningful day. It's my "special purpose".

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It means that the need to back up their rhetoric with chemistry.....in other words, emotions would be a function of billions of cells reacting by a certain mechanism to produce whatever, let's say "love" or "sadness". And once they do that with reproducibilty and accuracy, then I will listen more closely. Until then, it's just pride in the ability of humanity......which the Bible warns of.


What the hell are you talking about? Are you demanding that somebody explain neurology to you? I'm not a neurologist and I doubt anybody here happens to be one either. Never the less neurologists do exists and they have worked out some things regarding how the human brain works. They still have much to learn but they are making progress. What of it?

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It means that the need to back up their rhetoric with chemistry.....in other words, emotions would be a function of billions of cells reacting by a certain mechanism to produce whatever, let's say "love" or "sadness". And once they do that with reproducibilty and accuracy, then I will listen more closely. Until then, it's just pride in the ability of humanity......which the Bible warns of.


What the hell are you talking about? Are you demanding that somebody explain neurology to you? I'm not a neurologist and I doubt anybody here happens to be one either. Never the less neurologists do exists and they have worked out some things regarding how the human brain works. They still have much to learn but they are making progress. What of it?


See there you go....End, it all falls under neurology. Wow, what a dumb Christian. You should have known we have this all figured out under the heading neurology.


I doubt anyone could accurately predict what happens to a fart 30 feet from the perpitrator..... Do you really give science that much credibiility?

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It means that the need to back up their rhetoric with chemistry.....in other words, emotions would be a function of billions of cells reacting by a certain mechanism to produce whatever, let's say "love" or "sadness". And once they do that with reproducibilty and accuracy, then I will listen more closely. Until then, it's just pride in the ability of humanity......which the Bible warns of.


What the hell are you talking about? Are you demanding that somebody explain neurology to you? I'm not a neurologist and I doubt anybody here happens to be one either. Never the less neurologists do exists and they have worked out some things regarding how the human brain works. They still have much to learn but they are making progress. What of it?


See there you go....End, it all falls under neurology. Wow, what a dumb Christian. You should have known we have this all figured out under the heading neurology.


I doubt anyone could accurately predict what happens to a fart 30 feet from the perpitrator..... Do you really give science that much credibiility?



Clearly it is everyone else's fault that you cannot communicate and that things you imagine are not mentioned in the Bible.


Dude, I can't figure out what you wish you could say.


And yes a computer with the proper deferential equations can accurately represent the defusing of methane in the air. Physicists can do it with pencil and paper but that would require much more work. I notice that not trusting science doesn't stop you from using computers to communicate around the world wide super information highways.

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It's his typical response. When all else fails, he plays dumb and demands we educate him and spoon-feed him every single concept. When we refuse, he declares victory.


It's hard to take someone seriously who is that deficient in reasoning skills. It's like picking on the "exceptional" kid on the school bus.

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It's his typical response. When all else fails, he plays dumb and demands we educate him and spoon-feed him every single concept. When we refuse, he declares victory.


It's hard to take someone seriously who is that deficient in reasoning skills. It's like picking on the "exceptional" kid on the school bus.


Deliver the mechanisms.....one billion brain cells, one billion people, one billions stars. Who's delusional?


Who else is playing dumb? Can you tell me how to believe? Prove your God for me?

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I want to express myself again here. I mean, why not? :shrug:


I think End is a strange cat, but then so am I.

I believe he does come here sometimes with frivolous purposes, but then so do I.

I think End has something to contribute here.

I believe he also has things to gain.

I think he is growing.

Do I think he'll ever be a heathen? I don't know and don't care.

I believe End likes us.

I know I like End.


Bleh, that was a bunch of "I"s. :HaHa: I much prefer to say "we".

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Guest Valk0010

Ok, let's do another......cause three out of four of you seem to have conceptual difficulties. If you walk into a place of employment, do you just walk over to your job

I've got a question. 4 pages in and still it hasn't been answered. Other than pretending that the Bible is true, how do you start believing? How do you make a volutionary choice to believe? The concept is something I'm still having trouble understanding. Or are the Believers going to admit that they're just faking it?


Did you read my earlier post?


Obedience is a good start when there is no understanding. Then success comes with obedience. Then your mind puts 1 and 1 together and makes the call.....unless you choose to ignore success.


For example: Mom tells a 4 year old to wash their hands.


The four year old doesn't understand why they should wash their hands until they are 14 years old.


Then the 14 yo says, "wow, mom(God) was right....and I don't get the death shits either...bonus!"


So start there with an open mind.

That is circular. Here is why, your starting with your conclusion. Authority is right.


I approached Christianity from a "it's all wrong".....

Now its a equivocation fallacy. Try again. Your trying to make tomato and tamateo the same thing.


I'm going to have to study all of the terminology Valk.....I read some of them and still don't understand...doh.

Well mostly, your trying to take obedience in a totally different sense and scenario and trying to say it fits where it doesn't belong, that is a equivocation of concepts as far as I understand. A concept fitting for only one situation can't be forced into another.
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Deliver the mechanisms.....one billion brain cells, one billion people, one billions stars. Who's delusional?


Who else is playing dumb? Can you tell me how to believe? Prove your God for me?



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