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Goodbye Jesus

Is This World Just A Big Game Of Pretend?

Guest Babylonian Dream

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Does someone make you come here?

I'm wondering that myself. Is some church paying him to come here to get his ass kicked on a regular basis?


Gosh ma'am, I am so missing your scientific input in the lignification thread and analytical methods analogy.


You missed everybody's scientific input. Your were too busy insulting everyone for not buying your personal pet religion. Why is it that you get so angry, behave so rude, lie so much and then pretend like you are the one being reasonable?


Here is the scientific fact:


You have no objective evidence at all supporting your personal religious beliefs. Nada. Zip. Nothing. So what conclusion should you arrive at from this nothing? Follow the nothing evidence and it will lead to nothing. That is da facts. Calling names won't change those facts. Stop being angry at everyone else over your unsupported beliefs.

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Does someone make you come here?

I'm wondering that myself. Is some church paying him to come here to get his ass kicked on a regular basis?


Gosh ma'am, I am so missing your scientific input in the lignification thread and analytical methods analogy.


You missed everybody's scientific input. Your were too busy insulting everyone for not buying your personal pet religion. Why is it that you get so angry, behave so rude, lie so much and then pretend like you are the one being reasonable?


Here is the scientific fact:


You have no objective evidence at all supporting your personal religious beliefs. Nada. Zip. Nothing. So what conclusion should you arrive at from this nothing? Follow the nothing evidence and it will lead to nothing. That is da facts. Calling names won't change those facts. Stop being angry at everyone else over your unsupported beliefs.


You're too stupid to understand that you can't explain everything with facts dumb ass....and use it as justification for treating people poorly.


So fuck you sir.

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How superior is another belief if it yields something worse and even justified within it's opinion?


You'd have to pinpoint the belief that caused the behavior. Non-belief can't cause poor behavior.


For example, Akehia the Christian husband, man hater. She knows not who I am, but hates per gender and label. And you expect me to decide her belief is superior?


What belief caused her to offend you? I don't know if you're talking about a religious belief or the lack of. Not all human behavior is due to religion or no religion. That goes for Christians who behave badly, too.



Like I said, at least Christians admit to having problems.


Not all Christians do, that's for sure!


When each of you say generalities about Christianity, they don't apply to all. Moreover, some interpretations of Christianity are grossly lacking in considered thought.




And again, you would wish me to switch for which of these reasons? I could think of more if need be.


I don't want you to switch to anything, but I do think you'll have to rely more on faith, than evidence or analogies that "prove" Christianity to be more true than everyday reality, because we can only (at best) comprehend reality with the tools of science and our senses. You can also just accept that God is more a mystery than a God Incarnate.

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You're too stupid to understand that you can't explain everything with facts dumb ass....and use it as justification for treating people poorly.


I treat you poorly because you lie. Lying is a pet peeve of mine. Do it and I get pissed off. When you stop doing it I go back to treating you with respect. However that doesn't seem to last. Don't you find it funny how your God can't seem to get you to behave right no matter how much imaginary righteousness or hocus pocus prayer spells or whatever it is God is suppose to do for you?


On the other hand it's amusing how you repeatedly assert "stupid" and "dumb ass" because you cannot refute the simple flaws in the idea you offer. You keep putting forward this science-to-religion disconnect and it irks you up how it isn't valid. Of course all the people who can explain how and why your ideas are flawed who must be stupid. It's their stupidity that allows them to defeat your ideas so easily. And it's your awesome genus intellect smartness that prevents you from catching or fixing these flaws in your ideas.


So fuck you sir.


Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Thanks a bunch.

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Guest Valk0010

I don't mind winning. I am disappointed that y'all aren't bright enough to understand what I am discussing. It's a shallow victory, but a victory none the less.

I vote for giving you the head up the ass avatar.
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You're too stupid to understand that you can't explain everything with facts dumb ass....and use it as justification for treating people poorly.


I treat you poorly because you lie. Lying is a pet peeve of mine. Do it and I get pissed off. When you stop doing it I go back to treating you with respect. However that doesn't seem to last. Don't you find it funny how your God can't seem to get you to behave right no matter how much imaginary righteousness or hocus pocus prayer spells or whatever it is God is suppose to do for you?


On the other hand it's amusing how you repeatedly assert "stupid" and "dumb ass" because you cannot refute the simple flaws in the idea you offer. You keep putting forward this science-to-religion disconnect and it irks you up how it isn't valid. Of course all the people who can explain how and why your ideas are flawed who must be stupid. It's their stupidity that allows them to defeat your ideas so easily. And it's your awesome genus intellect smartness that prevents you from catching or fixing these flaws in your ideas.


So fuck you sir.


Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Thanks a bunch.


Dude, how often did you get your ass handed to you within our conversations, and then your statements full of ignorance. Then to couch it under some anti-Christian rhetoric. And there is not just you, but an entire heard of you with "stars upon thars". That's Seuss. You probably don't read Suess, you have a wine tasting to attend in your pretentious belief world.


Answer this if you dare have the gonads.....Can everthing in this reality be explained with facts?

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I don't mind winning. I am disappointed that y'all aren't bright enough to understand what I am discussing. It's a shallow victory, but a victory none the less.

I vote for giving you the head up the ass avatar.


And you Valk, I've made special effort to be nice to you when you damn sure didn't deserve nice. So stick it up your ass as well.

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You're too stupid to understand that you can't explain everything with facts dumb ass....and use it as justification for treating people poorly.


I treat you poorly because you lie. Lying is a pet peeve of mine. Do it and I get pissed off. When you stop doing it I go back to treating you with respect. However that doesn't seem to last. Don't you find it funny how your God can't seem to get you to behave right no matter how much imaginary righteousness or hocus pocus prayer spells or whatever it is God is suppose to do for you?


On the other hand it's amusing how you repeatedly assert "stupid" and "dumb ass" because you cannot refute the simple flaws in the idea you offer. You keep putting forward this science-to-religion disconnect and it irks you up how it isn't valid. Of course all the people who can explain how and why your ideas are flawed who must be stupid. It's their stupidity that allows them to defeat your ideas so easily. And it's your awesome genus intellect smartness that prevents you from catching or fixing these flaws in your ideas.


So fuck you sir.


Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Thanks a bunch.


You are so fucking stupid. Do you not think I don't understand there is no objective evidence. You are a complete moron.


I dare say you win the "king fundamental of this site" award. Been here four years or so and have seen some doozies, but you are winning by lenths....oh shit, so you will understand, AU's. There, much better, dick.

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Guest Valk0010

Does someone make you come here?


Finally been here long enough to learn some of the arguments. And now that I can refute them somewhat, it's "can't you just leave". But the kicker is, that if I were to change my belief status to something other than a Christian, then BAM, welcome END3!, we know you are a good guy!......your pain is our pain, join us in the fight against those evil Christians. My behavior is sometimes purposely nothing other that returning the behavior I receive, yet under my label, I am condemned as a human.


Ha, what at hoot.


So yeah, it has crossed my mind lately that I am needing to move on as I am finding this place increasingly something. I assume it serves it's function for what it is. but it doesn't often exceed that. With that said, there are some good discussions here that I enjoy.

We haven't interacted much, but I would say, your refutations suck. And btw, if you decided to be something other then christian, you would at best get a "Good for you" from me and maybe a suggestion or two, but not that condescending horse shit FROM ME AT ANY RATE. I am off the view religion makes people more awful, can't really get around that. Though really, if this place only makes you miserable, better for you to go.
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Guest Valk0010

I don't mind winning. I am disappointed that y'all aren't bright enough to understand what I am discussing. It's a shallow victory, but a victory none the less.

I vote for giving you the head up the ass avatar.


And you Valk, I've made special effort to be nice to you when you damn sure didn't deserve nice. So stick it up your ass as well.

meh, I get tired of dealing with condescending people and buffoons. A eye for a eye. I would be nice to a 9/11 truther and a fundy. But if they asked me, if I thought there beliefs were reasonable I would say, no there fucking stupid. Doesn't mean I see them anymore then good people with shit beliefs. So end yeah. A eye for a eye.
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There was some discussion earlier on this thread about the desire to believe and does that make it true? Then the true Christian came to set us all stright by reminding us that Jesus wants us to go fuck ourselves -- or whatever.


Anyway -- I had a disscussion with someone who was a true believer in the old backmasking concept. The idea that there are hidden satanic messages in music that are revealed when played backwards. (I admit that I bought into that briefly and played records backwards to find hidden messages until I just got bored with it.)


His main argument was -- you don't want that to be true. He said that he understood because he didn't want it to be true either but the evidence became overwhealming.


My main point was that it was paradolia. Words played backwards say nothing, mean nothing, just sounds. Sometimes they can sound very similar to actual words in the English language and that people are pattern-seeking animals and that we create patterns in things that are not there. There is a picture of W. C. Fields in my rug.


I tiried to explain to him about scientific testing and how a double-blind experiment with controls works. Nope -- I just don't want to believe it.


I do not think that reality cares what I do and do not want to be true. Reality exists entirely separate from my thoghts. That which was there before I was and will be there after I am not.

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You're too stupid to understand that you can't explain everything with facts dumb ass....and use it as justification for treating people poorly.


I treat you poorly because you lie. Lying is a pet peeve of mine. Do it and I get pissed off. When you stop doing it I go back to treating you with respect. However that doesn't seem to last. Don't you find it funny how your God can't seem to get you to behave right no matter how much imaginary righteousness or hocus pocus prayer spells or whatever it is God is suppose to do for you?


On the other hand it's amusing how you repeatedly assert "stupid" and "dumb ass" because you cannot refute the simple flaws in the idea you offer. You keep putting forward this science-to-religion disconnect and it irks you up how it isn't valid. Of course all the people who can explain how and why your ideas are flawed who must be stupid. It's their stupidity that allows them to defeat your ideas so easily. And it's your awesome genus intellect smartness that prevents you from catching or fixing these flaws in your ideas.


So fuck you sir.


Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Thanks a bunch.


Dude, how often did you get your ass handed to you within our conversations, and then your statements full of ignorance.


I don't recall that ever happening with you. Vigile clobbered me in a debate regarding legalizing drugs several month ago, so it does happen. I'm not sure how my statements will hold up over time regarding the Zimerman-Martin shooting. I may have made some errors there. We shall see.


But when have you ever handed me my ass? Ever?


Of course you will provide no examples. You demonstrated your own ignorance in this thread when you wrongly assumed I saw science and religion as diametrically opposed. That was a strawman fallacy you created.


Then to couch it under some anti-Christian rhetoric. And there is not just you, but an entire heard of you with "stars upon thars". That's Seuss. You probably don't read Suess, you have a wine tasting to attend in your pretentious belief world.


Are you done with bearing false witness and displaying your ignorance? Maybe it's not really lying when a Christian does it.


Answer this if you dare have the gonads.....Can everthing in this reality be explained with facts?


Reality cannot be fully understood by the human mind. I expect that our decedents will never evolve to the point where they can understand everything. Furthermore many facts will always remain unavailable to us. So humans will not be able to explain everything with facts.


Awe, did I not live up the the characher you pained of me?

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Does someone make you come here?


Finally been here long enough to learn some of the arguments. And now that I can refute them somewhat, it's "can't you just leave". But the kicker is, that if I were to change my belief status to something other than a Christian, then BAM, welcome END3!, we know you are a good guy!......your pain is our pain, join us in the fight against those evil Christians. My behavior is sometimes purposely nothing other that returning the behavior I receive, yet under my label, I am condemned as a human.


Ha, what at hoot.


So yeah, it has crossed my mind lately that I am needing to move on as I am finding this place increasingly something. I assume it serves it's function for what it is. but it doesn't often exceed that. With that said, there are some good discussions here that I enjoy.


Your belief system is contrary to the name of the website, so yes you will be condemned. :-) But I would be condemned if I went to a Christian forum and started spouting anti-Christian stuff. Hell, I feel condemned by the anti-woo sentiment here sometimes...but I've learned a lot here, especially about logic, reasoning, evidence and debate.

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Guest Valk0010

End hates it, that his idea has no traction. Well it has no traction because its plain wrong. Now he is getting buthurt that we are telling him so. He is a arrogant ass. Yay a new Ray Comfort. Yay a new typical christian. I thought he was respectable. Ehh he ain't no different then the rest of them. He can't prove Christianity's, key tenets, a god that cares about human affairs, raised the dead and cures not all blindness. Yet he expects us to convert just because of a fake similarity that totally superficial and that is at best, just a form of apologetics that only makes sense if you already assume Christianity is true to begin with. So what, if the god of the bible's ethics are similar to that of chemistry. Does that prove that Jesus rose from the dead or the bible god isn't evil and contradictory. No. Its just a superficial similarity.


Faith and religion=no evidence and no scientific method


Chemistry=evidence and scientific method.


Claim a similarity with that to consider is nothing but a superficial and meaningless similarity. If anything its a contrived similarity.

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Still waiting for all the examples of times you handed me my ass, End.


Was it in this thread in post 98 when you dismissed my comments regarding relationships with " . . . but our hearts say otherwise."?


Was it in post #128 when you made this generic statement:

And let me say, until ANY of you can accomplish the reductionist approach to some WONDERFULLY high confidence interval, then you all need to hush and temper your pride with humility. Like Checkmate's thread, put up or shut up. Serial whining...


I'm wondering if that was your idea of you handing me my ass?


Was it in post #144 when I asked you to clarify so you told me:

See there you go....End, it all falls under neurology. Wow, what a dumb Christian. You should have known we have this all figured out under the heading neurology.

I doubt anyone could accurately predict what happens to a fart 30 feet from the perpitrator..... Do you really give science that much credibiility?


Was that you handing me my ass?


How about post #147 where you demanded of Akheia:

Deliver the mechanisms.....one billion brain cells, one billion people, one billions stars. Who's delusional?

Who else is playing dumb? Can you tell me how to believe? Prove your God for me?


How about post #158 when you told me the problem is that you don't think I am smart enough? Is that you handing me my ass? You said it in response to me pointing out that your religious-science disconnect starts with the Bible which is subjective nonsense.


Did you hand me my ass in post #186 when you asserted:

The internal standard method supports Christianity and reality in many ways....


The Holy Spirit being internal vs. the external Law

Internal standards are like the analyte but not exacty the analyte (we are created in God's image)

An external standard (the world) being unpure.

Diet....you are what you eat.


So the question is, how do you account for reality giving you the purity, the example, needed for a standard way of life?


Or 194 when you asserted:

All I am saying is that in analytical chemistry, the "external standard method" is remarkably close to comparing ourselves to the OT Law or God in that you have a external known standard, moral in this case. And the same can be said about the "internal standard method" except that we compare ourselves to an internal standard, the Holy Spirit.


Did you hand me my ass when I pointed out to you in post 195 that both the Bible and God are not a standard?


Was it in post 201 when I told you that "If you are trying to turn your religion into a science that is the opposite of impressive."?


Your response to this was a strawman fallacy. Surely you can't think your fallacy was handing me my ass.


End in post 203:

You can't even consider that science and religion not diametrically opposed.


This is both a false statement and also a mischaracterization of what I said.


Did you hand me my ass with your post 210?

If you want to carry on a conversation, please go read the analytical methods I referenced and then compare them to God the Father as an external standard and the Holy Spirit as an internal standard. It mixes science and theology in a very unique match. If everyone here wants to deny and go ad hom, then that is status quo. After four years of putting up with this bullshit, learning the arguments, taking the abuse, the audacity of these peckerwoods to not consider what I have noticed is the pinnacle of what God is describing as prideful.


No guts, no glory. Now I have a little glory, and there is no one with guts.


Just where did you hand me my ass End? Do tell.

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what I have noticed


And if what you noticed only makes sense to you..?


By the way, thank you for being an illustration of the 'holy spirit's incapacity to change anyone.

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I'm still waiting End. Where did you hand me my ass? Was it when you dropped the F-bomb? Was that it?


Maybe it was here:

You are so fucking stupid. Do you not think I don't understand there is no objective evidence. You are a complete moron.


I dare say you win the "king fundamental of this site" award. Been here four years or so and have seen some doozies, but you are winning by lenths....oh shit, so you will understand, AU's. There, much better, dick.


Did you hand me my ass by calling me stupid, moron or dick?


Did you hand me my ass when you admitted that you have no objective evidence, which would mean I am right and you are wrong? Was that you handing me my ass?


Still waiting.

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Reality cannot be fully understood by the human mind. I expect that our decedents will never evolve to the point where they can understand everything. Furthermore many facts will always remain unavailable to us. So humans will not be able to explain everything with facts.


Awe, did I not live up the the characher you pained of me?


See, this is a great statement, but somehow you make a leap, draw a conclusion, whatever you want to call it, to "knowing" the discovery of God or measurement of thereof is not possible. You limit evidence to objective reality, when there is subjective reality as well. And we don't know squat about subjective. My apologies, but this makes no sense to me.

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I'm still waiting End. Where did you hand me my ass? Was it when you dropped the F-bomb? Was that it?


Maybe it was here:

You are so fucking stupid. Do you not think I don't understand there is no objective evidence. You are a complete moron.


I dare say you win the "king fundamental of this site" award. Been here four years or so and have seen some doozies, but you are winning by lenths....oh shit, so you will understand, AU's. There, much better, dick.


Did you hand me my ass by calling me stupid, moron or dick?


Did you hand me my ass when you admitted that you have no objective evidence, which would mean I am right and you are wrong? Was that you handing me my ass?


Still waiting.


Get over it already. You're ass was handed to you when you made ignorant assumptions about my education, my profession, and your knowledge of science. You seemed to have missed those in your cutting and pasting posting sessions. But hey, you get an A+ for effort. That's today's eduction system grade. But you can take the test as many times as you like.

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Get over it already. You're ass was handed to you when you made ignorant assumptions about my education, my profession, and your knowledge of science.


I responded to your absurd claims.


You seemed to have missed those in your cutting and pasting posting sessions.


How am I suppose to know what you mean by what you won't communicate?


But hey, you get an A+ for effort. That's today's eduction system grade. But you can take the test as many times as you like.


Who needs to get over himself?

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Reality cannot be fully understood by the human mind. I expect that our decedents will never evolve to the point where they can understand everything. Furthermore many facts will always remain unavailable to us. So humans will not be able to explain everything with facts.


Awe, did I not live up the the characher you pained of me?


See, this is a great statement, but somehow you make a leap, draw a conclusion, whatever you want to call it, to "knowing" the discovery of God or measurement of thereof is not possible.


You are lying about me again. Why do you do that? I never said nor implied that if a God exists then measurement of that God is not possible or would never be possible.



I just love how you take a passage that doesn't say one god damn thing about god, and you project onto that passage a conclusion about god. How deluded do you have to be to twist everything back to your obsession?


You limit evidence to objective reality, when there is subjective reality as well. And we don't know squat about subjective. My apologies, but this makes no sense to me.


Oh so you handed me my ass in your subjective fantasy? That would explain a lot.

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Reality cannot be fully understood by the human mind. I expect that our decedents will never evolve to the point where they can understand everything. Furthermore many facts will always remain unavailable to us. So humans will not be able to explain everything with facts.


Awe, did I not live up the the characher you pained of me?


See, this is a great statement, but somehow you make a leap, draw a conclusion, whatever you want to call it, to "knowing" the discovery of God or measurement of thereof is not possible.


You are lying about me again. Why do you do that? I never said nor implied that if a God exists then measurement of that God is not possible or would never be possible.



I just love how you take a passage that doesn't say one god damn thing about god, and you project onto that passage a conclusion about god. How deluded do you have to be to twist everything back to your obsession?


You limit evidence to objective reality, when there is subjective reality as well. And we don't know squat about subjective. My apologies, but this makes no sense to me.


Oh so you handed me my ass in your subjective fantasy? That would explain a lot.


I don't want to misunderstand you, so I would enjoy you actually discussing your thoughts regarding subjectivity vs science. Certainly the assumption would be that it's physiological, but you say it's fantasy as you did here in this last statement. I don't want to lie by me making a leap about your thoughts, so fire away so that I may understand.

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I don't want to misunderstand you, so I would enjoy you actually discussing your thoughts regarding subjectivity vs science.


You have a lot of retracting to do first. Get on it.

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I don't want to misunderstand you, so I would enjoy you actually discussing your thoughts regarding subjectivity vs science.


You have a lot of retracting to do first. Get on it.

I have nothing to retract.

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